OCTOBER 21-24, 2013


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Electronics Task Group (ETG) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 21-Oct-2013.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Jeremiah / Barker / General Dynamics Corp / Gulfstream
* / Roger / Bloomfield / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Bill / Cardinal / Hamilton Sundstrand
Lauren / Gibbens / Lockheed Martin
* / Nathalie / LeFevre / SAFRAN
* / John / Mastorides / Honeywell Aerospace / Secretary
* / Scott / Meyer / Goodrich (UTAS) / Chairperson
* / Junta / Okutsu / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Richard / Rumas / Honeywell Aerospace / Vice Chairperson
Gilbert / Shelby / Raytheon Co.
Laurie / Strom / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Magali / Vigier / Airbus
* / Barbara / Waller / Raytheon Co.

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Scott / Alyn / Electronic Source Company
* / Cristiano / Bazzi / Somacis
Arshad / Hafeez / ABB Inc.
Jose / Lages Silva / Meggitt Sensing Systems
* / Donna / Lopez / Cristek Interconnects, Inc.
* / Ishwar / Mathur / IEC Electronics
Alexandria / Merrill / Sarica Manufacturing Company
Lisa / Paola / Silicon Forest Electronics
Vickie / Perkins / Silicon Forest Electronics
Yutaka / Shirakura / OKI Printed Circuits
Matthew / Smith / Logic PD, Inc.
Roger / Sprague / OKI Printed Circuits
Robert / Steele / Plasma Ruggedized Solutions Inc.
* / Kees / Van der Schoor / Fokker Elmo

PRI Staff Present

Mark / Aubele
Bill / Dumas
Susan / Frailey
Justin / McCabe
Phil / Ford

1.2  Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct – OPEN

The Code of Ethics/Antitrust video was shown to meeting attendees.

1.3  Agenda Review – OPEN

Scott Meyer reviewed the agenda and the Task Group (TG) modified it as required.

1.4  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Bill Cardinal to accept the minutes as written. Motion Passed.

The minutes from June 2013 were approved as written.

1.5  Review Membership Status – OPEN

Susan Frailey reviewed rules/procedures for TG membership. Subscriber Voting Member Ballot Participation was also reviewed. Companies/Individuals at risk of losing voting privileges are:

1)  Airbus is in violation due to lack of voting on ballots. It was noted that a “waive” is a vote.

2)  Ultra Electronics Supplier voting members, Ian Hopps & Jeremy Needs, are at risk of losing voting privileges based on lack of participation (attending meetings and participation with assigned sub-teams).

3)  IEC Supplier voting member, Mark Northrup, is at risk of losing his voting privileges based on lack of meeting attendance and sub-team participation. Ishwar Mathur of IEC stated that Mark is still interested with supporting future Nadcap meetings.

Motion made by John Mastorides and seconded by Barbara Waller for Magali Vigier to maintain TG voting privileges although she (Airbus) did not vote on three consecutive ballots (lack of voting according to NOP-001). Motion Passed.

Motion made by John Mastorides and seconded by Barbara Waller to revoke voting privileges for Ian Hopps, Jeremy Needs & Mark Northrop due to lack of voting and/or attendance violations of NIP 4-01. Motion Passed.

New Task Group Voting Membership

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Barbara Waller to approve Junta Okutsu as an alternate voting member for Honeywell Aerospace based on past participation including eAuditNet knowledge and training completed. Motion Passed.

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by John Mastorides to approve Kees van der Schoor of Fokker Elmo as an ETG voting member. Motion Passed.

Motion made by John Mastorides and seconded by Richard Rumas to Matthew Smith of Logic PD as an ETG voting member. Motion Passed. Note: Matthew must still sign in to eAuditNet to complete voting approval status.

In addition, it was mentioned that TG should consider applying a positive recognition to those that vote as opposed to a negative penalty to those that don’t.

1.6  Review of Auditor Status – OPEN

PRI reviewed auditor status (5 ETG auditors) and requirements. PRI is reviewing additional candidates. PRI noted that the ETG has above average participation with auditor interviews including supplier participation.

1.7  Review of Priority List – OPEN

Scott Meyer reviewed the ETG priority list with the TG. This review is more for familiarization of topics and focus for the team. Priorities will be reviewed on the last day per the agenda.

1.8  RAIL Review – OPEN

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed and updated accordingly.

For specific details, please see the current ETG Rolling Action Item List posted at www.eAuditNet.com, in the Electronics section of Public Documents.

ACTION ITEM: For RAIL item #18, Barbara Waller to create a statement to cover responses to ESD, MSD and age sensitive items when suppliers respond to findings by stating that the hardware passed functional test or did not conduct acceptable evaluation and corrective action implementation. Note: This is an unacceptable response that is often used. (Due Date: 22-Oct-2013). Note: ACTION ITEM CLOSED - completed during meeting and TG voted to accept the proposal as modified by TG during the review.

The following statement was approved by the TG:

Supplier Notification - Acceptable Evidence of “No Product Impact”

Special Processes are processes for which final test cannot be accepted as comprehensive evidence of product conformance. ESD, MSD and unapproved handling of age sensitive material can result in product damage that may not be detected in test. As a result, final electrical test and other appropriate test data is regarded as necessary but not sufficient evidence of “no product impact” following an ESD, MSL and/or age control finding. In addition to correcting the deficiencies that resulted in an NCR, additional actions will be required on the part of the supplier to clear any implicated material. These actions may include additional analysis, additional test, customer notification, product disposal, and/or other actions.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to issue Supplier Advisory with the above verbiage. (Due Date: 06-Dec-2013).

1.9  Additional Information – OPEN

It was noted that this meeting is last meet for PRI Staff Engineer (SE), Bill Dumas, in which he will be participating with ETG. Susan Frailey will continue to support the ETG and one additional SE will also be supporting the ETG, Phil Ford.

PRI reminded the team that they provide a web seminar for new suppliers and supplier candidates considering a Nadcap accreditation. The training includes all applicable information.

2.0  subscriber dicsussion – CLOSED

TG discussed existing PRI requirements for satellite audits in reference to specific supplier’s request for auditing their facilities. No decision was made during this meeting. This will be reviewed again during the February 2014 Nadcap meeting.

TG reviewed audit voting participation in eAuditNet of eligible members. Review indicated that the TG voting members should increase participation of audit reviews and ballots.

SE delegation was reviewed.

TG reviewed PRI auditor status and requirements for auditors to be certified for other checklists based on being approved to audit one of the three ETG checklists. It was discussed that Herb Robbins, has demonstrated acceptable performance as an AC7119 auditor and also technical competence to be considered for approval to conduct AC7120 and AC7121 audits.

Motion made by Scott Meyer and seconded by Richard Rumas to approve Herb Robbins to complete a training audit with certified auditor for AC7120 to obtain his certification. Motion Passed

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by William Cardinal to approve Herb Robbins to complete a training audit with certified auditor for AC7121 to obtain his certification. Motion Passed

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to set up training audits for Herb Robbins for both AC7120 and AC7121 checklists. (Due Date: 22-Nov-2013)

The NCR comments/feedback provided to auditors during auditor conference earlier this week was reviewed to determine actions required based on input. Applicable actions were documented during auditor conference and will be forwarded to applicable sub-team leads accordingly. TG captured applicable items to review with entire ETG this week. Some of the topics included:

·  AC7119/2 – Question: “Is a minimum bend radius test done?” A supplier outsources this process and the sub-team must determine minimum acceptable criteria for outsourcing applicable processes.

·  AC7119 – acceptable quantity of broken bits

·  AC7120 – Does a supplier have to demonstrate cleaning of hardware if the job audit selected uses a no clean process?

·  AC7121 – Consider adding rework to minimum scope of approval. Supplier claimed they do not do rework but had procedure for rework.

PRI staff reviewed new/improved search functions in eAuditNet, particularly in the QML.

PRI staff encouraged TG members to participate with local supplier auditors (oversight audits) in order to access auditing process and conduct checklist reviews. Ensure to verify ITAR restrictions accordingly prior to selecting the audit in which you would like to participate. Richard Rumas shared that he observed audits that resulted with many changes to the checklists and modifications to the auditor conference training plan based on lessons learned.

Barbara Waller introduced Gilbert Shelby from Raytheon as a prospective new TG member. Gilbert will be taking over for Barbara sometime in the future as her job functions change.

TG reviewed process, metrics and options for accessing auditor performance.

There was discussion regarding the “Qualified NO” process/option; it is not currently documented in any Nadcap/PRI procedure. Two following options were reviewed and a motion passed for option #2.

1)  “Qualified NO” to be documented in the NTGOP.

2)  “Accepted on Site” to be used in conjunction with “Qualified No” whenever possible. “Accepted on Site” still counts as an NCR.

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by William Cardinal to create auditor advisory for auditors to keep writing qualified no(s) and mark the applicable box for “Accepted on Site”. Instructions will include criteria for “qualified no” which will include the term “qualified no” and will still be an NCR on the metrics to allow more accurate tracking. Motion Passed

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to Draft an auditor advisory for auditors to keep writing qualified no’s and mark the applicable box for “Accepted on Site” and send it to Richard Rumas and Scott Meyer for approval. Instructions will include criteria for “qualified no” which will include the term “qualified no”. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2013)

ACTION ITEM: Richard Rumas and Scott Meyer to review and approve “Qualified No” auditor advisory draft prior to issuing advisory. (Due Date: 22-Nov-2013)

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to issue “Qualified No” advisory. (Due Date: 06-Dec-2013)

Richard Rumas and John Mastorides presented an overview of the new IPC certification program for QPL and QML. Programs already exist for J-STD-004 (Fluxes), J-STD-005 (Solder Paste) and J-STD-006 (Solder Alloys). The next certification programs being developed are IPC-CC-830 (Conformal Coatings), IPC-6012 (Printed Boards), and J-STD-001 (Printed Board Assemblies & Soldering).

ACTION ITEM: Richard Rumas, John Mastorides, and Scott Meyer to conduct a presentation for applicable IPC committees and individuals to review the Nadcap accreditation program for electronics commodities in order to address potential overlap of IPCs new QPL/QML certifications. (Due Date: 28-Mar-2014)

TG reviewed the NCRs related to AC7119 moisture insulation resistance related to checklist requirements, IPC-6012 and industry standard processes. TG determined that a supplier procedure review is required in order to determine the supplier’s compliance and corrective actions required.

ACTION ITEM: Junta Okutsu to request the supplier procedure regarding moisture insulation resistance for AC7119. (Due Date: 13-Nov-2013)

ACTION ITEM: Roger Bloomfield to talk with supplier to obtain additional information on conformance to procedure and current process. (Due Date: 27-Nov-2013)

3.0  pri report / metrics – OPEN

3.1  Audit Observations Report Out – OPEN

No observer audits were conducted since the last meeting. Task Group members were encouraged to participate in observation audits.

3.2  Status of Ballots (as applicable): NTGOP-001 Appendix ETG – OPEN

PRI reviewed ballots/changes to applicable documents/paragraphs since last meeting in June 2013. They also reviewed voting member training requirements in the NTGOP-001 Appendix ETG which sparked interest in reviewing these requirements and consider if modifications are required in the future.

3.3  Succession Plan (as needed) – OPEN

PRI informed the team that a succession plan must be in place and must be monitored. Roy Garside from Rolls-Royce expressed interest in the ETG Vice Chair position. Although Roy was not able to attend this meeting, his company supports his participation as vice chair.

Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Roger Bloomfield to nominate Roy Garside of Rolls-Royce as ETG Vice Chairman. Motion Passed

It was determined at the last meeting that Richard Rumas will be the new ETG Chairman starting at the first of 2014.

3.4  Other Topics – OPEN

NOP-012 (Auditor consistency) - Information was reviewed as the procedure will be issued soon. NOP-007, NOP-008 and NOP-011 were also reviewed. Regarding audit failures, it was discussed that ETG caps the number of findings regardless of the number of audit days (example: CP caps at 6 major findings for 3 or more audit days).

ACTION ITEM: Scott Meyer to establish a Subscriber Oversight Audit & NOP-012 sub-team and create Oversight Audit schedule for 2014. This includes initiating a kick-off meeting and subsequent meetings to address Nadcap NOP-012 goals for 2014. Scott Meyer will coordinate with Susan Frailey to schedule initial meeting on or prior to due date. (Due Date: 01-Dec-2013)

Auditor conference feedback -. Barbara Waller presented feedback from the ETG auditors after the auditor conference this past Sunday (22-OCT-2013). Barbara will forward list to applicable sub-team chairman to be considered by applicable sub-teams. Some of the items include: