The Parish of St. Paul with St. John

Seventh Sunday of Easter

26th May 2013

Lectionary C

The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday:

Bishop of the Windward Islands



Home Telephone: 784-458-4332

Office: 784-457-5163




Home Telephone: 784-456—8834

Ms. Joye Browne (457-4128) & Ms. Alice Mandeville (458- 4355)



Education - Sanctification - Fellowship – Evangelism

Today’s Celebrant & Preacher: Canon O. Samuel Nichols

The Order of Service

Introit Hymn 211

Opening Sentence Pg. 99

Greetings & Collect for Purity Pg.101

The Kyrie & Gloria Pg.102

Collect for the Day

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 6:1-8

Psalm 29

New Testament Lesson Revelation 4:1-11

Gradual Hymn 228

Gospel John 16:5-15

The Sermon

The Nicene Creed Pg.106

The Intercession Form D

Bishop’s College Message

The Act of Penitence and Absolution Pg.123

The Peace Pg.125


Offertory Hymn 223

Offertory Prayer Pg.126

Eucharistic Prayer Form A Pg.131

The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144

The Breaking of Bread Pg.145

Invitation Pg.145

Communion Hymns – 232,252,521

Blessing of the Children 659

Post-Communion Prayer - Prayer II Pg.148

Recessional Hymn 363



Church Old Testament Psalm New Testament

St. Paul’s : Bishop’s College Young People Young People

St. John’s: Young People Young People Young People

Building on the Foundation: Our Hope for Tomorrow

The Rector’s Message

26th May 2013

A Good Church Fight

I love a good church fight! Especially when it's in someone else's church. Churches often have their ‘heated debates’. We debate all kinds of things: property, pension, pastors, sexuality, euthanasia, church, state and rectories

Church fights, however, are not always bad. It really depends on what you're fighting for. I remember in one particular church we got into it over pews. We had to put new pews in the Church. One of our ladies became so irate over the color the committee picked that on the day we consecrated the pews she brought her lawn chair.

Sometimes a good dispute--properly addressed--can lead to new insight and understanding. It happens in marriage. Oh, I know we don't like to call it fighting. Call it a discussion. It sounds more Christian. But a disagreement, honestly processed, can lead to greater clarity, a stronger bond, and a more faithful witness. I think it's a good thing occasionally when people can agree to disagree and still be friends.

The church fight that happened in Acts 15 was over something essential! It had to do with the nature of salvation. The Pharisee party heard about the Gentiles in Antioch. Rumor had it they were being baptized and welcomed into the fellowship without circumcision. And speaking for the church, this group said: "You cannot be saved unless you are circumcised." You cannot be a Christian unless you first become a Jew. If you don't accept the law, Christ will not accept you! It's interesting; circumcision is referred to in verse 1 of our text as a custom, but in verse 5 it's referred to as a law.

Now there's a big difference between a law and a custom. A custom is a norm, a tradition, a practice that is helpful, meaningful, but not necessarily essential. But a law is a rule; it's an edict, a non-negotiable. Sometimes the church disagrees over what is custom and what is law. If what this group is saying is true, then the grace of God in Christ is not enough for salvation. You have to add to it the Law of Moses. Peter, on the other hand, wisely frames the theology of the early church in verse 11. "We believe," says Peter, "that we are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ." Period.

The Pharisee party had accepted God's grace in Christ. But they were so bound to their own customs that they were confusing non-essentials with essentials. And they were making life more difficult not only for the Gentile Christians, but for the Holy Spirit! So it's interesting what happens. I think it's a model of conflict resolution in the text. The Antioch church doesn't go rogue; they don't wash their hands of the Jerusalem church. They respect the apostolic community. They understand that they would have never even heard the Gospel had it not been for them.
John Wesley had a good rule of thumb. He said, "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

WELCOME to the Parish of St. Paul, Calliaqua with St. John, Belair. We are so pleased that you chose to worship with us today and it is our hope that you were blessed byWord and Sacrament and we hope that you will visit us again.

An invitation is extended to all Lay Readers and other interested persons to

attend a Homoletics Training Programme at the Anglican Pastoral Center,

New Montrose from 11thMay—29th June, 2013, starting time 9:30am.

2. Bishop’s College Sunday is today and we welcome all the students who will be

worshipping with us this morning. A Retiring Collection will be taken up

for the College.

3. The Parish of Holy Trinity will celebrate their Feast of Title this afternoon

at 3pm. All are cordially invited to attend.

4. The Hurricane Season is almost upon us. W e need to be on the alert,

and get ready for any disaster that may come upon us.

5. All members who have ticket moneys outstanding are asked to pay in

these funds soonest.

6. The Archdeaconry Family Day is slated for 23rd June at the Arnos

Vale Playing Field.

7.The Rev’d Fr. J. Everton Weekes has been appointed Rector of the Parish of St.

Mary, Bequia with Holy Cross, Paget Farm, St. Michael, Canouan, Mustique

and St. Matthias, Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines with effect from

1st June, 2013. The service of Institution and Induction is scheduled for Tuesday

3rd September, 2013 being the feast of Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, at

St. Mary’s Parish Church, Bequia. Your prayers and presence are requested

8.Please read this Bulletin and then pass it on to a friend or relative.

If you wish to sponsor the Church Bulletin, Please call in to the Church Office at 45-75163.


Your prayers are asked for the sick of the Parish, both at home and in the hospital. Pray that God will restore them to a sound and pristine health.

Sick & Shut-ins

Hugh Bailey Withfield Bess Chinello Browne

MarcelleNeverson Cornelia Cox Anita David

Lewistina Farrell Stanley French Leonora Holder

Cindy Hogan Rosalie Davis Becenta Haywood

George Haywood Sydney Joseph Cynthia John

Theresa Quashie Helen Joseph Mildred King

AleathaGoodluck Jeremy Grant Elimina Griffith

Miriam Gurley Alfred Mandeville Inez Mandeville

Hugh Marshall Ardon & Marie Mc Cree Elmina Martin

Beatrice Noel Adella Smart Elaine Ollivierre

Cheryl Peters Mary Phillips Reid Violet Revierre

Susan Sinson Sarah Spencer Dorothy Ryan

Vera Smart Clara Sandy Carl Stephens

Nola Thomas Amanda Robinson G. Barrow

The Rev. Frs. AlrickSkerritt , Frank Garraway, Agnes London

Sarah Commissiong AnselmaSoso Ena Malcolm

Elsa Scott Sylvina John Naomi Bennette

Randolph Russell Roland Hannibald Kathleen Jones

Iona Marksman Gevena Adams Josephine Thomas

Josephine Thomas Isabella Browne

Please keep the Church informed of the condition of the above persons

Financial Corner

St. Paul’s: 19th May Att: 150 $187450

St. John’s: 19th May Att: 105 $749.90



Solemn High MassSt. Paul 6:30am

Solemn High MassSt. John9:00am

Sunday SchoolSt. Paul3:30pm

Sunday School St. John3:00pm


Mass St. Paul6:00am

Bible StudySt. Paul5:00pm

A.C.W.A. Meeting3rd Tuesday5:00pm

Mother’s Union Meeting St. John 1st & 3rd Tuesday


MassSt. Paul6:00am

Bible Study St. John5:00pm

Choir PracticeSt. Paul 5:30pm


Morning Prayer St. Paul 6:00am

Mother’s Union Meeting St. Paul 2nd & Last Thursday


MassSt. Paul6:00am

God’s Garden & Homework Club5:00pm

IMPAC+ Youth Ministry6:30pm


Confirmation Class St. Paul 9:30am

Altar Servers PracticeSt. John1:00pm

Altar Servers Practice St. Paul’s 4:30p.m

The Living Word:

MonDt 4:9-14Psalm 25 2 Cor 1:1-11

Tue Dt 4:15-24 Psalm 26 2 Cor 1:12-22

Wed Dt 4:25-31Psalm 38 2 Cor 1:23-2:17

Thurs Dt 4:32-40 Psalm 37:1-18 2 Cor 3:1-18

Friday Dt 5:1-22Psalm 31 2 Cor 4:1-12

Sat Dt 5:22-33 Psalm 30 2 Cor 4:13-5:10

Lectionary C - Pg. 693

1 Kings 8:22-23,27-30,41-43 Psalm 96:1-9

Galatians 1:1-10 Luke 7:1-10

Your Health and You By: Dr. Michael Goodluck

Oral thrush is a common and usually harmless fungal infection in the mouth. It mostly affects children under two years of age.
The main symptom of oral thrush is one or more white spots or patches in your baby's mouth. The patches can look like curd or cottage cheese.
Other symptoms include:

refusing the breast or fussiness at the breast when you try to feed

a whitish sheen to their saliva

Read more about the symptoms of oral thrush in babies.

Treating thrush in babies

Many cases of oral thrush clear up in a few days without the need for treatment.
If symptoms persist or they are particularly troublesome, ask your health visitor for advice or visit your GP.
There are several antifungal gels that can treat oral thrush. It is important to speak to your GP or pharmacist before you use them as some gels are not suitable for very young babies.

Why does my baby have oral thrush?

Oral thrush is caused by a strain of yeast fungus called candidaalbicans, which lives on the skin and inside the mouth of most people.
It doesn't cause symptoms usually, but it can cause an infection in people with a weakened immune system. As the immune systems of newborn babies are still developing, they are more vulnerable to infection.

Who is affected

Oral thrush is a common condition, affecting around 1 in 20 babies.
It is most common in babies around four weeks old, although older babies can get it too. Premature babies (babies born before 37 weeks) have an increased risk of developing oral thrush.