Minutes of Sheffield Triathlon Club Committee Meeting
Monday April 3rd 2017
1. Present:
Helen Oscroft (chair), Charlotte Jenkinson, Phil Smales, Jon Staniforth, Jim Lafferty, Elly Blackwell, Andrew Kitchen
2. Apologies:
Ady Dench, Nancy Skinner
The committee noted Simon Wood had tendered his resignation from the committee last week, citing a lack of free time, and reduced attendance at Junior Section sessions, as his son was in the regional cycling squad. The committee noted their thanks for Simon's hard work on behalf of club members, particularly those in the junior section, and wished him all the best for the future.
3. Minutes of March 2017 Meeting:
JL noted that the widget for a recurring calendar had been purchased, and the training sessions had been updated accordingly. The website had been 'officially' launched by an email to members and Andrew Kitchen had been passed the invoice to pay from Volta Creative.
CJ noted that when members asked to join the forum she was sent their username and password; she was uncomfortable with this.
ACTION: JL to see if website allows users to reset passwords for forum, and if so, CJ can delete the original emails, as a Data Protection caution.
ACTION: JL to see if users can be deleted from the forum. (As it is only open to club members).
Cross Country Photos:
AW was yet to provide photos of the cross country with the 'Front Runner' logo removed.
ACTION: HO to chase AW for cross country photos.
Sign in Sheets for swim sessions.
JL has not progressed this item to date.
ACTION: JL to produce sign in sheets for swim coaches and get feedback on their use.
BTF Insurance.
HO had circulated the email she had received from BTF regarding insurance of non-members at club training sessions.
ACTION: JL to amend website wording to this position.
AD had provided an email update prior to the meeting.
Bioracer are expecting their online ordering system to be launched in the next week or so.
AK has today paid for the 'Buffs' and they are expected in 4-6 weeks time.
Get Yer Kit On.
The May 7 2017 'Fat Lad At the Back' sportive had been agreed by email.
ACTION: CJ to put on website, and email members.
Free Membership Draw.
The committee agreed the terms of this year's draw:
Any volunteer at any of the following club events would be entered into the draw:
Westfield Aquathons, FairholmesDuathlons, Hathersage Aquathons
The draw would be made at the AGM in November 2016.
ACTION: JS to keep a record of volunteers for production at the AGM.
ACTION: CJ to circulate an email to members advising them of draw, and it's terms and conditions.
4. Get Yer Kit On Events
The committee agreed the Cuckney Time Trial on Tuesday 18th April as the next event.
ACTION: CJ to circulate an email to members to advertise this.
ACTION: CJ to circulate committee members suggestions for a Fell Race in June
The committee agreed to support the first Matlock Open Water Series on Thursday 15 June 2017, where there would be 250m, 500m and 1500m races in the River Derwent. Noted the other two dates are Thursday July 13th and Thursday August 3rd 2017, but no decision as whether these would be 'getyer kit on events'.
ACTION: CJ to circulate an email to advertise the first date.
ACTION: CJ to add to website calendar.
5. Hathersage Aquathons.
JS noted that the pool was booked, and was costing £175/hour!
Given the previous year's attendances, there was a discussion as to the cost of entry and whether guests should be invited.
ACTION: It was agreed that CJ would approach Smiley Pacers and use social media to contact other single sports clubs in the first instance.
If numbers were not sufficient, JL would liaise with JS to use the database of entrants to the Hathersage Hilly 2017 to invite them to join us.
In both instances it was agreed that it should be clear that pre-entry is necessary and that numbers were limited.
6. Social Event.
NS had suggested Maundy Thursday 13th April for a social event. This was agreed.
ACTION: NS to arrange social event.
ACTION: CJ to email Nancy that the date was agreed
ACTION: CJ to email members to advertise the event
7. Nuffield S&C
The committee agreed that the numbers attending did not justify the continued running of this session. Last session to be next Friday 14th April (Good Friday).
Members can still use the swim lane from 2000-2130 hrs for informal swimming.
It was noted that following correspondence from Nuffield, that the club would no longer have exclusive use of that lane.
8. Graves.
Ben Anderson had been approached by several swimmers to see if sessions could continue into the summer.
ACTION: JS to check with Graves the costs for 1/2 pool hire.
ACTION: CJ to email members to gauge interest.
9. Woodburn Road Track Sessions.
Robert Bridges has reported that Track Sessions were more popular in the summer than winter at his old club, Manchester Tri. He suggested that we trial extending the sessions into the racing season.
ACTION: CJ to email members to gauge interest.
10. Rother Valley Open Water Sessions.
Will Beilby is/would be/might be interested in coaching our newbies....
Noted that measured temperature not yet high enough to start sessions.
11. FairholmesDuathlons, starting April 20th
After much consideration, a £3 entry for members, £5 for guests was agreed.
The £15 entry fee for members to cover 3x Fairholmes and all Hathersage Aquathons was agreed.
12. Hathersage Aquathons.
After much consideration, a £3 entry for members, £5 for guests was agreed.
The £15 entry fee for members to cover 3x Fairholmes and all Hathersage Aquathons was agreed.
13. Flags and Gazebos.
An extensive discussion, with the input of the Treasurer led to two decisions:
AGREED: to the purchase of a new Gazebo
AGREED: AK to review the Hathersage Hilly Budget, and if £1500 could be trimmed, the flags would also be purchased.
ACTION: JS to chase original purchaser of existing Gazebo, so that new metal structure only could be purchased, as vinyls in good condition, metal structure needs cable ties and is potentially dangerous if not handled by experienced folk.
14. Juniors.
A discussion ensued as to potential replacements for SW as Junior liaison member of the committee.
Dates were still being discussed by SW and HO for a meeting at a Junior Training session.
Noted the circulated flyer advertising the Junior section.
AK reported that he had not been asked for any budget to cover their printing.
The committee noted this excellent initiative and the good intentions behind it.
The committee were slightly concerned that the input/advice of the committee had not been sought in advance, and noted that the branding ought to have been consistent with existing branding.
It was agreed that better liaison between Junior Section and committee should prevent this happening in the future.
ACTION: JL to collect leaflets from CE and assist in distributing at ParkRun Sheffield Hallam. JL to speak to CE re committee concerns.
15. Ponds Forge Wednesdays.
JS noted that there were two weeks when the Masters Session was cancelled for British Championships.
ACTION: JS to circulate these dates to members.
16. Skills School.
Agreed had been a well run and worthwhile event with 15 highly motivated Juniors attending.
Plans were for another session at Mount St. Mary's, 2 in Leeds, and 1 in Hathersage.
ACTION: HO to write to Rob Bridges to thank him for organising.
17. BTF promotion of Threadneedle Leeds Triathlon
A further approach to the committee to organise an event for our members to attend and hear about the plans for the 2017 event had been received via former head coach, Bob Pringle.
The committee extensively discussed the proposal.
After weighty discussion, it was agreed that given only 2 members of STC raced last year, that we would not organise this for the BTF.
ACTION: HO to respond to contact advising very low numbers of club had attended last year, but if BTF wanted to organise a meeting after a club session, they would be welcome to. Suggested would probably be best after a Graves Swim on a Sat Eve.
AGREED: if organised by BTF we would email members and put event on our website if they send us details of any event they organise.
18. Organised Bike sessions at weekends
EB raised this thorny issue, and reported that felt we were missing an opportunity to provide a good training and social event.
ACTION: JL to investigate training of bike group leaders
19. Membership
Up 7 since last month to 167.
At this point last year we had 9 fewer (158)
20. Finance
AF reported the cheque book had arrived.
At month 5 of the year membership slightly ahead of prediction
Against budgets:
Ponds Forge slightly better than budgeted, having spent £1600 of budgeted £3800.
Socials- have only spent £500 of £2000 budget
Kit- have a lot of stock in hand with Ady
Juniors- spent £1700 of £3100 budget. Sessions are expensive, with 3 coaches at £20/hour plus £160/week to Westfield for pool hire - needs careful monitoring.
Budget was already significantly more than last year, due to increased pay for coaches.
Admin- had budgeted £1500 for website but spent £1705 to date
Hathersage Hilly: looks exceptionally positive against budget because all income received, but no outgoing so!
AK announced that having been made redundant, and now having a very young child, he would be standing down at the AGM. He would ensure a smooth handover to his successor.
All present thanked him for services to the club and wished him well for the future.
21. AOB
CJ reported that the newsletter was very close to being finalised.
CJ suggested that in an electronic age a review of the format would be timely.
She suggested that either we produce the newsletter and leave on the website - with an email to drive traffic to the site when produced, or we consider multiple news items on the website.