Network Board Meeting

Thursday April 9, 2014


1734 Isleta Blvd

Albuquerque, NM 87105


Directors present: Gina Nocera, Rick Bela, Larry Mason

Alternate Directors present: Juan Vigil, Ben Dominguez

Regrets: Sarah Kurz,Frank Riggs, Polly Baca, Domonic Silva

Staff: DominicDiFelice, Craig Cook

Guests:LaTricia Mathis (principal-Albuquerque), Margarita Porter (principal-Las Cruces), Annie Trujillo (principal-Lowry), Mike Epke (principal-Denver) and Jon Berninzoni (principal- Lakewood), Patti Matthews (Attorney), Michael Langley

  1. Rick Bela called the meeting to order at 11:00am.
  2. Moved by Gina Nocera and seconded by Ben Dominguez that the agenda be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
  3. Craig Cook read the mission statement.
  4. Moved by Ben Dominguez that the minutes be approved with the typo (Gadsden) cited. Secondedby Gina Nocera. Votes: Unanimous.
  5. The Board agreed that the Membership Agreement was final as of changes made during the last meeting. Patty Matthews reviewed the license and service agreements that have been before the Board for the two previous meetings. Changes suggested from the Board and staff have been incorporated into the agreements. There were a number of further revisions to the existing documents as presented. Moved by Ben Dominguez and seconded by Gina Nocera that the licensing agreement be approved with the following changes: a)“Director” be replaced by “Officers of the Board”, b) satellite campuses be included without any cost to the host school, c) that property developed by public funds remain part of the public domain-Patti was given instructions to research the issue and provide the Network Board with an opinion on the matter.

d) the Licensing Agreement would apply to “operating” charter schools. Votes: Unanimous.

  1. Moved by Ben Dominguez and seconded by Larry Mason that the service agreement be amended to include a $60,000 flat service fee for each existing school outside of Colorado. Votes: Unanimous.
  2. Juan Vigil and LaTricia Mathis discussed the planning for a possible satellite campus in Espanola. Very much in the planning stages. It appears demand is not high. Unintended consequences may result to the main campus. Other sites closer to the existing campus will be explored.
  3. There is a need for the Network to hire a professional fundraiser. The individual engaged in Las Vegas is a possibility. Gina Nocera with Rick Bela and staff will develop an RFP to bring to the next meeting to seek a professional fundraiser.
  4. Principal updates
  1. Lakewood
  2. School received a 43,000 data use grant to use MAP data to inform instruction
  3. Focus on developing programs to accelerate credit accumulation
  4. Summer school, Friday classes
  5. 50 graduates for the year
  6. Lowry
  7. Transfer from APS to CSI
  8. Attendance for Q3 at 78%
  9. Summer school
  10. 85 graduates
  11. Thornton
  12. Q3 enrollment at 303
  13. Tittle I and III
  14. Hosting immigration reform rally with Polis and Udall
  15. Summer school
  16. 50 graduates
  17. Las Cruces
  18. Phase 3 in the works
  19. Focus on music program to attract 8th graders from local middle school
  20. Variety of fundraising activities
  21. Attendance at 80%
  22. 80 graduates
  23. Albuquerque
  24. Volunteered from SBA and PARCC
  25. No tech glitches during the pilot testing
  26. 2 diploma paths
  27. Intensive preparation for charter renewal
  28. 30 families signed up for Affordable HealthCare Act
  29. 65 graduates
  30. Arizona
  31. Startup grant has been approved
  32. Intensive work for charter application to the state
  33. Governing Council in place
  34. School lawyer and Business manager secured
  35. Scheduled August 2015 opening
  36. Las Vegas
  37. Richard Perkins engaged to fundraise minimum 350,000 by end of July 2014
  38. Provisional charter will be revoked if startup monies not raised
  1. Public Input: None
  2. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm. Next meeting will be held in Las Cruces. Tentative date August 14, 2014.