Unit 8: We the People
Grades: 5
Subject: ESOL
Knowledge and Skills / Time Frame:20 days / Prior Knowledge:
Dependent upon English proficiency level and educational background.
SC Standards:
Standard 1: English language learners will listen to English to acquire language, comprehend and interpret meaning, and respond appropriately in interpersonal and academic contexts.
Indicator 1: Demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary presented orally and in context.
· Indicator 2: Identify and differentiate pronunciation and intonation patterns to interpret meaning.
· Indicator 3: Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of oral instructions, questions, and prompts.
· Indicator 4: Demonstrate comprehension of information and text presented orally.
· Indicator 5: Listen to and participate in conversations and discussions.
Standard 2: English language learners will speak in English for a variety of interpersonal and academic purposes with fluency using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and nonverbal communication strategies.
· Indicator 1: Use vocabulary to communicate effectively in speaking.
· Indicator 2: Use Standard English grammar to speak clearly and accurately.
· Indicator 3: Speak clearly using comprehensible pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.
· Indicator 4: Express personal information and ideas.
· Indicator 5: Communicate academic information with clarity and fluency.
· Indicator 6: Participate in conversations and discussions on a variety of topics.
Standard 3: English language learners will read English to acquire language and comprehend, analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of literary and informational texts.
· Indicator 1: Recognize and interpret meaning of vocabulary and symbols in print.
· Indicator 2: Demonstrate comprehension of informational and literary texts.
· Indicator 3: Recognize the connection between written text and spoken language.
· Indicator 4: Demonstrate an understanding of how English is organized and written.
· Indicator 5: Use strategies to make meaning from text.
Standard 4: English language learners will write in English for a variety of interpersonal and academic purposes using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and Standard English writing conventions.
· Indicator 1: Use vocabulary to communicate effectively in writing.
· Indicator 2: Use Standard English grammar to communicate clearly and accurately in writing.
· Indicator 3: Use the conventions of Standard English to communicate clearly and accurately in writing.
· Indicator 4: Write to express personal information and ideas.
· Indicator 5: Write to convey academic information.
· Indicator 6: Compose text using the steps of the writing process.
SC Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary presented orally and in context. (1.1.a)
Participate in a discussion. (1.5.a)(2.4.b)
Use text features (pictures, captions, etc.) to gather understanding. (3.5.d)
Identify cause and effect relationships. (3.2.a)
Listen for information. (1.4.a)
Identify main idea and supporting details. (3.2.b)
Read short familiar texts with fluency when repeating after a model. (3.3.b)
Ask and answer questions. (1.3.b)(2.2.a)
Respond to a visual image. (2.5.b)
Relate to personal experience. (2.5.b)
Read and respond to literature. (3.5.e)
Self-monitor (paraphrase text). (3.5.b)
Make inferences about text. (3.5.b)
Draw and support conclusions. (3.5.b)
Sequence events using a graphic organizer (sequence chain) (3.5.e)
Make predictions. (3.5.a)
Evaluate illustrations. (3.5.d)
Use context clues. (3.1.a)
Identify problem and solution (3.2.a)
Produce grammatically correct questions. (2.6.b)
Identify story elements (3.2.c)
Identify problem/solution relationship (3.2.a)
Assessment Limits:
Students will be able to:
make predictions about text.
paraphrase and summarize text.
make inferences and draw conclusions about text.
use context clues to gather meaning from unfamiliar vocabulary.
ask and answer questions about the reading selection.
sequence story events using a graphic organizer.
Camp, harvest, migrant, move on, settle down, culture, descendant, distant relative, explorer, immigrant, pioneer, settler / ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS:
The United States is a country that was built by immigrants.
Immigrants came from many lands to escape many problems, but all were searching for a better life.
Why are immigrants important to this country?
What contributions have immigrants made to American society?
How have immigrants been influential throughout the history of the United States?
Avenues Level F Volume 2 Unit 8
Avenues Level F Student Literature Anthology
Reading Basics
Hampton Brown Avenues Online Lesson Planner
Web resources:
http://www.42explore2.com/migration.htm This website goes above and beyond. It has links to endless other resources including a webquest. It can be used to find any immigration information needed.
Supplemental books:
Coming to America: The Kids' Book About Immigration by David Fassler (Author), Kimberly Danforth
Hannah Is My Name: A Young Immigrant's Story by Belle Yang
Where Did Your Family Come From?: A Book About Immigrants by Melvin Berger
Immigrants: Coming to America by Gare Thompson and Martin W. Sandler
Immigrant Girl: Becky of Eldridge Street by Brett Harvey and Deborah Kogan Ray
Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say
Journey to Ellis Island by Carol Bierman
The Upside Down Boy/El Niño de cabeza by Juan Felipe Herrera
Suggested Learning Plan / Learning Activities and Strategies
Essential Question: How do we use prereading strategies to improve comprehension?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
1.4.a Demonstrate aural comprehension of content presented with simplified language and visual
1.1.a Demonstrate comprehension of basic grade-level vocabulary
3.5.a Use strategies to prepare for reading / Unit launch / Introduce the unit opener visual. Have students make a stamp for a class flag. Activate prior knowledge about immigration or preteach basic information about immigration. / Avenues Level F Student book page 434
Introduce unit specific vocabulary / Preview the unit content vocabulary. Preteach key unit vocabulary using the unit 8 picture cards. / Avenues Level F Unit 8 picture cards
Picture walk / Do a picture walk of the selection Calling the Doves. Make predictions about the selection. Set a purpose for reading. / Avenues Level F Student book page 440
Essential Question: What reading strategies can be applied to improve vocabulary and understanding about immigration?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
3.5.d Use text features including illustrations, photographs, titles, and labels to make meaning from text.
3.3.b Read short familiar texts with fluency when repeating after a model.
3.1.a Use context to determine the meanings of words / Teach text features / Teach students to use text features to gain meaning from unfamiliar terms while reading Calling the Doves. Have students look at the titles and illustrations to improve comprehension. / Avenues Level F Student book page 440
Read the story chorally / Read the story aloud. Have higher proficiency students read along chorally. Have lower proficiency students follow along while tracking the text Calling the Doves. / Avenues Level F Student book page 440
Teach context clues / Introduce the use of context clues to gather meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary while reading Calling the Doves. / Avenues Level F Student book page 440
Essential Question: What are some post reading strategies that can be applied to improve reading comprehension?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
3.2.c Identify elements of literary texts including the events of the plot
3.2.b Have students summarize or paraphrase short portions of text
4.2.b Use standard English grammar to communicate clearly and accurately in writing. / Identify story elements / Have students identify story elements for Calling the Doves and complete an appropriate graphic organizer based on language proficiency.
Summarizing and paraphrasing / Teach students to stop periodically while reading to summarize or paraphrase portions of text to improve overall comprehension while reading Calling the Doves.
Post reading strategies / Have students answer comprehension questions about the story Calling the Doves. Have beginning students answer questions that are directly stated in the text. High proficiency students should be required to answer questions which include drawing conclusions or making generalizations.
Essential Question: How do we use prereading strategies to improve comprehension?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
1.4.a Demonstrate aural comprehension of content presented with simplified language and visual
1.1.a Demonstrate comprehension of basic grade-level vocabulary
3.5.a Use strategies to prepare for reading / Discussion / Have students discuss a variety of reasons for why immigrants have come to the United States.
Preteach vocabulary / Preteach story specific content vocabulary. / Avenues Level F Unit 8 student book page 462
Picture walk / Do a picture walk of the selection Coming to America. Make predictions about the selection. Set a purpose for reading. / Avenues Level F Unit 8 student book page 464
Essential Question: What reading strategies can be applied to improve vocabulary and understanding about immigration?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
3.4.a Identify the organization and format of grade-level texts.
3.5.d Use text features including illustrations, photographs, titles, and labels to make meaning from text.
3.3.b Read short familiar texts with fluency when repeating after a model. / Introduce the genre / Introduce the genre of history article. / Avenues Level F student book page 464
Teach text features / Teach students to use text features to gain meaning from unfamiliar terms while reading Coming to America. Have students look at the titles, pictures, graphs, and illustrations to improve comprehension. / Avenues Level F student book unit 8
Read the story chorally / Read the story aloud. Have higher proficiency students read along chorally. Have lower proficiency students follow along while tracking the text Coming to America. / Avenues Level F student book Unit 8 page 465
Essential Question: How have immigrants been influential throughout the history of the United States?
SC Objective: / Activity / Description / Materials/Resources
3.1.a Use context to determine the meanings of words
3.2.b Identify the main idea and factual supporting details in informational text.
3.2.b Have students summarize or paraphrase short portions of text / Teach context clues / Introduce the use of context clues to gather meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary while reading Coming to America.
Teach main idea and supporting details / Teach students how to identify the main idea and supporting details of a reading selection. Select a short reading selection and model use of main idea/supporting details graphic organizer. Have students complete a main idea/support detail graphic organizer for the selection Coming to America / Avenues Level F student book page 465
Summarizing and paraphrasing / Teach students to stop periodically while reading to summarize or paraphrase portions of text to improve overall comprehension while reading Coming to America. / Avenues Level F student book page 465
See Avenue’s Level F page T-433
· Unit 8 progress test
· Language assessment for oral language page 96
· Benchmark fluency passages
· Unit 8 writing test
· Work samples from practice book
· Vocabulary quizzes
· Writing assignment
· Performance task
Baltimore City Public Schools English for Speakers of Other Languages ESOL Unit 8, GRADE 5 DRAFT