Chapter 23 The New Deal
Mr. Tuttle
1. 6.1A Grade 12 CPI 09.A
Analyze how the actions and policies of the United States government contributed to the Great Depression.
2. 6.1B Grade 12 CPI 09.A
Determine how agricultural practices, overproduction, and the Dust Bowl intensified the worsening economic situation during the Great Depression.
3. 6.1C Grade 12 CPI 10.A
Evaluate the effectiveness of economic regulations and standards established during this time period in combating the Great Depression.
4. 6.1D Grade 12 CPI 09.B
Analyze the impact of the Great Depression on the American family, migratory groups, and ethnic and racial minorities.
1.All of the following are underlying causes of the depressionexcept:
b.Uneven distribution of wealth
d.Too much governmentregulation
2.October 29, 1929 is best known as theday...
a.World War Iended
b.The Stock Market crashed
c.Hoover declared a Bank Holiday
d.Roosevelt announced his candidacy for President
3.High winds and drought aggravated the depression by causingthe
a.Dust Bowl
b.Great Drought of 1930
c.Government to spend more on water projects
d.Bonus March
4.Most people blamed this person or the GreatDepression.
a.Franklin Roosevelt
b.Theodore Roosevelt
c.J. Edgar Hoover
d.Herbert Hoover
5.What does FDR stand for?
a.Federal Department of Revenue
b.Five Documents of Remonstrance
c.Franklin Delano Roosevelt
6.Why did Eleanor Roosevelt become a public speaker in the early1920’s?
a.Franklin had contracted Polio
b.She was campaigning for publicoffice
c.She was working to give women the right tovote
d.She wanted to raise money for conservativecauses
7.Few people in the 1920’s knew thatRoosevelt...
a.was a member of the Republican Party.
b.had a model stand in for his image put on the ten-centpiece.
c.was paralyzed in the legs.
d.failed his college entrance examtwice.
8.What is a Bank Run?
a.People panic and run to the bank to withdraw theirsavings.
b.A charity event to raise money through 5kraces.
c.When banks “run away” with people’smoney.
d.A way to gauge how fluid a given bankis.
9.Before winning the Presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt served as all of theseexcept...
b.state senator
c.assistant secretary of the Navy
d.vice president
10.Which of the following LEAST describes why bank runs greatly increased just before Roosevelt tookoffice?
a.Many people wanted to convert their money to gold in case Roosevelt abandoned the goldstandard.
b.Many people were afraid that Roosevelt’s progressive policies would worsen economicconditions.
c.People wanted cash in case the depressiondeepened.
d.People wanted cash to invest in the stock market before prices roseagain.
11.Roosevelt based his New Deal Policies on ideas that camefrom...
a.The Democratic party platform
b.Programs that were effective in previousDepressions
c.His diverse group of advisors
d.The Supreme Court Justices
12.U.S. President who gave FDR his first federal appointment.
A. Smith B. Hoover C. Wilson D. Coolidge E. Taft
13. In 1920, FDR lost his bid for this office.
A. Post Master B. Patent Office Director C. Vice President D. POTUS
14 .For much of his adult life FDR battled this disease.
A. Cancer B. Polio C. Lupus D. ALS E. Ebola
15 .In 1928, FDR replaced this man as Governor of New York.
A. Al Smith B. Al Haig C. Al Jolsen D. Al D’amato E. Al Cooper
16. “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a ______for the American People.” – FDR
A. New Deal B. Square Deal C. Fair Deal D. Big Deal E. Even Deal.
17. Strategy first used by FDR on March 12, 1933 to reach the American people in an attempt restore their confidence in the banking system.
A. Inaugural Address B. Fireside Chat C. Fold D. Screen E. Cross Block
18.Agency that provided government sponsored insurance to participating banks.
A. SEC B. FDIC C. AAA D. QED E. Lloyds of London
19.Agency that was created to regulate the stock market and reduce fraud.
A. SEC B. FDIC C. AAA D. QED E. Lloyds of London
20.Agency that provided subsidies to farmers who agreed to produce less.
A. SEC B. FDIC C. AAA D. QED E. Lloyds of London
21.Agency that helped Americans avoid foreclosure by refinancing their mortgages.
22. Which First New Deal programs hired single men, age 18 to 25, for natural resourceconservation?
a. Federal Emergency ReliefAdministration
b.Civil WorksAdministration
c.Civilian ConservationCorps
23. Frances Perkins was…
- The first person to cash a Social Security check
- The first female cabinet secretary
- The owner of Frances Tavern, where FDR kept court
d. The designer of Social Security
24. Which Group was NOT in the New Deal Coalition?
a. African Americans
b. Union members
c. Business leaders
d. Intellectuals
25. WWI army veterans that went to Washington to get a promised bonus.
a. Freedom riders
b. Bonus marchers
c. Recovery corps
d. Tea Party Republicans
26. The Man Who Coined the Term“Share Our Wealth”
a. Huey Long
b. Harold Ickes
c. Wendell Willkie
d. Alf Landon
27. It created the impression that Roosevelt was trying to interfere with the Constitution’s separation of powersand undermine the Supreme Court
a. Glass-Steagall Act
b. Court packing Plan
c. New Deal
d. Congressional Oversight
28. Economist that argued for more government spending during a recession
a. Friedrich Hayak
b. John Maynard Keynes
c. Harold Ickes
d. James Earl Re
29. Supreme Court Case that struck down the NRA
a. Schechter v. US b. Kormatsu v. US c. Gideon v. Florida d. Mapp v. Ohio
30. Which is NOT part of the Fair Labor Standards Act?
a. 40 hour work week
b. Abolition of child labor
c. Protection of workers
d. The right to join a union
31. Treasury Secretary who wanted to balance theBudget in 1937
a. Johnson
c. Lewis
d. Stephenson
32. Glass Steagall Act separated commercial banking from
a. The SEC
b. Investment banking
c. The Bank Holiday
d. The Treasury Dept.
33. Which Program paid farmers to let fields go unplanted?
a. AAA b. BBB c. CCC d. DDD
34. This Act provided pensions for workers
a. Social Security b. Glass- Steagall c. National Housing Act d. Fair Labor Standards Act
35. The Group of Business leaders and Republicans that opposed the New Deal
a. American Liberty League b. Steel Workers of America c. NAACP d. Nation Union for Social Justice
36. Although they disagreed on specifics,Roosevelt’s advisors all wanted to
a. Balance the Budget
b. Intervene in the economy
c. Promote competition
d. Promote laissez faire
37. Who opposed Roosevelt in the 1936 election?
a. John Nance Garner
b. Thomas Dewy
c. Alf Landon
d. Wendell Willkie
38. Should you write your name on your answer sheet and use an MLA heading for your essay?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know what MLA means
d. This is a stupid question
Cartoon:Step By Step, 2/11/37, by Warren in the Buffalo News
39. Who is climbing the steps?
A. Reagan
B. Roosevelt
C. Hoover
D. Long
E. Truman