(Revised: Spring 2013)
A. All awards will be decided by members of the IFC.
Section I: Academic Minimum Standards
A. In accordance with the North-American Interfraternity Council’s academic standards member fraternities are to have a chapter cumulative semester GPA at 2.25 or higher:
- Semester GPA will consist of all active members and pledges on roster.
- The official list of members will be provided to the IFC Advisor by a designated date. Any updates after the designated date will not be included.
B. For all chapters, the following guidelines shall be used for the Council:
First Semester
· Academic warning
· Chapter must work with IFC advisor to develop a comprehensive academic plan.
Second Semester
· Limited Social Probation
o One social function during the semester
· Sports Probation
Third Semester
· Full Social Probation
· No IFC Voting
· No Recruitment of New Members
· Sports Probation
Section I: Summer Recruitment Regulations
A. Summer Recruitment Rules
1. Summer Recruitment Events
a. Each fraternity must host a maximum of two summer Recruitment events, which are to be registered with the IFC at least seven days prior to the event.
b. All summer Recruitment events shall be one-day affairs and fraternities are in no way to provide hotel or motel space for Potential new Members during their stay for the event.
c. Summer Recruitment Events are not to include any activities that would be in violation with Federal, state, or local laws, IFC policy, or the constraints of decency and good taste.
d. No Fraternity shall host a Summer Recruitment event on the same date as another Fraternity within the city limits of Americus.
B. Potential New Member Rules
1. Potential new members must have a 2.5 GPA.
2. If the potential new member is intending to live on campus, the Potential New Member shall not reside with any fraternity member at GSW during the summer prior to their first semester at the University.
3. No Potential New Member attending Orientation Sessions shall reside with any fraternity member at GSW during the Orientation Session.
4. Potential New Members are subject to all University Housing Policies.
5. No chapter shall provide alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia of any kind to a Potential New Member.
C. The IFC shall hold judicial proceedings for fraternities named in alleged violations of Summer Recruitment Rules in accordance with the By-Laws of the IFC within the first two weeks of the fall term.
Section II: Pre-Recruitment Regulations
A. The Pre-Recruitment Period
1. The Pre-Recruitment Period shall be defined as the period from the official move-in day of the residence hall to the beginning of the formal recruitment week.
B. Definition of Potential New Members
1. A Potential New Member, formerly called Rushee, shall be defined as any male student who:
a. Is registered for at least twelve hours at the University
b. Is not currently a member or pledge of a fraternity
C. Potential New Member Rules
1. Potential New Member shall be allowed in a fraternity house during the Pre-Recruitment period.
2. No Potential New Member or prospective member shall be present at any swap, mixer, or social function hosted in conjunction with one particular sorority, nor shall any swap, mixer or social function hosted in conjunction with one particular sorority be planned or held for Potential New Members.
3. No Potential New Member shall accept alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia of any kind as a gift from a fraternity.
D. Open Bidding
1. There may be no bid, either in writing or verbally, given during the Summer Recruitment, Pre-Recruitment, and Formal Rush period from any fraternity affiliated with the Interfraternity Council.
E. Parties
1. There shall be only one registered party of a member of the IFC per night.
2. No fraternity will be allowed to reserve two consecutive nights during the weeks prior to formal rush.
Section III: Formal Recruitment Week Regulations
A. Eligibility
1. To be eligible for Recruitment, a student must be enrolled as a full-time student at Georgia Southwestern State University.
- Each prospective member must have a minimum of 12 hours of regular course work for the Fall Semester. Prospective members are allowed to have a maximum of 1 Learning Support course, as long as they are carrying 12 additional hours of regular course work.
- Each prospective member must have a minimum of 9 hours of regular course work for the Spring Semester. Prospective members are allowed to have a maximum of 1 Learning Support class; as long as they are carrying 9 additional hours of course work.
2. No fraternity shall pledge a man who has not registered in person and attend orientation.
3. Grades
- Each prospective member must have a minimum graduating 2.5 GPA from high school.
- Transfer students will have their grades from their former institutions evaluated to determine whether they have a 2.5 GPA.
B. The IFC shall have the authority to waive this provision to Potential New Members who have conflicting University activities or who become ill during Formal Recruitment Week.
C. Formal Rush Week Rules
1. Prospective members are asked to wear rush nametags for each IFC Rush function.
2. Prospective members will be assigned to one of four groups for the purpose of IFC formal rush. Prospective members should stay with their groups at all times.
3. Prospective members are not permitted to consume alcohol before or during any IFC Rush function.
4. Prospective members are not permitted to be at any fraternity headquarters other than at designated IFC Rush Functions. In the event that a prospective member lives at a fraternity’s headquarters, or a fraternity member and a potential are roommates, they are not to discuss any matter concerning fraternities.
5. Potential members may not have any contact with a fraternity member, pledge, and/or alumni from 11pm on Preferential night until the potential member has signed or declined to sign a bid.
6. Potential members must attend an orientation session and Wednesday and Thursday nights unless excused by the IFC Advisor. After these qualifications are met, the potential member is obligated to attend only those parties to which he accepts invitations.
7. If a potential member drops out of rush or is unable to attend the parties due to an illness, class conflict, or other emergency, he must contact the IFC Advisor immediately.
8. Invitations for the Friday night Party are to be picked up between 11am and 3pm on Friday in the Office of Student Life.
9. Bids will be distributed on the Saturday of Rush Week in the Office of Student Life from 10am – noon. Potential members unable to pick up bids on Saturday may do so on Monday in the Office of Student Life.
10. Potential members are not obligated to sign a bid.
11. There will be no discussion among potential members during fraternity bid signing.
D. Silence
1. Silence begins after the opening orientation of Recruitment Week and continues until bids are handed out.
2. No Potential New Member will be allowed on or in fraternity property except during formal Recruitment week parties to which he has been assigned. Should a member be found at a fraternity house when he is not scheduled, he will be subject to automatic expulsion from the recruitment process and may not pledge a fraternity for that semester.
3. During Recruitment week, no money will be spent on a Potential New Member by a fraternity man or by a fraternity (except refreshments and food at parties during formal Recruitment week).
4. No active members, alumni, housemothers, or pledges may enter the residence hall of a Potential New Member unless they are a resident of that particular hall during Recruitment week. A fraternity man may not communicate in any way with Potential New Member for any purpose during Recruitment week.
5. No active member, pledge, alumni, or house employee shall contact, converse, or communicate with any Potential New Member about fraternities, Recruitment, or Greek Life during Formal Recruitment Week outside of the officially scheduled Recruitment party. Casual conversation in class, on campus, or in a University sponsored activity is permitted only if it does not concern fraternities, Recruitment, or Greek Life.
E. Recruitment Functions
1. Unless the IFC grants permission all Recruitment parties and open houses shall be confined to the chapter house and fraternity grounds. Any function where Potential New Members are present, which is held at the residence of a fraternity member, alumnus, or associate of the fraternity outside of the IFC schedule, shall be in violation of this rule. The member, alumnus, or associate does not have to be at his residence for this violation to occur.
2. Any unofficial gathering of fraternity men and a Potential New Member(s) during the hours of Silence will be considered a violation of the Recruitment rules, and immediate action will be taken towards the persons involved, which will result in a rush infraction.
3. Potential New Members are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages during Formal Recruitment Week scheduled activities. Evidence of this will subject the Potential New member to automatic expulsion from the recruitment process and shall prohibit his joining a fraternity for that semester
4. Unfair ratios, or “hot boxing,” is defined as a greater that one on one ratio of fraternity men to Potential New Members in a private room. No private room may be used during Recruitment.
5. All recruiting shall be held in the main sections of chapter houses during all parties except house tours and cigarette-smoking areas, both will require a rho chi to be with the group.
6. No fraternity shall extend a bid before the official time.
7. No chapter shall provide alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia of any kind to a Potential New Member.
F. Refreshments
1. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the premises of the fraternity house during formal recruitment.
G. Reporting Violations
1. Any fraternity man, Potential New Member, or Rho Chi who observes a violation of the Recruitment rules by a fraternity, fraternity man, or Potential New Member is honor bound to report such violations in writing to the IFC Advisor, giving names of persons involved, and places and times of the violations.
2. Only in the event that the accused fraternity, fraternity man, or Potential New Member denies the accusation will the person giving the information to the IFC Advisor be called to testify before the IFC. In such a case, all parties involved will be obligated to keep confidential the name and fraternity affiliation of the witness.
3. Rho Chis will meet with the IFC Advisor at the end of recruitment events every night of the Formal Recruitment week at a predetermined time.
H. Bid Day
1. All bids must be submitted to the Greek Life Advisor.
- Bids must be turned in the night before bid signing.
- Bids will be offered to Rushees by the IFC Advisor or by delegate approved by the IFC, which does not have any greek life affiliation.
2. No Potential New Member may wear any type of fraternity paraphernalia during the period of silence or before Bids are actually distributed. This includes fraternity pins, visors, t-shirts, shorts, rings, etc. No Rho Chi shall display or wear fraternity paraphernalia.
3. Potential New Members may not make contact with fraternities until they receive an official bid from the IFC Advisor during Formal Recruitment week. If there are any questions ask a Rho Chi or the IFC Advisor.
I. General Recruitment Week Rules
3. A spirit of fair play and confidence in all fraternity members will be fostered and maintained. No fraternity shall take any degrading action toward a Potential New Member.
4. All Recruitment material and practices shall be within the confines of good taste.
5. No member (active, inactive, pledge, alumnus) shall indulge in defamation of character against any member or groups of members of another fraternity.
6. All relevant and required bid lists, invite rosters, etc. must be submitted to the Greek Life Advisor at a time to be specified by IFC. Failure to turn in these items ON TIME will result in a punishment prescribed in the judicial code.
J. General Rush Week Rules
7. Communication about individual fraternities will not be permitted in the Student Center or near sign-up stations on days of rush sign-up. No more than one member from each fraternity can be at the rush table during designated rush sign-up times.
8. Conversation between fraternity members and potential members, outside of or during rush parties, which degrade another fraternity or which are unnecessarily pressuring or persuasive are considered unfair rushing practices and are subject to rush violation penalties. Any information provided by fraternities during a rush week must be true and no information can be used to mislead a potential member (ex: skewed statistics in IFC Sports, grade reports, etc.) However, current and accurate information concerning fraternity status in these areas may be presented.
9. Each fraternity will supply transportation to and from all rush parties. This includes the Rush Counselors and the Advisor. All drivers will return to the designated area on campus to prepare to pickup groups 10 minutes before any given party is to begin.
10. Each fraternity should designate two members to serve as Rush Counselors. Rush Counselor’s may participate in rush as an observer only. Rush Counselors are required to attend a training session, both orientation sessions, each night of rush, and should be present for bid preparation and distribution on Saturday from 9am to noon unless excused by the advisor.
11. A fraternity member, pledge, and/or alumni may not have any contact with potential members from 11pm on Preferential night until the potential member has signed or declined to sign a bid.
12. Fraternity members (including pledges and alumni) are not to contact potential members in any way during formal rush except during formal rush parties.
13. Members (including pledges and alumni) providing transportation to and from rush parties are not permitted to rush for their fraternity, but may engage in general conversation.