Hospice Isle of Man

Education Prospectus


Leading the Way


Palliative Care


The need for palliative and end of life care is changing, with increasing demands and complexity. Therefore there is a corresponding rise in the need for education and training. Education and professional development is part of the Hospice’s core business and using our experience and expertise to develop others is fundamental to our work. As a lead education provider we aim to promote the highest quality palliative and end of life care for everyone through the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

We are pleased to offer a range of study days and courses to help your development. You will find a selection of learning opportunities that address many aspects of clinical, communication and care issues.

There are a range of study days available for a variety of people caring for individuals which can be tailored to meet your particular requirements.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our Hospice.

To register for listed courses please complete the application form and email it to

We also offer bespoke training for you and your organisation and this can be delivered either at the hospice or at your place of work.If you would like further information or would like to discuss any bespoke training needs, please contact:

Practice Development Team on 01624 647451 mailto:

All education is evidence-based and has the expertise of the multi-professional team.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hospice Isle of Man.


Bespoke Training Opportunities


Pre-arranged introductory session
An opportunity to visit Hospice Isle of Man
Dates: TBA
Time 10.00-14.00hrs
Includes sandwich lunch
Visits offer professional and third sector groups the opportunity to visit the hospice and to meet senior members of hospice staff, as well as having an opportunity to learn and network with others. They will see our facilities at first hand and hear about the work being carried out at Hospice Isle of Man.
Group Visits
Hospice Isle of Man offers a warm welcome to all visitors.
However the privacy of our patients and their relatives is the most important factor when agreeing a visit.
Wherever possible, we would recommend both guests and small groups join our pre-arranged introductory session. Each session will include a range of talks on Hospice and Palliative Care and a tour of the hospice.
Work Experience (Schools and Colleges)
We also offer placements to school/college students
which incorporates the clinical and non-clinical settings.
Fourteen to sixteen year olds (Years 10 &11) may only work in the non-clinical setting. The placement is via the ‘Department of Education Work Experience Scheme’.
If you would like to find out more please contact:
Mary Dunne, Volunteer Manager
Tel no. 01624 647445 or email
Sixteen years and over who are wishing to pursue a health related career may have a placement in the clinical setting.
If you would like to find out more please contact:
Kirstie Turner, Practice Development Lead
Tel No. 01624 647451 or
Clinical Placement
Clinical Placements are tailored to the individuals need and include Induction, Orientation and Mentorship, access to the Hospice Education Programme, experience across the Multi-Disciplinary Team either through discussion, attending the MDT Meetings or role shadowing opportunities and thorough evaluation. We are proud of the quality of care and services delivered throughout the Hospice and sharing what we do and how we do it, is an honour and privilege.
Terms and Conditions
If you need to cancel your place on a course for any reason we would ask that you inform us as early as possible as places are often limited and we could free up a place for someone else to attend.
Venues are as stated on the course information pages but may be subject to change. We will be in touch as early as possible to advise of the change.
Refreshments will be provided upon arrival and during breaks.
Lunch can be ordered on the morning of the full day courses for a small cost.
Certificates will be provided upon completion of each course.
While every effort will be made to ensure the named trainers will deliver their course, circumstances may require the use of a substitute.
Further Information
Please contact Practice Development Lead on 647451 for more information and look out for posters on your notice boards or on the hospice website the sessions.
Venue :
Hospice Isle of Man
Isle of Man
We are located next to Nobles hospital.
Limited parking is available on our site. Please park next to the Scholl Centre which is on the left-hand side as you enter the grounds.
Event Hire
Rooms are available for hire for meetings or educational events.
Please contact the Volunteer Service Manager for further details on 01624 647445
We will make every effort to meet the needs of disabled delegates, presenters and facilitators.
For further information regarding any of our courses, please get in touch.
Education Department
Hospice Isle of Man

01624 647451
Course Calendar
17 Advance Care Planning 14.00-15.30hrs
25 Syringe Pump Training 14.00-16.00hrs
6&7 Communication Skills (Advanced) 2Days 09.30-16.30hrs
15 Ethical Issues in Palliative Care 09.30-16.30hrs
7 Syringe Pump training 14.00-16.00hrs
9 Malignant Spinal Cord Compression 13.30-16.30hrs
14 Delirium/Agitation 13.30-16.30hrs
16 Communication Skills (Foundation) 09.30-13.00hrs
22 Care of the Dying (Advanced) 09.30-16.30hrs
6 SPIKES (Communication) 09.30-12.30hrs
6 Difficult Telephone Conversations 13.30 -16.30hrs
26 Care of the Dying Person (Foundation) 09.30-16.30hrs
DAY MAY 2017
17 Syringe Pump Training 14.00-16.00hrs
22 Opening the Spiritual Gate 09.30-16.30hrs
1314 Communication Skills (Advanced) 2Days 09.30-16.30hrs
1920 Communication Skills (Intermediate) 2Days 09.30-16.30hrs
30 Syringe Pump Training 14.00-16.00hrs
6 SPIKES (Breaking Bad News) 13.30-16.30hrs
12 Nausea/Vomiting 13.30-16.30hrs
18 Pain 13.30-16.30hrs
27 Achieving a successful home death 09.30-16.30hrs
4 Care of the Dying Person (Foundation) 09.30-16.30hrs
5 Advance care Planning 14.00–15.30hrs
12 Opening the Spiritual Gate 09.30-16.30hrs
16 SPIKES (communication) 13.30-16.30hrs
18 Bereavement Care 14.00-16.30hrs
19 Syringe Pump training 14.00-16.00hrs
24 Care of the Dying (Advanced) 09.30-16.30hrs
26 Difficult Telephone Conversations 13.30-16.30hrs
10 Syringe Pump Training 14.00-16.00hrs
14 15 Communication Skills (Advanced) 2Days 09.30-16.30hrs
16 Dyspnoea 13.30-16.30hrs
23 Communication Skills (Foundation) 09.30-13.00hrs
5 Ethical Issues in Palliative Care 09.30-16.30hrs
1213 Communication Skills (Intermediate) 2Days 09.30-16.30hrs
15 SPIKES (Breaking Bad News) 09.30-12.30hrs
Please note that the above information was correct when it was first published in January 2017, however courses are subject to change and/or cancellation.

Keep a look out for any new courses on the Hospice Website
Communication Skills 10- 12
Advanced (Masterclass) 10
Intermediate 10
Foundation 11
SPIKES (Breaking Bad News) 11
Difficult Telephone Conversations 12
Advance Care Planning 12
Care of The Dying 13-14
Advanced 13
Foundation 13
Achieving a Successful Home Death 14
Bereavement and Grief 14
Bereavement Care 14
Spirituality 15
Opening the Spiritual Gate 15
Ethics 15
Ethical Issues in Palliative Care 15
Syringe Pump 16
McKinley T34 Syringe Pump 16
Palliative Care Emergencies 16
Malignant Spinal Cord Compression 16
Symptom Management 17-18
Pain 17
Nausea & Vomiting (inc Bowel Obstruction) 17
Dyspnoea 18
Delirium and Agitation 18

Application Form

Hospice Isle of Man
Course Title:
Date of Course:
Place of Work:
Contact details: / Mobile Telephone:
(important as certificates will be sent out electronically)
Applicants Signature: / Date:
Please detail any requirements you have relating to a disability:
Please return completed application form to:
Practice development team, Hospice Isle of Man, Strang IM4 4RP
Closing date is 2weeks prior to commencement of course.
You will be contacted with confirmation of a place on receipt of your application form.
If you are unable to attend please inform Hospice as soon as possible to let others have your place. Tel No: 647451/647487