DVRPC 2016Competitive CMAQ Program: Project Readiness Checklist

Project Name: ______

The purpose of this checklist is to help the application review team assess the level of “Project Readiness” of the submitted applications. It is important for the applicant to convey the steps that they have taken to advance their project in the project narrative on the application form. This checklist should help to guide applicants on the type of information that should be included in the narrative to ensure that they receive the appropriate score for project readiness in their application.

Construction Projects (examples include bicycle and pedestrian projects, congestion reduction and traffic flow improvements, some freight and intermodal projects, new transit facilities). Please answer the following questions:

  1. Has a preferred alternative been selected for your project (please select one):
  2. A final preferred alternative has been selected
  3. A draft preferred alternative has been selected
  4. A preferred alternative has not been selected
  5. Other addressed in narrative
  1. If Right of Way (ROW) acquisition is required for this project, the ROW has…
  2. Been identified and secured
  3. Been identified and negotiations have begun to secure ROW
  4. If so, are negotiations being conducted according to the approved federal processes? ___ Yes ___ No
  5. Only been identified
  6. Other addressed in narrative
  7. ROW acquisition is not required for this project
  1. The project consultant has…
  2. Been selected through the federally approved, competitive bid process and consultant has experience managing projects funding with federal transportation dollars
  3. Contracts with consultants are
  4. Signed
  5. Approved but not signed
  6. Contracts with consultants are not prepared
  7. Has not been selected but RFP process is underway
  8. Has not been selected and RFP process is not underway
  9. Consultant will not be used for this project
  1. If environmental clearance is required for this project, the categorical exclusion documents…
  2. Are completed and approved
  3. Are in draft form awaiting approval
  4. Have been prepared but have not yet been submitted to the regulatory agencies
  5. Have not yet been developed
  6. Are not required for this project type
  7. Other addressed in narrative
  1. Does this project require permits?
  2. ___ yes___ No
  3. If so, please list ______

Equipment, Vehicles, or Technology Projects (Examples include diesel retrofits and repowers, idle reduction technologies, and vehicle replacements). Please complete the following statement:

  1. The project sponsor has:
  2. Identified the specific vehicles that are going to be retrofitted, replaced, or improved and

confirmed that the vehicles or improvements meet FHWA “BUY AMERICA” provisions.

  1. Identified a number of vehicles, but not the specific vehicles, that are going to be retrofitted, replaced, or improved.
  2. Other addressed in narrative.
  1. The project sponsor has:
  2. Identified the technology specifications to be included in the RFP or bid documents for the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project.
  3. Identified the approved EPA technology to be used for the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project but does not have the equipment specifications.
  4. A reasonable plan for identifying and obtaining the specifications necessary to prepare bid or RFP documents for the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project.
  5. Other addressed in narrative.
  1. The project sponsor has:
  2. Prepared bid documents to complete the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project.
  3. Draft bid documents to complete the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project.
  4. A reasonable plan to preparebid documents to complete the alternative fuel, retrofit, repower, or technology project.
  5. Other addressed in narrative.

Soft Projects (Examples include new transit service, TDM, marketing, education and outreach).Please complete the following statement:

  1. The project sponsor has:
  2. Adopted studiesor surveys that identify potential ridership, need for new transit routes, or target audience for outreach.
  3. Studies or surveys in progress that will identify potential ridership, need for new transit routes, or target audience for outreach.
  4. Identified partners for outreach, potential transit routes, or marketing audiences but does not have formal surveys or studies to support the project.
  5. Other addressed in narrative.

DVRPC 2016 Competitive CMAQ Program Project Readiness Checklist Page 1 of 2