Village of Bloomfield

Newsletter of April 2009


The Village budget was a challenge to put together again this year. Wage increases for the employees was $.65 per hour. There is an additional employee requested for the DPW and an increase in hours from 32 to 35 for the Village Clerk. There were a number of requests from the Village departments that totaled well over $80,000 that were cut from the budget. The Board has attempted to keep the tax rate down for years and we have been using surplus funds to do so. The surplus funds are almost depleted; therefore it is necessary to raise taxes and fees. This year the budget officer recommends an increase of 30 cents per thousand on the tax rate. This will cost the home owner who owns a $100,000 home an extra $30 in their taxes. This will generate about $17,730 in revenue.


The general budget concerns also appear in the water and sewer budgets. Due to the increase in costs and improvements to our water lines and water meters, there is a proposal to increase the water rate to $2.80 per thousand. There also will be an increase in the administrative cost to $15 per quarter.This will cause in increase to the average household of about $38 per year.

The same applies to the sewer budget. There is a planned increase in sewer rates of $2.00 per month or an annual increase of $24 raising about $13,000 for the sewer fund.


The West Ontario Local Community Development Corporation (WOLCDC) that is sponsored by the Towns of Bristol, West Bloomfield and the Village has a new Micro-enterprise interest free Loan Program for small businesses to get started or grow within West Ontario County. At present, up to $4,000 is available for up to 2 years. If you are interested pick up information at the Village Office at 12 Main St.


A large turnout at the March election selected Mark Falsone as the second Mayor of the Village of Bloomfield. Mark has many years of experience on the Village of East Bloomfield and the Bloomfield Village Boards. With this experience and his love of the village, Mark will do a fine job as mayor.

A very sincere Thank You to Nancy Long and Steve Mitchell who also ran for this position. A contested election is a rare thing in the Village and it was nice to have interested candidates and a large turnout of residents.

For Trustees, Clayton Barnard and Don Cicchino were re-elected.


The brush removal program is scheduled for Monday, May 11th. Please keep the brush away from trees and poles. Place the brush parallel to the curb so the backhoe is able to grab the brush easily. For further information contact the DPW at 657-7319.


In April any uncollected water and sewer rents are relevied onto the village tax bills that arrive in June. This relevy amount is not tax deductible. There is also a hefty penalty for late payment. Remember that you may use a credit card to pay your village bills at the Village Office. It may be to your advantage to put the payment on the credit card than to have the bill relevied. Check your interest rates. Consider paying your bills in a timely manner.


The Village is encouraging our residents to protect the water that we drink by using pesticides and other chemicals sparingly and according to manufacturer’s directions. Also be careful with gasoline and do not spill any on the ground.Dispose of old medications by placing them in the garbage; do not flush them down the drain. We live above our supply of water and must do more than our best to protect the water that we drink.


The scope of this code applies to all existing residential and nonresidential structures. The minimum requirements cover the following areas: lighting, ventilation, space, heating, sanitation, life safety, fire safety, and a list of other areas. It covers the responsibility of owners, operators and occupants. The purpose of the code is to ensure public health, safety, and welfare insofar as they are affected by the continued occupancy and maintenance of structures and premises. Our local code enforcement officer is responsible for enforcing the code. In general, a structure or equipment found to be unfit for human occupancy or is unlawful shall be condemned. Provisions in this code discuss unsafe buildings that are found dangerous to the life of individuals. This includes decaying, damaged, dilapidated, structurally unsafe, or such faulty construction as unstable foundations that may partially or completely collapse. It also deals with structures unfit for human occupancy because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance, is unsanitary, vermin or rat invested, contains filth and contamination, or lacks ventilation, illumination, sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code. The code also states that one can not have grasses or weeds longer than 10 inches in height. The code mentions that sidewalks and driveways must be properly maintained and free from hazardous conditions. The code also addresses rubbish and garbage accumulation within and outside of premises. Proper ventilation, toilet facilities, plumbing, water systems, storm water drainage systems are just a few of the topics mentioned within this code. It is hoped that we will not have to enforce this code on anyone within the Village because all of our facilities are up to minimum code. If necessary, the Village Board is ready to take action, as is our duty, to protect the health, safety and general welfare of all the residents within the Village.


The East Bloomfield Fire District wrote a letter to the Village requesting that the Village enforce the New York State Building Code regarding visible numbers on village buildings. The Fire Dept. and the Emergency squad have been having a difficult time responding due to the absence of the house numbers. It is a requirement that all residences have at least 4 inch numbers in a contrasting color that are visible from the road on their residence. Numbers written in words are not allowed. This is to insure your safety in case of an emergency. The Code Enforcement Office has been made aware of this request from the Fire District.


During the last 9 months numerous residents have raised concerns to the Village Board about property maintenance. The Town Board requested that the Village write up more detailed guidelines for the CEO regarding property maintenance. In our research of property maintenance, and with consultation of the Village attorney and the Village Planning Board, the Village Board has been advised that additional guidelines would be ill advised and that the present laws of the State of New York are adequate for the Village. The laws must be enforced by the Code Enforcement Office. The CEO has the training to use his judgment to enforce the existing laws. If additional guidelines are created this could tie the hands of the CEO and could be arbitrary and capricious. Just a reminder that the Village Board adopts the laws and the CEO enforces the laws. If there are concerns, they should be directed to the CEO and then to the Village Board.


The work planned on the Oakmount springs has been completed except for the landscaping that will be completed this spring. These springs have be cleaned and rehabilitated upon request from the Department of Health. The Village is in the process of developing a well on Michigan St. to provide the additional water required by the Dept. of Health to serve our community.


In response to requests from the community, the Village of Bloomfield will now offer two new options for paying your water/sewer bill and Village taxes. You may now have your water/sewer bill automatically paid quarterly from your account on the 15th of the month. You will receive your bill on the 1st, as in the past, and the funds would be paid from your account on the 15th. If you are interested in this convenient option, please fill out the form included in this newsletter and send it in with this payment and beginning with the April water/sewer billing, your payment will be taken care of automatically. If you wish to do the same with your Village taxes, the bills will be sent out by May 31 and the payment taken on June 15th.Another option for paying your water/sewer bill and/or Village taxes is by credit card. Beginning with THIS billing quarter, you may pay by credit card at the Village Office. National Payment Solutions, a third party billing company, has provided the Village Office with card swiping equipment. If you use a credit card, the Village will receive only the water/sewer or tax payment amount and a second transaction fee will also be processed to Nationwide Payment Solutions in the amount of 2.49% or a minimum charge of $1.50. This will appear as a separate transaction on your credit card statement.


The Village of Bloomfield is an equal opportunity employer without regard to sex, age, color;national origin or handicap The Village of Bloomfield is an equal opportunity employer.


April 8 Legion Spaghetti

May 8th & 9th Bloomfield Library

Annual Book & Bake Sale

May 13 Legion Spaghetti

May 16 Garden Club Plant Sale

May 17 Rotary Wine Tasting Party at


May TBA Fire Dept. Spring Barbeque


It has arrived, the time for me to write my final article in the Village newsletter. In writing this article, I recall the first newsletter I wrote as Mayor of the Village of East Bloomfield when the Board decided to inform the residents about the laws relating to dogs because of the numerous dog complaints we were receiving. Well, it is 20+ years later and the topics for the newsletter stay the same. We still have numerous dog complaints. In thinking of what to include in this article and looking back to the changes that occurred in the Village over the years, I decided that the changes were not important. What is important to me is to thank the numerous individuals that I have worked with that made the job as Mayor enjoyable. I would like to thank all the individuals that served as trustees, worked on the Planning and Zoning boards, were employed at the DPW, that have worked in the government roles to improve our community. I would like to thank groups like the Historical Society, the Friends of the Library, the Bloomfield Garden Club and the Gardening Angels who have worked to improve the appearance of the community and to improve our Quality of Life. The students at Bloomfield Central, who invited me to speak to their classes and the numerous projects that the students have embraced to enrich and improve their community, thank you. I must personally thank Robert Bullock and Kathy Conradt who were Clerks of the Village during my tenure. I could not have done the job without them. Most of all I must thank my wife, Judy, and my 2 daughters who had to listen to my thoughts about my ideas and concerns for the Village. Without their support, I would not have been able to serve these many years. Lastly, I would like to thank the Village residents who have supported me and those who have questioned me in my duties as mayor. Without input from the residents, we work in a vacuum and do not work for the benefit of the community. Well, that is it, THANK YOU for allowing me to serve this wonderful community and to work to keep the BLOOM in Bloomfield.


The Nursery School is accepting registrations for ’09-’10 school year for the 3 year old and the 4-5 year old class. A child is eligible if they turn 3 by December 1, 2008. For further information call 657-6973.


There are a number of un-licensed, unregistered and un-inspected cars that are being storedoutside. It is a violation of the zoning law to have these cars outside. Please remove these vehicles or place them in your garage. The code enforcement officer does not want to write you a violation notice.


Remember that the village can only trim trees that are on the village right of way. If you are planning on planting a new tree this year, please call the DPW before you dig to make sure you do not plant it in an area that may have an easement or near a water orsewer line. The roots can cause damage and be costly to the resident and the village. If you would like a tree planted in your right-of-way this fall please notify the village so we can plan for the planting of trees. Also, be careful how you mulch your trees. Our arborist consultant has informed us that a number of trees have too much mulch. The village has information on proper mulching procedures. If interested, stop into the village office for mulch information.

mailbox please contact the DPW at 657-7319.


In this time of economic concern remember to support our local businesses. These businesses not only support themselves for a living they also hire area residents to work in these stores and they also support community organizations. When needing to purchase an item or a service, remember to shop locally to keep our community economy viable.


The DPW along with the post office has obtained information regarding the installation of mailboxes along village streets. The board has established a policy for the erection of these mailboxes. If you are going to erect a new mailbox or have question about your existing


With the current terrorism alerts and the overall awareness needed in every community we are encouraging residents to report any suspicious activity to the Sheriff's office by calling 911. The village is especially concerned about unauthorized individuals being around the water and sewer facilities. If anyone sees activity around these village facilities and is not sure why they are there, please call 911 and report the activity.


Have you visited the village website lately? It has been established for a number of years and we have been receiving many positive comments about its information. Recently the board has decided to expand the site with more information about the village and its reports. Please visit for more information.

Spring is here and soon the bloom will be back in Bloomfield.