Chapter 8 Review

1. Shaped like a boot, mountains, Tiber River, peninsula, water on 3 sides

2. Apennines Mts.-runs from northern Italy to southern Italy

Alps Mts. – northern part of Italy

3. Mediterranean Sea

4. Romulus and Remus were brothers that were raised along the Tiber River. Romulus built a wall. Remus made fun of it and Romulus killed him. Romulus named the city of Rome after himself.

5. Aeneis was a warrior in the Trojan War. He landed along the Tiber River. Married the local king’s daughter. Joined the Latins and the Trojans and became known as the “father” of the Romans.

6. Tiber River

7. changed Rome from a straw hut village to a brick structure city, created roads, temples, and other public buildings.

8. Republic

9. small part of the Roman army usually made up of 6,000 soldiers.

10. Plebeians: working class of Rome, common people, artisans, shop keepers, small farm owners, no power in the government, lower social status

11. Patricians: wealthy land owning people of Rome, power in the government

12. Consuls

13. Senate

14. Plebeians were tired of serving in the military and doing all the work without any power in the government. They went on strike from serving in the military and moved out of the city. This scared the patricians into giving up some power in the government. The Council of Plebs was created.

15. Ruled only in times of crisis or emergencies and only ruled for a short time.

16. Twelve Tables and kept the Patricians from changing the laws to benefit them and hurting the Plebeians.

17. Fought over the island of Sicily. Fought mostly on the Mediterranean Sea. Romans found Carthage boat and copied it to make a navy. Was able to defeat Carthage.

18. Hannibal goes through Spain and France to cross the Alps to attack the Romans. Hannibal is successful in defeating the Romans in several battles. Rome sends another army led by Scipio to the city of Carthage. Carthage brings Hannibal back to try and protect the city, but he is unable to. Rome defeats Carthage again.

19. Rome goes back to Carthage and totally destroys the city so that the city could never be powerful again.

20. Poverty, corruption in the government

21. Fought Pompey to gain control of the Roman empire. Declared himself dictator for life in 44 B.C.

22. Worked for the poor, gave land to the people with no land, created the Julian calendar, and encouraged the use of free workers instead of slave labor.

23. He was stabbed to death by Senators that were afraid of his rule.

24. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

25. Octavian, Lepidus, and Antony

26. Worked for a peaceful Rome, created the professional and permanent army, Praetorian Guard, conquered new territories, rebuilt Rome, revamped the legal system, reformed tax laws, created government positions for tax collectors.

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