St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, Oct 9 - 28th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time
10:00 Dec. of Stohovitch and Suplita Families
12:00 + Miguel Solorzano-Delgado
8:00 + Robert and Mildred Brunner
Monday, October 10
12:10 + George and Marsene Dyer
Tuesday, October 11
12:10 + Cameron Horvath
Wednesday, October 12
12:10 + Dorothy Connell
Thursday, October 13
12:10 + Helen F. Bailey
Friday, October 14
12:10 + Francisco Mora, Sr.
Saturday, October 15 - St. Teresa of Avila
4:30 + Tony Dangel
Sunday, Oct 16 - 29th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time
10:00 + James McCafferty
12:00 Pro Populo
8:00 + Rose Stohovitch
Scripture Readings for the Week
Mon. Gal 4:22-5:1; Lk 11:29-32
Tues. Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41
Wed. Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46
Thur. Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54
Fri. Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7
Sat. Eph 1:15-23; Lk 12:8-12
Sun. Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121; 2Tim 3:14-4:2; Lk 18:1-8
Collection Offering
October 2 - $6,659.00
Your sacrifice at Mass is a support to your Church.
Thank you for your charitable giving.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Anthony Urdiales, Georgina Valerio, Dr. Aldon Villalba, Helen Bailey, Patricia Finn, John Regan, Ann Miller, John W. Didado,MarilynMaximovichandin our Book of Prayers.
PRAYER PARTNERS – Following the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, a Prayer Team is available to pray for and with anyone in need. Meet at the St. Joseph altar.
R.C.I.A. - Do you or someone you know have questions about becoming Catholic? We can respond to your questions about an Adult initiation Process to enter the Catholic Church. We will begin meeting every Sunday after the 10:00 am Mass starting September 11. Call the parish office, or call Jim Griggy at 330.773.1248.
RAYS OF MERCY CENACLE – Apostles of the Divine Mercy invite you to bear witness through service to those in most need of mercy in our world today. Classes are the first and second Wednesdays in October from 6 to 7:30 pm in the St. Bernard Parish House.We are a lay outreach mission. For further information, contact ManenaVidlak at 330-762-1959.
THE JOY OF LOVE - We are pleased to offer this prayer/study/reflection group on Pope Francis' latest work on love in the family: join us on Wednesdays, from 7 to 9 PM, in our Parish House. Starts on October 12, then Oct 26, November 9 and 30, and December 14. 2017 dates TBA. To register, order a book or if you have any questions, call Michele at 313-319-1188 or email: .
FALL TEMPERATURES - Outside temperatures in the Fall Season do just that - they fall. Please be prepared when coming to church to wear a sweater or light jacket in October.
ST. VINCENT de PAUL BLANKET SUNDAY - You will find at the front doors of the church an Offering Envelope for you to send to the St. Vincent de Paul Society to purchase blankets for the needy this winter. Please be generous to their efforts.
In the cross aisle of the church you will find a display of items laid in the "St. Bernard's Schule"
cornerstone in 1887. The contents of the Time Capsule reflects the German heritage of the parish and school. In today's bulletin you will find the final segment of an article written in a local newspaper on August 6, 1887 about the laying of the cornerstone, the pastor, and the school. The paper was found in the time capsule.
From The Akron Daily Beacon
Saturday, August 6, 1887
(After describing the dimensions and points of the new school building, this newspaper article concluded with a brief history on Fr. John B. Broun, pastor of St. Bernard Parish from 1866-1915, 49 years!)
"In his 21 years' residence in this city Rev. Father Broun has endeared himself to many of the best citizens. His devotion to his church and people has won for him the admiration of all classes who have watched his labors and have seen the grand results. The following brief mention of this priest is timely:
John Baptist Broun, as he was christened, was born March 2, 1834, at Reneng, Lorain, France.
At the age of 13, the parents of Father Broun left France for America. He made full preparation for the priesthood and was ordained a priest at Sault St. Mary, Michigan, August 30, 1863, when he was assigned a pastorate at Eagles Harbor, Michigan, where he remained three years when he was assigned to his present pastorate of which he took charge July 19, 1866.
Upon his arrival in Akron, Father Broun found a small church and a weak congregation having less than 80 families and not more than 35 children in attendance at school. At present (1887) the number of families goes into the hundreds and about 450 children are attending school where they are kept until 12 years of age, when they receive their first communion and are at liberty to attend the public schools of the city if the parents so decide.
During these 21 years' pastorate of Father Broun with the liberal assistance of his congregation, he has made the following improvements and today the church has not a cent of debt.
Original St. Bernard's - 1862-1946 - where the Inventor's
Museum stands today: S. Broadway and E. University Ave.
Upon entering his present home on Middlebury Street (now State) an indebtedness of $2,200 was upon it. This was paid when a cemetery on the West side (295 S. Maple) was purchased for $3,000. Three bells have been purchased at a cost of $2,350. A church organ for $1,300. Additions and repairs on the church, $18,000, the building in the rear of the church, occupied by the teachers of the parochial school, $1,400, and the foundation of the new school, $5,300; total of $33,550, or an average of $5 per day of indebtedness being paid.
During all these years of labor Father Broun has enjoyed one vacation of four months abroad.
It being ever so late in the season that the school building cannot be completed without being damaged by the Winter storms and frosts it has been decided to postpone the further building until early Spring and have all in readiness to open the school in September, 1888, when it is expected that all the children of the parish of this church, over 12 years of age, attending the public schools will be taken into the new school where they can complete their school course and where a full corps of competent teachers will be employed in addition to the present number in the primary department.
Upon completion of this work, Father Broun contemplates taking a vacation of six months to visit Palestine, Rome, and other foreign countries, a rest which he will have richly earned."
Note Well:1) Pictures and italicized info were added for this bulletin column and not original to the article.
2) We don't know if Fr. Broun took his long vacation, but we know he didn't stop building. The corner houses on State and High Streets became the new convent; and his pièce de résistance: our present St. Bernard church was built by him and consecrated on October 15, 1905.
NATIONAL ELECTIONS - 2016 - one month from now we will go to the polls to cast our ballot. As Catholics we base our choices on more than emotions or impressions. We look to the stance a candidate or party takes and how it coincides with our religious beliefs and one's personal conscience.
You can find a wealth of information at our own Diocesan Website on Faithful Citizenship. Just go to:
You'll not only find information on the issues, Bishop Lennon's article on "the total picture", but also how and where to vote. Voter registration ends October 11. You can also go directly to the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (usccb). The following prayer is from their site.
Prayer Before An Election
Lord God, as the election approaches,we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country,and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community.We ask for eyes that are free from blindnessso that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity,especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty.
We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned,Men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender.We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom.
We pray for discernment
so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word,
live your love,
and keep in the ways of your truth
as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles
and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace.
We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit.Amen.
Dear Community of St. Bernard,
Last Saturday, Bishop Lennon celebrated the Centennial Anniversary Mass of the dedication of St. Mary church. Over two hundred people attended the Mass and Dinner. And for the first time in decades, and courtesy of J.W. Didado, the lights on the mural of the Blessed Mother's Assumption were illuminated. It was a good celebration. In 2017 we begin the 130th Year of Catholic Education at St. Mary School and 100 years of that ministry in the current school building.
You probably won't believe this but I want to build a school for St. Bernard Parish. WHAT?! Is he crazy? Well, maybe! But I'm not talking about a school building, nor even a grade school.
What I'd like to build is a SCHOLA (Latin for school). It won't cost us thousands of dollars. What it will take are some men (and women, eventually) willing to learn to sing chant that can be included in a repertoire of hymns for Mass.
If you would be interested in being part of this 'schola', there will be a 30 minute kick-off meeting here on Sunday, October 30, at 11am. Then, on a Saturday in November, hold a workshop with a director of chant style music. If interested contact me at the Parish Office by phone or email.
We already have a handful of men in our Community who have sung Gregorian chants at Christmas and during Holy Week. We would like to build this schola, by teaching the chant style and then addoccasionally, not replace, our current Mass choirs during the year. After all, this style of music and polyphony is part of our Church's history and tradition. And St. Bernard church was built for it.
This Saturday we quietly celebrate the 111th Anniversary of the Consecration of St. Bernard church on October 15, 1905.Let us give thanks for the blessings that have occurred within these walls; the Masses celebrated and the Sacraments received. And let us give thanks for the blessings we have been privileged to share with those who pass through our doors while in Downtown Akron. Happy Anniversary, Fr. Dan
OCTOBER: Month of the Rosary - In the vestibule of the church (front lobby) you will find a basket of Rosaries. Please take one if you need one or know someone who would benefit from one. Also there is a card explaining how to say the rosary; this includes the prayers: Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be.
As winter nears we can use the following items for those who come to us for food and shelter:
GLOVES (not garden gloves)
SWEATSHIRTS (with hood, a plus)
UNDER CLOTHING (men & women)
Please place donated items in the wooden container at the front entrance of the church doors, or bring them to the sacristy before/after Mass.
APPARITION HILL - is apowerful new film that chronicles seven people of various beliefs and histories who set out to investigate the events in the village of Medjugorje, along the Croatian-Bosnia-Herzegovina borders. It describes how their pilgrimage impacted their lives. This "emotionally charged cinematic pilgrimage" will be shown at CINEMAX THEATER on State Rd. in Cuyahoga Falls on Thursday, October 20th at 7:00pm and Sunday, October 23 at 3:00pm. Tickets are $12.00 and can be purchased by contacting Lisa Joyce 330-352-7043, or, Mary Ann Haag 330-414-0297.
THE WORD of GOD - Anyone looking to be rich? All are welcome to become rich in grace. You probably can't take it to the Bank, but you can bank on it taking you to Heaven. Join with fellow parishioners to share God's Word and prayer on Tuesday, October 18 at 7:00pm in the St. Bernard Parish House. This spiritual service is led by parishioners and has been a blessing to those who participate. "Allow the Word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you." Col. 3:16.
Comunidad Latina
CAPACITAR –La próxima reunión será el 29 de octubre. Te esperamos. Tema: La Salud de la Mujer y Prevención
CLASES DE PRE-BAUTIZO – La próxima clase es el 29 de Octubre, en el Salón Histórico a las 10:00am. Bautismos son celebrados el primer y tercer sábado del mes a las 11:00 de la mañana.
ROSARIOS – A la Virgen de Guadalupe, los primeros sábados, a las 7:00 pm. Llame a Alma 330-634-7574.
A la Virgen Rosa Mística, los segundos sábados, llame a Julia 815-603-6724. Todos están invitados a participar de esta devoción. El próximo rosarioes el 8 de octubre, de Lety Gomes, 330-618-3189, 663 Blaine Av. Akron. El 15 de octubre, de Isabel Martinez, 330-603-1533, 589 Lincolin Ave. Barberton.
VOTACIONES – Te invitamos a una reunión para después de la misa del domingo, 16 de octubre, Rosita Baker hablará de Como Votar como un Católico devoto.
BODAS – ¿Qué se necesita para casarse en la Iglesia Católica?
1) Una persona, pero mejor las dos, son católicos.
2) Son libres a casarse; quiere decir, ningún novio/a ha sido casado anteriormente (o ha recibido una Declaración de Nulidad).