Brighton High School Community Council
October 11, 2016– 3:15 pm
Media Center
Kelli Miller, Brandon Caller, Lisa Devashrayee, Charisse Hilton, Heidi Long, Mike Flavin Cindy Baker, Gavin Seal, Amy Mena, Catherine Bates, Jenn Searle, Julie Clawson, Kim Steenblik, Michelle Baldwin, Katie Tatton, Aarron Hadfield, Heidi Templeton, Clint Robertson, Janice Spencer-Wise, Mia Gleason
Welcome: Cindy Baker, chair
Mike Flavin, co-chair
Jodi Ide, Faculty Chair
3:30 (15 minutes)
Presentation: Karen Sterling- Student Advocacy and Access at district Karen is responsible for all federal and state programs and helps with wrap around supports that keep students in their schools. There is great concern for the mental health of youth in our district, the district has created relationship with Valley Behavior Health and linked them with the schools to de-stigmatize mental health problems. The help Valley Behavioral Health provides goes beyond the scope of what the school can do. This program, helps promote skills in students that allows them to be functional within the school system
Susan Pizitz Valley Behavior Health, she is over school based programs this fall they are providing supports for 42 schools. In 7-8 high schools. 10th graders are most at risk for suicide, 1 in 5 kids has a mental health disorder and 80% are not treated, the goal is to get students into services, therapists are not in schools to have outpatient clients, the goal is to keep the student attached to the school and the support they have there. No money is exchanged on site. There is no commitment from the district in terms of money, it serves insured, underfunded, and uninsured. FERPA and HIPPA laws honored, It is a resource available to the community, not something you have to do. Teachers and counselors refer students. School team identifies the students who they think needs help, call parent, referral is given. Makes it possible to give kids and families immediate help. Parent has to consent to letting the child see the therapist. They want students to get the services where it is easiest, and most convenient. District does have a policy about suicide and suicide ideation.
Proposed that we begin having support from valley mental health Lisa Devashrayee motions and Janiece Spencerwise seconds
SCC Business: (15 minutes)
Approve September Minutes Mike Flavin motioned Jenn Searle seconded
Review new SCC Folders
Meeting schedule for the 2016=2017 school year: review again
Proposal to cancel December meeting Kim Steinblik motions Brandon Caller seconds,
Heidi Long made us folders to keep SCC information in. Included in these folders are
SCC training information, as well as list of ways to stay compliant, history of SCC, list of acronyms, list of board members, amendment B—voting this year, gives information about amendment B.
Sub-committees – sign up to participate:
Trust Lands/CSIP—money disbursement Community Forums/Feeder Schools—promote communication, feeder school luncheon
Facility upgrades Above & Beyond Faculty Award-honors faculty
New Committee Proposals: “HELP” Brighton Committee, “Teacher/Staff Retention”
Mike and Cindy want to get each faculty and staff a card for Barnes and Noble as a thank you Jenn Searle motions Heidi seconded—coming from cell tower. 120 staff at 10 dollars a piece $1200
Principal’s Report (15 minutes)
Proposed Cell Tower Budget: this was approved last month but has been updated.(please see attached) 40,000 a year, We have our plaque for the 30 + club
Our adjusted land trust amount is :$152,012.00 (10/1/16) Janice Spencer-Wise motioned Brandon Caller approved.
Suicide Response: Hope Squad Presentation- Kelli Miller, Cindy Baker and
Janice Spencer-Wise Today was random acts of kindness day, trying to give people an idea of what hope squad does, students did random acts of kindness in exchange for a lifesaver, positive peer pressure to participate, on the announcements hope squad was introduced, all students nominate up to 3 students for hope squad, as well as an adult. The hope is that school will have a closer knit community. Students are not being trained to be counselors but being the eyes and the ears of the school and if they identify people they are worried about they know what to do about it. Training is set up for 3 years. Reminder of the safe Utah app, call, chat, or send a tip, to the crisis line. Pushing the app next week.
CSIP/Land Trust
Trimester Discussion Ms. Hilton and board member Tingey printed justification for trimester. (please see attached) there has been some pressure from the district about the trimester, the administration is planning on doing an official survey about community feelings about the trimester, for students, teachers, and parents. Hadfield supports the trimester----hurts performing arts program, math or English might get split up 1 to 3 tri and that makes things difficult sometimes.
Update CHRC after school program- “Bruins to Bengals” Operational 3 kids showed up, Long and Knoble were there, butler PTSA is running programs opposite days as us. If a student attends 36 hours they can get a ¼ elective credit. Clubs will be helping to tutor. We have to start to making interventions sooner.
Counselor’s Report (5 minutes)
CCRS, meeting freshmen in geography classes, ACT data project, helping students who didn’t reach a lot of bench marks meet more benchmarks, ACT prep classes started last week, Mr Will will be doing study skills classes next month. FAFSA night tomorrow in the library. Career day is the 18th
Faculty Report (5 minutes)
Usual concerns: check skyward, come to school, attendance is tied to success. We appreciate the support parents are giving to the teachers. They are communicating with us positively.
Above & Beyond Faculty Award Sign-up Thursday, October 13, 2016
School Climate: (5 minutes)
PTSA Input helping with career fair, PTA helped with random acts of kindness, and dinner for the staff.
Hope Squad:
Communication: (5 minutes)
Feeder School Luncheon Date
Community Forum/Parent Information night - select topic and date.
Celebrations: (5 minutes)
reaching out to home and hospital we will ask the parents if the student government can reach out to their kids.
2016-2017 Meeting Schedule
Brighton SCC Meeting Schedule2016-2017
Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month of the school year at 3:15pm in the school Media Center. Any changes to the schedule will be properly noticed to the public through the school website. Parents and patrons are welcome to attend these public meetings. If agenda time is desired, please contact the principal or chair at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
September 14, 2016 / February 8, 2017
October 12, 2016 / March 8, 2017
November 9, 2016 / April 12, 2017
* / December 14, 2016 / May 10, 2017
January 11, 2017
*Held only if there is an urgent need.