GRADE 1/2Long Range Plans & Report Card Expectations
Shaw-Carolan, Sora, Ball, Manoukas
Grade 1 / Grade 2Number Sense & Numeration / § demonstrates, using concrete materials, the concept of one-to-one correspondence between number and objects when counting
§ reads and prints in words whole numbers to ten, using meaningful contexts / § counts forward and backwards by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 25’s to 200, using number lines and hundreds charts, starting from multiples of 1, 2, 5, and 10
§ reads and prints in words whole numbers to twenty, using meaningful contexts
Measurement / § estimates, measures, and records lengths, heights, and distances
§ compares two or three objects using measurable attributes, and describes the objects using relative terms / § estimates and measures length, height, and distance, using standard units and non-standard units
§ records and represents measurements of length, height, and distance in a variety of ways
Geometry & Spatial Sense / § identifies and describes common two dimensional shapes and sorts and classifies them by their attributes, using concrete materials and pictorial representations / § identifies and describes various polygons and sorts and classifies them by their geometric properties, using concrete materials and pictorial representations
Patterning & Algebra / **Not reporting this term / **Not reporting this term
Data Management & Probability / § demonstrates an ability to organize objects into categories by sorting and classifying objects using one attribute, and by describing informal sorting experiences / § demonstrates an ability to organize objects into categories, by sorting and classifying objects using two attributes simultaneously
Grade 1 / Grade 2Number Sense & Numeration / § solves a variety of problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 20, using concrete materials and drawings / § composes and decomposes two-digit numbers in a variety of ways, using concrete materials
§ solves problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 18, using a variety of mental strategies
Measurement / § reads demonstration digital and analogue clocks, and uses them to identify benchmark times and to tell and writes time to the hour and half-hour in everyday settings
§ names the months of the year in order, and read the date on a calendar
§ relate temperature to experiences of the seasons / § tells and writes time to the quarter-hour, using demonstration digital and analogue clocks
§ determine, through investigation, the relationship between days and weeks and between months and years
§ use a standard thermometer to determine whether temperature is rising or falling
Geometry & Spatial Sense / § identifies and describes common three- dimensional figures and sorts and classifies them by their attributes / § identifies and describes various three-dimensional figures and sorts and classifies them by their geometric properties, using concrete materials
Patterning & Algebra / § identifies, describes, and extends, through investigation, geometric repeating patterns involving one attribute
§ creates a set in which the number of objects is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in a given set / § creates a repeating pattern by combining two attributes
§ determines the missing number in equations involving addition and subtraction to 18, using a variety of tools and strategies
Data Management & Probability / § reads primary data presented in concrete graphs and pictographs, and describes the data using comparative language / § reads primary data presented in concrete graphs, pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and other graphic organizers, and describes the data using mathematical language
Grade 1 / Grade 2Number Sense & Numeration / § identifies and describes various coins, using coin manipulatives or drawings, and state their value
§ divides whole objects into parts and identifies and describes, through investigation, equal-sized parts of the whole, using fractional names / § estimates, counts, and represents the value of a collection of coins with a maximum value of one dollar
§ represents and explains, through investigation using concrete materials and drawings, multiplication and division
§ compares fractions using concrete materials, without using standard fractional notation
Measurement / § estimates, measures, and describes area, through investigation using non-standard units
§ estimates, measures, and describes the capacity and/or mass of an object, through investigation using non-standard units / § estimates, measures, and records the distance around objects and the area of objects, using non-standard units
§ estimates, measures, and records the capacity and/or mass of an object, using a variety of non-standard units
Geometry & Spatial Sense / § describes the relative locations of objects or people using positional language and on concrete maps created in the classroom
§ locates shapes in the environment that have symmetry, and describe the symmetry / § describes the relative locations and the movements of objects on a map
§ creates and describes symmetrical designs
using a variety of tools
Patterning & Algebra / § identifies and extends, through investigation, numeric repeating patterns / § identifies, describes, and creates, through investigation, growing patterns and shrinking patterns involving addition and subtraction, with and without the use of calculators
Data Management & Probability / § describes the likelihood that every day events will occur, using mathematical language / § describes probability as a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur, using mathematical language