Carnegie Elementary

School Supplies 2014-2015



1-4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue

2-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Markers

1-Blunt 5 inch Fiskar Scissors

4-8 ct Crayola Large Crayons

4-Small (6 gram) Elmer’s Glue Sticks

1-4 Pack Play Dough (red/blue/yellow/white)

4-Pocket Folders with brads

1-Pink Bevel Eraser

1-Package dry erase markers

2-Boxes Beginner pencils (large pencils)

1-Container Lysol disinfectant wipes

1-Box of Kleenex

1-Bottle hand sanatizer

Boys-Box of Ziplock Sandwich Bags

Girls-Box of Ziplock Gallon Size Bags


1-4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue

1-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Markers

1-Blunt 5 inch Fiskar Scissors

1-8 ct Crayola Large Crayons

1-8 ct Crayola Crayons-small

1-12x9 Dry Erase White Board (No Border)

2-Small (6 gram) Elmer’s Glue Sticks

1-4 Pack Play Dough (red/blue/yellow/white)

2-Pocket Folder (not plastic)

1-8x10 Zipper Pencil Bag (not plastic)

1-Pink Bevel Eraser


2-Laddie Pencil with Eraser

1- Pink Bevel Eraser

1-4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue

1-Steno Book or 100 page Spiral notebook

1-7 inch 12 ct Colored Pencils (Crayola Brand)

2-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Markers

1-Blunt 5’ Fiskar Scissors

2-24 ct Crayola Crayons

1-Plastic School Box 8.75”x6.13”x2.4”

1-Assorted Pocket Only Folder

6-#2 Tri-Ticonderoga Pencils


1-200 ct Wide Rule Filler Paper

1-4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue

1-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Markers

2-Pink Bevel Eraser

4-Red Checking Pencil Uncapped

1-Plastic School Box 8.75”x6.13:x2.4”

3-120 ct 3-Subject Spiral Comp Wide Rule

1-24 ct Crayola Crayons

4-Small (6 gram) Elmer’s Glue Stick

1-Sharp 4.5 Fiskars Scissors

12-#2 Pencils Dixon Ticonderoga

4-Assorted Pocket & Brad Folders


24-#2 Pencil

1-8.5x11 Zippered Bag

2-Pink Bevel Eraser

6-70 ct Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule

2-Red Medium Stick Pen

4-7 inch 12 ct Colored Pencils (Crayola or

Rose Art Brand)

1-200 ct Wide Rule Filler Paper

1-9x12 Wire bound White Drawing Pad

1-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Markers

1-Package Blank Index Cards

4-Glue Sticks

Homework Folder-Expandable File or Pocket w/Brads Folder (Plastic)

Boys-Box of Ziplock Sandwich Bags

Girls-Box of Ziplock Gallon Size Bags

8- Assorted Pocket and Brad Folders


24-#2 Pencil

1-8.5x 11 Zippered Bags

1-Pink Bevel Eraser

2-Red Checking Pen

2-7 inch 12 ct Colored Pencils (Crayola or

Rose Art Brand)

1-200 ct Wide Rule Filler Paper

1-9x12 Wire bound White Drawing Pad

1-24 ct Crayola Crayons

8-Assorted Pocket and Brad Folders

1-3x5 100 ct Ruled Index Cards

1-Pocket Folder (plastic)

6-70 Ct Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule


3-Glue Sticks (.74oz)

Homework Folder-expandable file

or pocket w/brads folder

2-Washable Crayola Thick Classic Marker


24-#2 Pencils

2-Red Medium Stick Pen

1-8.5 x 11 Zippered Bag

3-7 inch 12 ct Colored Pencils (Crayola) (Art, Comm. Skills, Social Studies)

1-Washable Crayola Thin Classic Markers (Art)

1-9x12 Wire bound White Drawing Pad (Art)

1-24 ct Crayola Crayons (Art)

1-70 ct Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule (Social Studies)


1-70 ct Red Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule (Science)

1-70 ct Yellow Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule (Math)

1-70 ct Blue or Green Spiral Comp Book Wide Rule (Comm. Skills)

3 Assorted Pocket and Brad Folders (Social Studies, Music, Comm. Skills)

1-Pocket Folder (Plastic) or Expandable Portfolio (for Homework Folder)

2-Pack 200 sheet WIDELINE notebook paper (Comm. Skills, Math)

2 Glue Sticks (Art)

