Andrés Rafael Arroyo, Ph.D Dan Bedette

Principal Assistant Principal

One Panther Drive

Newfane, New York 14108

Telephone: (716)778-6550 • Fax: (716) 778-6578

Web Site:

November 19, 2015

Last week marked the last week of the first marking period, and it is almost hard to believe we are but days away from Thanksgiving. As we move quickly towards the winter break, I would like to take this opportunity to reach out to all high school parents and guardians regarding a number of items.

Principal’s Forum
Our first Principal’s Forum has been set for Monday, November 30, 2015. This forum, co-presented by school administration and the school counseling department, will consist of important information for every high school parent or guardian regarding: a) the new SAT; b) high school year 4-year student planning; c) school course registrations for 2016-2017; d) college, AP, technical, and other career offerings available for our students; and e) the critical role you as parents and guardians play, as educational partners alongside the school, in the educational process for your child. The forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place in the high school’s east cafeteria. Subsequent Principal’s Forums, the reminder of the school year, will be class-specific as to focus on educational priorities indicative of each particular grade level. Please consider attending this informative event!

The Academic Achievement Center (AAC)
This year, we have instituted an Academic Achievement Center (the AAC). The purpose of the AAC is to provide you with one location for academic support, all nine (9) periods of the school day! Any student may freely drop in, during a study hall or lunch period, to have a staff member review an essay, answer a question, or to clarify a direction. There are also a number of computers available for you to use to conduct research or to polish a project. A certified Math teacher and a certified English teacher are always on staff in the AAC, and faculty from each department provide their services throughout the day by dedicating one period per day to the AAC. Please encourage your child to use this valuable service as needed, or feel free to talk with your child’s teacher to set up a schedule for regular visits.

College Visitations
Newfane High School students will once again have the opportunity extended to them to take a day-long tour visit at a college or university campus. Given the success of last year’s trips, this year we will be conducting visits to the State University at Buffalo, Buffalo State College, D’Youville, and Niagara Community College. These visitations will begin in January 2016. If interested, please have your child see their academic counselor to sign up for a visitation.

New Academic Recognitions
Starting this year, we will be recognizing Newfane High School students who have maintained consecutive marking period to marking period honor roll standing at a special event, in the month of May, as follows:

Freshmen who maintain consecutive honor roll standing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods will be awarded the Newfane High School ‘Blue and White Paw’.

Sophomores who have maintained consecutive honor roll standing through their 3rd marking period, and all four (4) quarters freshman year, will be awarded the Newfane High School ‘Golden Paw’.

Juniors who have maintained consecutive honor roll standing through their 3rd marking period, and all four (4) quarters freshman year and sophomore years, will be awarded the Newfane High School ‘Gold Star Paw’.

Seniors, who have maintained consecutive honor roll standing through their 3rd marking period, and all four (4) quarters freshman, sophomore, and junior years will be awarded the Newfane High School ‘Blue and White Academic Honor Cord’’.

Parents and guardians of all students being recognized will be invited to attend this special celebration of academic achievement!

Parent-Teacher Conferences
High School parent-teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, December 2, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Newfane High School. Please contact the main office at (716) 778-6550 to schedule an appointment with a teacher.
The Newfane High School Digital Communication Bulletin
Earlier this school year, the school announced that it had established an online communications bulletin. To date, we have over 120 families subscribed to receive high school notifications through this free online Newfane High School Digital Communication Bulletin. If you have not yet signed up, and would wish to do so, please visit our high school’s home page at and register through the hyperlink provided to receive high school notifications directly to your cell phone as a text message, or both as a text and an email [see appended instructions].

In conclusion, I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all of our parents and guardians for their unwavering support and involvement in their child’s education! If you have any questions regarding the items on this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or by phone at (716) 778-6550.


Andrés Rafael Arroyo, Ph.D.Daniel Bedette
PrincipalAssistant Principal