Since 1st June 2009, a new student visa for newcomers is available at French consulates: long stay visa equivalent to a residence permit (valid for 1 year).
This visa will replace the temporary residence permit from the prefecture, but the medical examination at the OFII: Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration (Ex ANAEM: Agence Nationale d’Accueil des Etrangers et des Migrations) is still required and costs 55€ that must be paid in tax stamps.
The French consulate will give you a form you must give to the OFII within 2 months after arrival in France with the following documents:
- Proof of residence
- A photo (head uncovered)
- A copy of the passport stamped with the long-stay visa
As this visa is brand new, it is possible that some French consulates will not be able to deliver it; in that case, all foreign students spending more than three months in France need a “titre de séjour” (residence permit). Residence permits are issued by the prefectures (local authorities).

Important: For any visa, the application form is filled in at ENS de Cachan - Bureau des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante.

Bureau des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante:

(Bâtiment d’Alembert, 1er étage, couloir de gauche, Porte 127)

Brigitte VIDAL

Tél.: + 33 1 47 40 76 05

Fax: Fax: + 33 1 47 40 20 74

E-mail :

There are two cases:

ü  European Students

They do not need to apply for a residence permit since 2003.

The students from the 12 New EU Member States do not need anymore residence permit in France, but only if they change their status of student to employee.

ü  Non-European Students

If your stay in France exceeds three months, you must apply for a residence permit. You will take the residence permit application form at the Bureau des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante, and will have with you the following documents:

§  valid passport with the mention «student visa»,

§  copy of your birth certificate with an official translation in French,

§  Photocopy of a proof of domicile in France (an accommodation statement such as a rental contract or an electricity (EDF), gas (GDF) or telephone invoice, proof of property ownership

§  If you are lodged: an official letter by the person providing your accommodation (attestation d’hébergement sur l’honneur) dating of less than one month, a copy of the latest rent receipt of your lodger, or a copy of your lodger’s latest electricity (EDF), gas (GDF) or telephone invoice and a copy of his/her ID document or of his/her resident permit if non european.

§  proof of financial resources (a minimum of 460€/month),

§  pre-registration or registration certificate,

§  4 I.D photographs, preferably in black and white of face and naked head

(Places where we can make identity photographs in Cachan: Supermarkets Champion, ATAC, CORAL, RER train Station of Bagneux.)

§  1 small stamped envelope.

For a first application for residency in France you must pass a compulsory medical check-up organised by OFII (Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration, ex ANAEM). The specific form required is available at the Bureau des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante.

At the moment of your medical check-up, you will have to provide the following documents: your passport and the convocation from OFII.

Nota Bene: In case of late arrival, the appointment will be cancelled.

After the medical check-up at the OFII, you will receive a convocation from the (sous) prefecture to go and get your residence permit. Once you arrive at the (sous) prefecture you will have to buy an OFIII/ANAEM stamp of 55 euros.

For a renewal of the residence permit, you have to ask the Bureau des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante not less than 2 months before the expiry of your precedent resident permit.