Indicators / Strategies / Responsibility / Time Frame / Resources and Funding Source
Student capacity enhanced by explicit teaching of Patterns and Algebra strategies / 1 Stage meeting per semester devoted to presentation of successful games/activities by each staff member.
Target one day for preparation of resources to develop targeted areas.
Introduce Patterns & Algebra CD resource to all staff
Evaluate resources e.g. text books, software and websites. Report findings to maths team. / Stage leaders
Maths Team leader / 2009 – 2011
2010- T2
2009 / $2500
All students’ understanding and knowledge of numeracy skills (NS.1, NS.2, NS.3) shows improvement. / Provide T&D for all staff re: the development of numeration skills.
Evidence of CMIT games implemented in the classroom. Stage 2 & 3.
Formal evidence of where K-2 students sit within the CMIT framework.
Identify CMIT experts – buddy with another teacher.
Discuss use of CMI at TARS meetings with supervisor
Stage 2 & 3 to place students in CMIT framework by end of 2009 (T 4).
Develop a reporting proforma for handover to new teacher in 2010/11. / Jann Salter
Marg. Gardner
Supervisors at
Stage meetings / 2009 - 2011 / $2500
Differentiated programs cater for identified needs. / Professional learning for teaching staff in analysis techniques and establishment of specific student goals. Personalised Learning Plans (PLP’s) are developed in consultation with parents/carers for all students at risk (below minimum national standard). / Class Teachers
National Partnership Num. Leader / Teacher Release form NP funding.
Benchmark data from NP testing / Participation in professional learning opportunities that develop numeracy expertise
Stage 1 CMIT, TOWN (Taking Off With Numeracy)
Stage 2 Counting On and Staff access NC training in MOIN – Moving on In Numeracy, TOWN
Stage 3 staff accesstraining in TOWN & QuickSmart
TOWN is implemented in all Stage 2 and 3 classrooms. / Maths Team Members
NP Numeracy Leader / 09 T1-4
2010 T1-4
2010-11 / Staff meetings
TPL $ - 4 x relief days @ $1200
TPL $ - Course costs $360
NP Budget
Student tracking indicates increased accuracy & reduced times in the 4 mental computations based on comparison to initial benchmark data.
Increased levels of student engagement. / Nominated staff members complete QuickSmart training. Assessments of students undertaken to establish benchmark levels.
QuickSmart is introduced for targeted students / NP Numeracy Leader
QuickSmart tutor- K O’Reilly / School Budget
QS: $11,000
Benchmark data from Best Start testing / Use Best Start analysis to inform individual student learning needs in Kindergarten. / Kindergarten CRT / T1 2009
School Evaluation Team determines clear targets for teaching to improve student growth in numeracy. / School Evaluation Team undertakes training in NAPLAN analysis and the use of Smart data to determine school targets.
NAPLAN results for 2009 are unpacked systematically.
Professional Learning in CMIT and Counting On to ensure the quality of implementation and assessment / Principal
Jann Salter / Term 3 and 4 -2009
T1-4 2009 / NP Funding
CMIT tied funds
Staff meeting.
All teaching staff participate in the Team Leadership program to be conducted at SDD and scheduled curriculum meetings. Staff report increased capacity to implement specific QT elements. / Identification of staff PL needs and planned individual programs to ensure implementation of QT framework in classrooms.
Staff engage in the Team Leadership Course focused on quality teaching practice.
Quality teaching elements to be incorporated into all aspects of teaching numeracy with focus on cultural knowledge and higher order thinking.
Engagement of Regional personnel to optimise staff learning.
Continued PL to embed “Working Mathematically” into teaching programs e.g. Language of Maths
Opportunities for staff and GAT students to participate in Maths Olympiad to facilitate improved student engagement and learning / Stage supervisors
QT Team
Jann Salter
Stage teams
Wendy McCue / T1-4 2009
T1 – 2010
T1-4 2010
T3-4 09 - 11 / NP Budget
Global funds
3 days $1050
Follow up survey of parents shows a greater understanding and ability to assist their children at home with numeracy activities / Collaborative programming encouraged with programs reflecting established scope and sequence.
Ensure monitoring and evaluation processes are in place and includes community input / NP Team with Stage supervisors / T3 2010
Targeted groups to show growth commensurate with school population as outlined in above targets / Initiatives to increase parent involvement in learning process
Appropriate mathematics material given for homework and completed by all students. “Homework” support program provided for parents
Providing parents with information through regular numeracy articles in newsletter and Information evenings / NP Team with Stage supervisors / T2 2010