The Correllian Lustration ceremonies originated as ceremonies of Purification and Blessing performed by members of the High-Correll family. These ceremonies were much simpler and less formal than the modern Correllian Lustration, focusing primarily upon the Oracle of the Ancestors.

At the turn of the new century the Correllian Lustration ceremonies were converted into twice-yearly formal ceremonies having the character of a Correllian Festival. This was at the suggesting of Correllian High Priestess Lady Green Owl of Trianna, who felt that a public invocation of the Blessing and protection of the Holy Ancestors would be beneficial to the members of the rapidly expanding Tradition.

The Lustration is sometimes also referred to as the “Elustration” or the “Illustration” ceremony, particularly by members of the Bitterwind lineage.

The Lustration ceremonies were first held in Vermilion County, Illinois, where Correllianism originates. Today however the Lustration of the Ancestors held in the Spring, is hosted by a different CorrellianTemple each year, while the Lustration of the Living, held in the Fall, remains in VermilionCounty. In this way the Tradition continues to honor its origins as well as its increasing diversity.

Most Correllian ceremonies do not feature detailed "scripts". The Lustrations are a notable exception to this rule, because participants in the ceremony come from many differing geographic areas and often have had no opportunity to practice beforehand.

None-the-less the script is regarded as a guideline, and the actual ceremony often diverges from it.


Below is a list of roles associated with an ideal lustration ceremony:

GUARDIAN -The Guardian offers the ritual challenge and opens each segment of the ritual with a discourse on the symbolism of the magical tool associated with that section of the rite.

SONIFER -The Sonifer announces each course of the ritual with a ringing of bells. The part was initially created especially for Rev. Reanna Marie, HP, of the Temple of the Enchanted Realm, and has since become a standard part of the ceremony. The term "Sonifer" comes from the Latin and means "One who brings sound (Son-)".

VOCIFER -The role of the Vocifer was created originally to be a kind of narrator, explaining certain aspects of the ritual which might not be obvious otherwise. This function was originally performed by the First Priesthood themselves, but became a separate part in order to allow more people to have speaking roles in the ceremony. The term "Vocifer" comes from the Latin and means "One who brings Voice (Vox)".

AQUIFER -The Aquifer is the person in ritual who cleanses the sacred space with salt and water. The term comes from the Latin and means "One who brings water (Aqua)".

LUCIFER -The Lucifer is the person in ritual who charges the sacred space with fire and air. The term comes from the Latin and means "One who brings light (Lux)". Lucifer was the Roman name of the planet Venus as the Morning Star, and is a title of the God, and is used as such in the Vangello delle Streghe.

JUNEVOCATOR -The Junevocator is the Priest/ess who invokes the Higher Self (Juno) of the First Priestess at the opening of the ceremony. The term (Jun + Evocator) is loosely from the Latin and means "One who evokes the Juno".

GENEVOCTOR -The Genevocator is the Priest/ess who invokes the Higher Self (Genius) of the First Priest at the opening of the ceremony. The term (Gen + Evocator) is loosely from the Latin and means "One who evokes the Genius".

EASTERN GUARDIAN -The Eastern Guardian represents the Airt of the East in the ceremony.

SOUTHERN GUARDIAN -The Southern Guardian represents the Airt of the South in the ceremony.

WESTERN GUARDIAN -The Western Guardian represents the Airt of the West in the ceremony.

NORTHERN GUARDIAN -The Northern Guardian represents the Airt of the North in the ceremony.

RITE LECTOR -The Rite Lector delivers the opening portion of the Charge of the Goddess, leading into the Joint Charge.

RITE PRIESTESS -The Rite Priestess delivers the Charge of the Goddess during the Joint Charge. The use of the Joint Charge in the Correllian Tradition was originated by Rev. Becci Penry, HP, of the Temple of the PURE Sanctuary. Rev. Becci acted as Rite Priestess in the first several Lustrations.

RITE PRIEST -The Rite Priest delivers the Charge of the God during the Joint Charge.

OFFERTORY PRIEST/ESS #1 -The Offertory Priest/esses are exactly that, presenting offerings during the ceremony on behalf of the Tradition as a whole.

OFFERTORY PRIEST/ESS #2 -The Offertory Priest/esses are exactly that, presenting offerings during the ceremony on behalf of the Tradition as a whole.

CALIFER 1-The Califers act to facilitate the Ritual Toast. The term "Califer" comes from the Latin and is the name for a Cupbearer, meaning "One who brings the Cup". The Califers were added as the number of attendees at the Lustrations grew, and it became necessary to find faster ways to pass out the ritual libation. Although the Califers in the script are specified as two, there can in fact be anywhere from one to four.

CALIFER 2 -The Califers act to facilitate the Ritual Toast, as described above.

ELDER’S HERALD -The Elders Herald acts to assist the First Elder in her role, in particular helping to carry the ritual implements used in the actual Lustration. In practice the Elders Herald also sometimes stands in for the First Elder when the First Elder is unable to take part in the ceremony, usually due to location.

FIRST ELDER -The First Elder of the Correllian Tradition. The principle duties of the First Elder are to facilitate the succession of the First Priesthood and the ceremonies associates with this, as well as to take a prominent role in the Lustration ceremonies. In practice the First Elder herself usually takes part only in the Fall Lustration (held in Illinois), her role in the Spring Lustration (held elsewhere) usually being taken by her Herald. The current First Elder of the Tradition is the Right Reverend Virginia "Bitterwind" Smith.

FIRST PRIEST -The First Priest is the Joint Head of the Correllian Tradition, serving in this capacity with the First Priestess. The current First Priest of the Tradition is the Most Reverend Donald Lewis, who is also Chancellor of the Tradition, among other offices. Rev. Don is also the Grand Oracle of the Tradition and currently the Regent for the First Priestess.

FIRST PRIESTESS -The First Priestess is the Joint Head of the Correllian Tradition, serving in this capacity with the First Priest. The Retired First Priestess of the Correllian Tradition is the Most Reverend Krystel High-Correll. Currently the First Priest is serving as Regent for the First Priestess. For the time-being, the First Priestess' role in the Lustration will be shared out among leading Priestesses of the Tradition.