CCR English 10, Mr. Braam

Independent NovelFinal Paper Assignment

Due Date:______

In lieu of an in-class test, you will instead write a paper,on your own time, addressing many of the questions that would have been on the test. This will allow you to organize your work and your thinking. Some time will be given in class to work, research, ask questions, and get advice. If you need extra help or time in the computer lab, you must contact me early and not wait until the last minute.

For this final paper, you are to do the following:

  1. Your first task is to design a new book cover for the book that emphasizes the cultural learning a reader can gain from the novel. Cultural awareness can be defined as a new awareness of a different gender, era (time period), nationality, economic status, physical or mental handicap, or different religious perspective than what you currently hold. This book cover will serve as the title page for your paper. It should be creative, neat, and colorful.
  2. Your second task is to write an expository (explanatory) essay in which you explain the following:
  1. Write an introductory paragraph that introduces the title and author of your novel. Explain your cover design, and identify the social injustice within the novel that will be the focus of your paper.
  1. Write a paragraph explaining the social injustice that occurs within the novel.
  2. How is it developed throughout the story? Be specific: use multiple examples/details from the story. Use direct citation, plus thorough paraphrasing.
  3. How is the social injustice resolved? Again, try for direct citation. If you cannot find direct citations for this section, paraphrase thoroughly. If the social injustice seems unresolved, explain why.

A social injustice is “when a person or group within a community suffers from something not fair, or from something wrong that remains unfixed.” Brainstormed examples of social injustice include such categories as racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, stereotyping, terrorism, ageism, religious persecution, discrimination based on weight, age, regionalism, or discrimination based on the type of employment or education a person has. Trust me … all of the books have some form of major social injustice within them, even in the fantasy world of The Hobbit.

  1. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting your life to one(and only one) of the characters’ lives within the novel. How are you the same? How are you different? What did this book teach you about a different culture? Cite the examples from the book about the character.
  1. Write a paragraph explaining how the social injustice within the novel connects to another event in history, or how it connects to current events. Again, develop your response with specifics and details by referencing an outside source (magazine or newspaper article, website – not Wikipedia – a movie or television program). You must cite the outside source. (Ask for help if you have trouble doing the citation.)
  1. For your concluding paragraph, explain whether you would recommend this book to others. Give your reasoning/rationale for your recommendation.
  1. Your paper should follow all of our MLA format rules, and be around 500-600 words (it will be a little longer than two pages). Proofread to catch any typos/errors/MUGS mistakes.
  1. This assignment will be worth 100 points. The grade will go on the 4th quarter, so start the quarter off on the right foot by doing it completely and on time.
  1. A detailed rubric will be handed out at a later date, but you may assume that all points will be awarded for writing your paper while following the instructions listed above, all the while making sure that your on-time paper is MLA and MUGS fantastic!