Chairman Mr J Matthews (JM)
Vice-Chairman Mr M Rea (MR)
Councillors Mr G Morris (GM) Mrs C Liddington (CL)
Mr G Martin (GCM) Mr D Hibbard (DH) Mr J Hillier (JH) Mr T Moody (TM)
Mrs C Browett (CB) Mr P Cutcher (PC)
Mr T Weedon (TW)
District Councillor Mr John Thomson
There were 5 members of the public present.
Item1231 Declaration of Conflict of Interests
No declarations made.
1232 Apologies
Councillors Mrs M Jolliffe and Mr L Price.1233 Public Questions
No questions at this time.
1234 Approval of Minutes of last meeting.Minutes were approved for proposal by JH and seconded by GM.
1235 Planning
PC asked if the Council could look and discuss application 09/00998/FUL Erection of replacement dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling. Applewood House, Noble Street, Sherston.
After some discussion on materials and appearance it was agreed that the Parish Council had no objections to this application however the council requested that Development Services ensure that the stone used in construction is in character with adjacent properties. There was a small planning sub- committee meeting held after the main meeting to discuss other applications.
1236 Correspondence
1236.1 WC Parish Steward Programme summer 2009. A list of jobs has been mentioned to the Clerk. MR informed the Council that the Parish Steward had managed to come out on an extra visit and weed kill all weeds along the Court Street Recreation wall. The Parish Council are very grateful for his extra help. SW has thanked both the co-ordinator Katie Fielding and Matt Treacy the Parish Steward.
(ACTION – SW to contact Parish Steward Scheme regarding list of new jobs).
1236.2 Parish Improvement Grant Schemes. Information given to MR.
1236.3 Area Board Highway Information. A pack containing all relevant Highway information has been sent from WC. The pack contains the primary Salting Routes, SW has also printed off the extended salting routes which includes Tanners Hill and Forlorn. There is also information regarding the planned resurfacing work due on the B4040 which will run from Malmesbury West to Easton Grey. It was also mentioned at the meeting that Church Street is in need of resurfacing in places.
ACTION- SW to inform CLARENCE regarding Church Street
1236.4 WC Parish Newsletter – Life Saving Scheme. In the latest Parish Newsletter local councils and parishes have been invited to find out more about a lifesaving Scheme. AED is providing communities with their own Defibrillators. It is not sure if the surgery has a defibrillator.
ACTION- SW to contact Tolsey Surgery Manager to ask for advice
1236.5 WC Review of Rough Sleepers. WC has sent a survey asking local Parishes if they have any rough sleepers in their community. The survey is requesting any information on anyone sleeping outdoors or in places not designed for habitation. The Parish Council are not aware of any rough sleepers at present.
1236.6 Mr Hillier- letter. A letter was sent to JM regarding a recent matter brought up at the APM in May. JM stated that he was sorry to have upset Mr Hillier and that he would respond to him in writing when the matter of confidentiality had been fully investigated. JM thanked Mr Hillier for his letter and informed the Council that the letter addressed three topics.
Topic 1- Chairman’s Behaviour.
Mr Hillier was not happy with how JM personally dealt with Mr Hillier and the matter being discussed at the APM in May. JM apologised to Mr Hillier about his behaviour and as the letter was written to JM a letter of apology will be sent to Mr Hillier from JM.
Topic 2- Cones on High Street
Mr Hillier for some time has been concerned with the use of cones on the High Street by residents trying to reserve a parking space outside their homes and wanted the Parish Council to take action. This matter has been discussed in the past was brought up at the APM by Mr Hillier. The Parish explained to Mr Hillier that the Council can not enforce any action on residents placing cones, as this is down to Highways, however a letter will be sent to the High Street residents reminding them that placing cones on the High Street is an offence as it is obstructing the public Highway.
Topic 3- Anonymity at public Meetings.
In Mr Hillier’s letter he was dismayed that his comments and actions were minuted in the APM as four years ago he had asked the clerk if he could remain anonymous when attending meetings. SW explained that when Mr Hillier approached her at this time, she had informed him where possible she would try to not mention his name. Soon after this conversation Mr Hillier did not attend any Parish Council meetings and it was not until the APM in May this year in which the clerk was not present did Mr Hillier attend.
After receiving advice from NALC the Parish Council have found out that it is impossible for anyone who wishes to attend a public meeting to remain anonymous purely as it is a by law public meeting and technically could be broadcasted by radio or TV. If a person wishes to comment on a subject yet remain anonymous this can only be done in the form of a letter and that person not attending the meeting in which the matter is raised. Mr Hillier thanked the Council for this information.
1236.7 Letter – planters.
A letter has been sent suggesting that the High Street might benefit from some conformity in the range of planters and troughs used by residents living on the High Street. It would give the High Street some appearance of uniformity. The person goes on to say that the surgery particularly could benefit and maybe the products could be offered to the surgery at cost or free to those residents who have put up with all the noise and parking issues endured by living on the High Street especially during the Boules Carnival. The fibre Clay planters used by No 10 the High Street are the sort of example of a good quality planter. The writer of the letter included a catalogue of the range of products available by the company who supplied these planters. This suggestion will be included in the letter to the High Street residents.
ACTIONS - Letter to be compiled by SW to the High Street residents regarding above matters
ACTIONS - JM to write Mr Hillier a Letter.
Late Correspondence
1236.8 Parking outside the Surgery - It has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that the spaces allocated for the doctors outside the Tolsey Surgery are being used by other High Street residents. These spaces need to be left free for the doctors and ambulances that might be going to the surgery. The Parish Council originally painted these spaces and there is no legal enforcement however, SW will ask Highways to repaint them and ask the police if they can be official and thus enforced. JT informed the Council that in Malmesbury when the doctor’s surgery was in the High Street, spaces for Ambulances were created on the road opposite and enforced by the local police and traffic wardens.
ACTIONS – SW to contact Highways regarding lines and local police about this matter
1236.9 Parking outside the Old School - Mr Campbell has written to the Parish Council regarding car owners parking too close to the railings outside the Old SchoolThis results in pedestrians being forced out into the road. The Parish Council are aware of this problem and when the Old School is renovated, bollards will be put in place to stop cars parking too close to the railings.
1236.10 Strongs Close Parking - CL told the Council that a resident of Strongs Close who has a severely disabled wife is unable to park outside his house at School drop off and pick up times. The resident has talked to the School about the problem and has applied for a disabled parking spot. The Parish Council would be happy to support the application if needed.
1236.11 Parking in village- It has been suggested to the Parish Council that to relieve the pressure of parking in the centre of the village that part of the recreation ground could be cordoned off and used for parking. As the recreation ground is a charity MR would like to look at all details and restrictions regarding the recreation ground trust before consultation goes before the village.
ACTIONS –MR to look at recreation ground trust details
1236.12 WC Amenities. A list of contractors for amenities has been sent to the Parish Council. SW will arrange a visit from them to discuss possible recycling amenities in the village hall.
ACTIONS- SW to contact amenities at WC to arrange visit to meeting.
1236.13 Thank you letter. A thank you letter has been sent from Rebecca Steel thanking the Parish Council on behalf of Malmesbury School for the donation of £100 which went towards Malmesbury School and the Sondeza Afri Youth camp project.
1236.14 Sherston Living Churchyard Project. Mrs Sue Robinson has contacted the Parish Council asking if the Parish Council can offer financial support for part of the above project involving tree clearance. The project is aimed at making the churchyard an area where all kinds of wildlife are encouraged. The existing trees do not favour wildlife and the aim is to replace them with suitable native plants. Many parts of the churchyard are suffering from neglect and the trimming and removal of some trees and large shrubs would make the churchyard more wildlife friendly and tidier. Mrs Robinson enclosed a quote from a tree surgeon for £4550.00 or £325.00 a day. The Parish Council would like to see a plan of where exactly the trees are and the reasons why certain trees need to be felled.
ACTIONS – SW to write to Mrs Robinson with the above request
1237 Finance
1237.1The receipts balances and accounts for payment were circulated.
The Accounts were proposed for approval by MR and seconded by TW1237.2 The internal Audit process
GCM wanted to thank SW for her choice of internal auditor. It was a very smooth and professional process and at a good price.
1238 Environment, Parish Lands and General Services Committee.
1238.1 The Old School.
The Old School Committee are still waiting to hear from the diocese regarding the formal agreement. The complication regarding the long term lease of the School field, which was holding up proceedings, has now been resolved. Once the Diocese has formally agreed in writing, then the purchase would hopefully follow. If no news is received within the next week a meeting will be arranged with the parties involved.
1238.2 Luckington Road
The Environment Agency has been contacted regarding the steel girders over the stone bridge and other activities going on in the field. An officer from the Environment Agency has been assigned and the Parish Council are waiting to hear his findings. The situation regarding the small holding and caravan has now gone to cabinet level at WC. JT has spoken to the enforcement team and has demanded that these issues are resolved before any other minor matters are looked at.
1238.3 Matters brought up at the APM
Speed was a concern, especially along Tetbury Road and in Willesley. Sergeant Alvis is visiting Sherston in August for a speed initiative. This is where communities take an active role in monitoring speed; it has been successful in Crudwell, Charlton and other local villages.
1238.4 Footpaths
The footpath group would like to buy a laminated notice board for the new footpath map. This will be put in the bus shelter. The cost would be in the region of £200.
Work on the footpath booklet is progressing and should be ready for publication early next year. On every footpath that has a problem, the footpath group would like to produce a schedule for the Rights of Way, showing the footpaths with the problem areas that need attention. JT supports this action.
Steve and Jay Dunn who were at the meeting and also members of the footpath group, brought up the subject of dogs. On some walks when passing certain properties the dogs follow the walkers and can be aggressive towards other walkers and dogs. Damage has also been caused to crops where walkers do not have their dogs on their leads. MR mentioned that there are a few loose dogs in the village at present; one is regular on Silver Street and one on Court Street. MR suggested putting an item in the Cliffhanger asking for walkers to keep their dogs on leads when on footpaths.
(ACTION- SW to contact dog warden regarding loose dogs and MR to put item in Cliffhanger)
1238.5 Allotments
There is to be an Allotment Association meeting held in September. The possibility of more allotments will be discussed.
1238.6 Community Payback Scheme
The meeting which was due to be held on the 1st July has been rescheduled to the 22nd July at 10am, MR SW and DH to attend.
1238.7 Recreation Ground and Sports field
There is a new padlock on the Recreation Ground Gate. ‘No Dogs’ signs are to be erected at the Sports field. MR to talk to Mr Neale regarding sports field wall.
1238.8 Tennis Club
A meeting was held between MR, GM and the chairman of the Tennis Club Mr Ashley Stopforth plus two club committee members. At the meeting it was agreed the facility needs to be made more accessible to the public. A sign is to go up on the courts with information about the club and something will be put in the Cliffhanger about membership. There are currently no toilets for the Club so it might be a possibility for the football club to get together and share facilities. The matter of child protection and health and safety was also dealt with. The meeting was very constructive.