Winter 2014Phy 133L-14 (Tuesday) Lab Assignment Schedule

Date / Lab / What’s Due / For next week (or next lab meeting)
Week 1
Rm 3-2615 / Introduction
Review lab analysis techniques
(as needed) / ReviewAssignment
Turn in week 2 only if not finished by end of class / Read Do’s and Don’ts Physics Lab Reports
Read Expectations for Physics Lab Reports
Read Uncertainty Review
Read Lab: Basic Circuits, Appendix C
Read textbook: 26.1-2, 27.1-4, 27.8
Do Pre-Lab: Basic Circuits
Week 2
Rm 3-2623 / Basic Circuits
(BC) / Review
(if not finished by end of class week 1)
BC Pre-Lab / Read Lab: Electric Fields
Read textbook: 22.1-4, 24.1-4, 24.10, 24.12
Do Pre-Lab: Electric Fields
Do Basic Circuits Lab Write-Up
Week 3
Rm 3-2615 / Electric Fields
(EF) / EF Pre-Lab
BC Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Response of Circuit Elements
Read Appendix in lab manual
Read textbook: 26.2, *26.4-5*
Do Pre-Lab: Response of Circuit Elements
Do Electric Fields Lab Write-Up
Week 4
Rm 3-2623 / Response of Circuit Elements
(RCE) / RCE Pre-Lab
EF Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Capacitors
Read textbook: 25.1-3, *25.4*,*27.9*
Do Pre-Lab: Capacitors
Do Resp. of Circuit Elements Lab Write-Up
Week 5
Rm 3-2615 / Capacitors
(CAP) / CAP Pre-Lab
RCE Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Analog Galvanometer
Read textbook: 27.5-27.7, *27.8*
Do Pre-Lab: Analog Galvanometer
Do Capacitors Lab Write-Up
Week 6
Rm 3-2623 / Analog Galvanometer
(AG) / AG Pre-Lab
CAP Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Oscilloscope, Appendix A
Do Pre-Lab: Oscilloscope
Do Analog Galvanometer Lab Write-Up
Week 7
Rm 3-2615 / Oscilloscope
(OSC) / OSC Pre-Lab
AG Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Current Balance
Read textbook: *28.3*, *28.8*
Do Pre-Lab: Current Balance
Do Oscilloscope Lab Write-Up
Week 8
Rm 3-2623 / Current Balance
(CB) / CB Pre-Lab
OSC Lab Write-up / Read Lab: Magnetic Fields
Read textbook: *29.2*, 29.4, *29.5*
Do Pre-Lab: Magnetic Fields
Do Current Balance Lab Write-Up
Week 9
Rm 3-2615 / Magnetic Fields
(MF) / MF Pre-Lab
CB Lab Write-up / Do Magnetic Fields Lab Write-Up
Finish all LATE lab write-ups
STUDY for Lab Final exam
Week 10
Rm 3-2623 / Lab Final Exam
Make-Up Lab / MF Lab Write-up
LATE lab write-ups / No late lab reports accepted after 11:00 am on Wednesday, March 12, 2014
(Instructor’s office: 8-215)
Good luck on all of your final exams and projects!