Further Personal Reflections on EQ/VOL Project and Presentation
Name ______section ______
Did you work well with your partner(s)? What went well about your collaboration and what were the challenges?
What was the most challenging information to find? What did you learn from that challenge about searching on line for specific information?
What was the biggest benefit from using Diigo? What was the biggest challenge?
We will most likely be using Diigo again for the Vofmio Project, in the spring. What are some suggestions you feel would allow you to use this resource to its fullest potential?
PPT Slides
Which slide(s) did you feel was/were most successful in helping you communicate ideas to the class? Explain.
Which slide(s) did you feel were least successful? Explain.
What did you learn about creating slides that you want to remember for your next PPT?
While I watched and listened to your presentations, I noticed some common themes.
I felt that most of you referred frequently to your notes, read directly from your notes, or read from your slides verbatim. For your presentation in the spring (Vofmio Project) I would like you to work towards being less reliant on your notes. I would like you to “know” your presentation – not memorize, just understand it well.
Also, the decisions to include some YouTube videos, images, charts, etc… were not fully explained, developed, or effectively manipulated to further enhance your presentation. For example, I saw and heard from several groups the following: “Yeah, here’s a map/image/video…..ummmmm yeah.” For your VOMFIO presentation, I would like to see you really explain and utilize the images and media selections, which you spend a lot of time finding, to their utmost. What that would entail would be you being able to explain the following: why you slected the image/map/video clip; what purpose it serves in your presentation (i.e. why here in your presentation, why now?); how this selection enhances yours and your audiences understanding about your topic; what can we learn from this; etc…
With all of this aid, what would help you to be able to do this better? What, on your part, do you need to do in order to reach this goal? What, on my part, do you need me to do or put into place to assist you with this?
Please write your response, to this final bit, on a separate piece of paper and attach to this reflection sheet. Thank you