How to write a Calendar item
Every issue, the Idaho Catholic Register includes a feature called “Community Calendar.” This is a great feature because there is no charge for the listing, and it provides equal opportunity for free publicity for the largest churches as well as the smallest chapels.
Unfortunately, parishes and schools don’t always send items into us, which can diminish the numbers attending their events and exclude many readers from enjoying the rich diversity of Catholic Idaho. Below are a series of simple rules designed to encourage you to share your upcoming events with our readers:
Rule 1: Timing is everything.
Submissions for Calendar must be in our hands 10 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION OF THE DESIRED ISSUE. The most frequent reason that Calendar items are not published comes from their submission on the day the paper goes to press. The ICR is dated for Friday, but the paper goes to the printer the preceding Tuesday. Most of the Calendar notices are done no later than the preceding Friday. Having your notice arrive on the Tuesday before deadline ensures that we can call you with any questions or concerns and still have time to get it ready for publication.
Rule 2: Thou shalt not repeat. Thou shalt not repeat.
To give everyone a fair shake, the ICR publishes upcoming events in the Calendar only once, including listing all future dates if the item is running in a series (i.e., Thursdays during Lent). It’s not unusual, however, for events to have early deadlines, and those items should be sent even further in advance. For those with budgets, we encourage you to consider placing an ad for your event, either in the issue along with your Calendar listing or a previous or subsequent issue. Call 342-1311 and ask for Ann Bixby about rates.
Rule 3: Thou shalt not list prices (but let us know there is fee).
Perhaps not in Idaho, but in some states, the U.S. Post Office considers things like Calendar items as advertising whenever a price is listed. By doing this, it costs the ICR more money to mail the publication because of postal regulations. You may say that there’s an admission fee, or that a donation is requested, or simply that for more information on costs or to register, call a certain number. If you list a price, we’ll take it out.
Rule 4: Thou shalt include a daytime phone number for us, and a general phone number for everybody else.
If we have a question and we can’t reach you, your item won’t run. It there is a contact number for people to call about the event, make sure that’s clear in your item. You may also include e-mail and Web site addresses as points of reference for our readers. Finally, if the telephone numbers are instate, no area code is necessary.
Rule 5: Your event must be sponsored by a recognized diocesan parish or school.
Parishes serve as sites for some events that have nothing to do with parish ministry: We don’t want ’em. Others eligible for listing in the Calendar must already be included as a group recognized in the current Official (Diocesan) Directory or Official Catholic Directory by P.J. Kenedy. If you are not sure whether or not your event qualifies, please provide us with the name of a pastor or priest who will vouch for its Catholicity. Today, more than ever, with the explosion of the Internet, there are many groups out there who claim to be Catholic or from the Diocese of Boise with no remote affiliation.
Rule 6: Thou shalt not bug the Editor.
ICR Administrative Assistant Loretta Gossi () manages the Calendar, which is why it runs so smoothly. Items can be sent directly to her e-mail, and usually you will see a notice of receipt a short time later. Loretta has excellent typing skills, a thorough knowledge of Idaho, a keen eye for style and a very pleasant demeanor. Why would you want to deal with anything less?
Rule 7: Habla espanol
If your event is targeting our Spanish-language community, please include a copy in both languages, as well as a four- or five-word headline in Spanish. The Spanish copy will appear as a short story on the La Comunidad pages.