Buffalo Breeding Management Practices Followed by Farmers in Western Haryana
Vikas Godara1, Harish Kr. Gulati2, Narender Singh3*and Robin4
1: M.V.Sc., Deptt. of Livestock Production Management, LUVAS.
2: Proffesor & Head, Deptt. of Livestock Production Management.
3: Ph.D. Scholar, Deptt. of Livestock Production Management.
4: M.V.Sc., Deptt. of Veterinary Pharmacology and toxicology.
Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal sciences, Hisar (Haryana)-125004
The present investigation was conducted in Western Haryana. Two district Bhiwani, Sirsa were selected randomly from that region and further two tehsil were selected from each district and two villages from each tehsil were selected randomly. Twenty five buffalo rearers from each of village were selected thus making a sample of 200 buffalo rearers.The study revealed that More than half (54.50) per cent respondents got conceived their buffalo by A.I and around 80.00 per cent respondents inseminate their buffalo at an later stage of heat. About 40.50 percent of respondents detect through bellowing. Most of 84.00 per cent of the respondents used panchyat buffalo bull for service. About 62.50 per cent buffalo keepers followed pregnancy diagnosis. All respondents treat anestrous and repeat breeders. Only 40.50 buffaloes are bred after 2 months of calving. More than half 53.00 percent buffaloes calved at age of 3.5 years.
Keywords: Western Haryana, Buffalo, Breeding, Management.
India is endowed with largest livestock population in the world with 512.05 million numbers in 2012 which includes 190.9 million cattle, 108.7 million buffaloes, 65.06 million sheep, 135.17 million goats, 10.29 million pigs, 0.62 million horses and ponies and 729.2 million poultry birds (Livestock census, 2012). The state of Haryana is situated in the northern part of India and there are two agro climatic zones in the state. The north western and south western part. As per Livestock Census-2012, livestock population of the Haryana is 89.98 lakh including 18.08 lakh cattle and 60.85 lakh buffaloes. The contribution of Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector towards the State’s Agricultural GDP is around 35 per cent. Buffalo plays an important role in the rural economy through their contribution to food, draught power, income and employment generation. The species is more productive due to higher production potential and higher percentage of fat in the milk and is more sustainable for rearing because of its better feed conversion efficiency and disease resistance.
However, the production potential of livestock depends mostly on the management practices under which they are reared and these practices vary significantly across various agro-ecological regions
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Deptt. of Livestock Production Management, LUVAS, Hisar(Haryana)-125004
due to many factors. Few efforts are known to have been made to study systematically the buffalo management practices in western Haryana especially where there is scarcity of water due to low rainfall which is less than 400 mm. Soil salinity, metrological drought, poor fertility and nutrient deficiency are bottleneck in agriculture and livestock production. The information available and the notation prevalent on the subject have been based on assumptions, usual observations, experience and reports of some specialists and professional workers. This is hardly adequate to serve as the basis on which valid guidelines for developing programs of introducing improved and scientific management practices and for solving the problems encountered by the farmers of western haryana.The findings of this study will provide feasible and relevant package of buffalo breeding practices traditionally adopted by the buffalo keepers of western Haryana.
Materials and Methods
In this field study, desired observations on various buffalo husbandry practices in western Haryana were recorded during the period of four months by using interview schedule, interview guide and direct observations method by the researcher himself. The materials used and methods applied in the present study are described under following sub- sections.
Locale of research
According to National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) Haryana is divided into two agro-climatic regions.AZ-15(Eastern Haryana):- It includes Panchkula, Ambala, Kaithal, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Sonipat, Panipat, Faridabad, Gurugramand Jind districts and AZ-16 (Western Haryana): It includes Sirsa, Fathehabad, Hisar, Bhiwani, Mahendragarh, Rewari, Rohtak, and Jhajjar districts.
Agriculture zone 16 was selected to study the buffalo management practice because the agro climatic conditions are too diverse from one region to another, a clear cut housing managerial strategy is to be formulated for each region.
Selection of respondents
The study was conducted in Bhiwani and Sirsa districts of western Haryana. Two tehsils from each selected district were identified, which were Loharu, Dadri, Sirsa and Rania.(Table 1)
Development of Interview schedule
By keeping in mind the objectives of the study an interview schedule was prepared with the help of College of Veterinary Science, Hisar. The data was collected through personal interview technique from each selected village under the following headings:
1. Personal particulars of farmers and his family members.
2. Detailed information about the buffalo kept by the respondents.
3. Detail of buffalo housing management practices followed by buffalo owners.
Conducting interview and data collection
After having selected the respondents, the researcher made repeated visits to the villages under investigation and developed a good rapport with the selected respondents to gain their confidence. The researcher's personal professional qualifications and experience greatly facilitated in rapport building. Before administering the schedule, the objectives of the study were explicitly explained to the farmers. The questions from the schedule were presented to them in their own dialect, ensuring that they had perceived the questions correctly so as to avoid any interpretational variation of the questions put before the respondents. At occasions, when the respondent found it difficult to respond to a particular question, it was postponed till the end of interview.
Further the response of each question in the interview schedule was coded and tabulated respondent-wise in a master table. The qualitative data were quantified accordingly and tabulated to draw meaningful inferences. Therefore, appropriate tables were prepared keeping in view the specific views of the study.
Statistical analysis of data
To analysis the collected information, basic statistical tools and methods were used. The statistical tools were used for interpretation of data are 1) Frequency Distribution for the total numbers of respondents in the survey and 2) percentage for simple comparisons were made on the basis of percentage.
Result and Discussion
The role of breeding is very important not only for better growth of livestock sector at present but to generate sufficient seed stock of improved germplasm to sustain the growth of livestock products. The overall results in research indicated that 54.50 per cent of the respondents adopted A.I, 10.00 per cent adopted natural service and 35.50 per cent adopted both A.I. and natural service .The poor percent of natural service is due to lack of A.I. facility in the study area the present result of A.I are in accordance with results observed by Letha (2013), Prajapati (2015), Gadhwaletal.(2015), Malsawmdawngliana and Rahman (2016). The present results of A.I are in contrast with the findings of Tanwaret al. (2012), Kishore et al. (2013), Manoharet al. (2014), Chand (2014).
It was observed that 40.50, 28.50, 16.50, 09.50, 05.00 percent respondent detect heat through bellowing, mucous discharge, doka, mounting, off feed as main sign of estrous. Only traditional knowledge playan important role and there is no scientific approach for the heat detection. As regards to the stage of heat at which buffaloes were allowed for inseminate 80.00, 16.00 per cent of the respondents followed the practice in later heat and mid heat, respectively, whereas only 4.00 percent was observed to detect heat in early stage. The results are contrary with Rathoreet al. (2010), Manoharet al. (2014), Gadhwalet al. (2015). It was noted that all the respondents observed their buffaloes for heat symptoms regularly.
It was noted that 84.00 and 16.00percent respondents inseminate their buffalo with panchyat bull and stray bull, respectively. This is due to high genetic inheritance of panchayat bull.
Regarding pregnancy diagnosis, 62.50 per cent of the respondents practiced pregnancy diagnosis of their buffaloes, but remaining 37.50 per cent did not practice pregnancy diagnosis. There are various misconception regarding PD that buffalo may abort. These results are almost similar as observed by Gupta et al. (2008), Sabaparaet al. (2010b),Manoharet al. (2014) and contrary tofindings of Kishore (2013), Tanwaret al. (2012), Chand et al. (2014), Malsawmdawnglianaet al. (2016)but in contradiction to the finding of Kumar et al. (2006) and Rathore et al. (2010). The result indicated that all the respondents treated their buffaloes for anestrous and repeat breeding.
It was observed that 40.50, 35.00,13.50 and 11.00 per cent respondents rebred their buffalo after 2-3 months, 3-5 months, 5-6 months and more than 6 months of calving, respectively. These findings are supported with the results of Gupta et al. (2008) and Sabapara et al. (2010). It might be due to fairly high level of awareness in respondents as they are under a milk shed of co-operative milk producer union.
Thus, it is quite evident from the emerging results of various breeding practices followed by the buffalo owners in the study area that majority of the respondents were adopting the recommended breeding practices.
In order to improve the productivity of buffalo in the study area the following recommendations are made based upon the research data:
- For the improvement of existing buffalo population, at least one A.I. centre should be established at village Panchayat level to provide regular A.I. services.
- Purebred proven sire should be distributed to interior village buffalo keepers.
- Conservation of purebred buffalo should be taken on priority basis by motivation of buffalo keepers through subsidies or remuneration.
- Wherever A.I facilities exist, it should be strengthened for providing better services.
AHD, (2012). Animal husbandry department, India, 19th Livestock census- 2012,
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Gadhwal, R.S., Goswami, S.C., Choudhary, V.K., Kumar, S., Choudhary, S., Meel, S., Manohar, D.S. and Mitharwal, N. (2015). Study on existing breeding management practices for dairy cattle in North-East arid and semi arid region of Rajasthan. Vet. Practioner, 16(2): 329.
Kishore, K., Mahender, M. and Harikrishna, C. (2013). A Study on buffalo management practices in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh. Buffalo Bulletin, 32(2): 97-107.
Letha, D.G. (2013). Adoption of dairy farming technologies by livestock farmers.Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu.13 (2): 57-61.
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Manohar, D.S., Bais, B. Goswami, S.C., Jhirwal, A.K. and Choudhary, D. (2014). Study on breeding management practices of buffaloes in relationship with selected traits of respondents in Jaipur District of Rajasthan (India). The Indian J. of Field Veterinarians ,9: 82-83.
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Table 1: Selection plan of respondents.
Districts / Tehsil / Village / No of respondentsBhiwani / Loharu / Patwan / 25
Chahar Kalan / 25
Dadri / Chappar / 25
Adampur Dadhi / 25
Sirsa / Rania / Mammer Khera / 25
Kherawala / 25
Sirsa / Bakriyawali / 25
Jodhkan / 25
Table 2: Existing Breeding Management Practice in western Haryana
Existing Practices / Frequency / Percentage
1.Method of breeding
a.Natural / 20 / 10.00
b.A.I / 109 / 54.50
c.Both / 71 / 35.50
2. Method of heat detection
a.Doka / 33 / 16.50
b.Mucous discharge / 57 / 28.50
c.Mounting / 19 / 09.50
d.Off feed / 10 / 05.00
e.Bellowing / 81 / 40.50
3.Buffalo for service
a.Stray bulls / 32 / 16.00
B.Panchayat bull / 168 / 84.00
4.Stage of heat which buffalo allowed for insemination/service
a.Early heat / 8 / 04.00
b.Mid heat / 32 / 16.00
c.Later heat / 160 / 80.00
5.Pregnancy diagnosis
a.Yes / 125 / 62.50
b.No / 75 / 37.50
6.Treatment of anoestrous/repeaters
a.Yes / 200 / 100
b.No / 00 / 00
7.Breeding after calving
a.2-3 months / 81 / 40.50
b.3-5months / 70 / 35.00
c.5-6months / 27 / 13.50
d.More than 6 months / 22 / 11.00
8.Dry period
a.2 month / 118 / 59.00
b.Less than 2 month / 82 / 41.00
9.Age of first calving
a. 3 year / 6 / 3.00
b. 3.5 year / 106 / 53.00
c. 4 year / 55 / 27.50
d. More than 4 year / 33 / 16.50