Forefront Identity Manager 2010 Installation & Configuration
Configuring an Inbound Group Synchronization Rule
Anthony Marsiglia & Kristopher Tackett
Microsoft Premier Field Engineering
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Prepared by Anthony Marsiglia & Kristopher TackettMicrosoft Premier Field Engineering
Forefront Identity Manager 2010 Installation & Configuration
Configuring an Inbound Group Synchronization Rule
Thus far, we have created a means for getting users out of Active Directory and into the portal, as well as provisioned from the Portal to Active Directory. Now we will address groups. Though the process is similar (SR, MPR, WF), there is some added complexity with regard to the custom expressions that are required for groups to flow correctly.
To begin, navigate to the Portal home screen:
In the right-hand menu, select “Synchrnonization Rules”
This will open the Synchronization Rules menu.
In the top menu, click “New”
In the “General” tab, enter a display name and description, then select “Inbound” for “Data Flow Direction”. Click “Next” to continue.
Under the “Scope” tab, for “Metaverse Resource Type” select “group”. For “External System”, select the Active Directory management agent you wish to use. For “External System Resource Type”, select “group”. Click “Next” to continue.
For the “Relationship” tab, use the drop-down menu below “MetaverseObject:group(Attribute)” to select “accountName”. For “ConnectedSystemObject:group(Attribute)”, select “sAMAccountName”.
If you would like to create the object in the FIM Portal if it does not exist, Be sure to place a check in the box next to “Create resource in FIM”, then click “Next” to continue.
Now we must configure “Inbound Attribute Flows”. Most of these are straight forward, with two exceptions.
For destination attribute “Type”, on the “Origin” tab, select “Custom Expression” and enter the following:
For destination attribute “Scope”, on the “Origin” tab, select “Custom Expression” and enter the following:
Also note, “member”, “membershipLocked” and “membershipAddWorkflow” are all string values.
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Prepared by Anthony Marsiglia & Kristopher TackettMicrosoft Premier Field Engineering