

Moulsecoomb Modular Scheme

Module Programme


Level: 2 Credit Rating: 20 credits

Subject Area: Multi-Learning Module WEIGHTING: Double


The module gives participants an opportunity to undertake in-depth research in a contemporary subject area. Moreover, to explore a significant issue which impacts the organisational operations.

Topic for 2011/2 Sustainability

Sustainability has become a much-debated topic in various contexts: the natural environment, the business arena, the development of structures within society as well as resource utilisation and consumption.

There are many reasons for this debate not least it’s relevance to the survival of all species – including human beings – and the planet itself.

In this case study you will concentrate on the role and responsibilities of businesses and organisations. In particular, their role and contribution towards environmental change and sustainability. Primarily, you will consider the impact of business operations on the natural environment. Secondly, the consequences that environmental change can have on the way that businesses function. You will critically analyse how businesses must change their practices and processes to address the issue of sustainability.

The Central Question:

Evaluate the environmental impact of a business of your choice.

Devise a 5 year corporate strategic plan which addresses the central issues of sustainability in the natural, social and business environments.

Note: Refer to the points on Assessment for detailed requirements.

There are two major components to this assignment: Firstly, to do research by using the case study method. Here you have the opportunity to access and analyse primary empirical data by using the case study approach. Secondly, you are able to work autonomously in teams. Moreover, you will engage with reflecting over the interpersonal dynamics within your case study group and evaluate its outcomes. Thirdly, the module gives you the opportunity to develop independent academic research skills that fit within the wider curriculum of your undergraduate studies with the result of developing specific hard and soft skills.


Module aims to:

  • Develop you understanding of a key contemporary trend or issue that impacts business and society e.g. sustainability, climate change, environmentalism etc.
  • Introduce and develop practical research skills from a multi - disciplinary perspective
  • Develop the capacity to analyse a business issue using knowledge from a range of subjects
  • Critically analyse the relationship between businesses and their environment, society and markets
  • Develop an understanding of the strategic choices for businesses in the context of contemporary trends and issues
  • Develop analytical team working skills
  • Give an opportunity to practise business presentation techniques

Learning Outcomes:

Subject-specific - On completion of the module the student should be able to:

  • Identify and apply business research methods.
  • Understand and apply a key contemporary issue using a multidisciplinary perspective
  • Analyse and make connections between a business and its physical and social environments, and its markets
  • Make strategic recommendations about key contemporary trends and issues.

Cognitive - On completion of the module the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate critical thinking capabilities
  • Analyse and synthesize data from a variety of sources
  • Identify assumptions; evaluate statements in terms of evidence.

Key Transferable Skills - On completion of the module the student should demonstrate:

  • An understanding of team skills development.
  • Concise report writing skills
  • Business presentation skills
  • Evaluation of business presentation skills
  • Self-management in the terms of time, planning and behaviour

The guiding principle of the module is one of student-centred learning. This is based on the following assumptions:

  1. Learning is enhanced when learners are aware of their learning process and see outcomes as relevant.
  2. Working as a group enhances learning.
  3. Learning is enhanced when self-evaluation and reflection are included in the learning process.


Joanna Armstrong: Office M147, Direct phone (64)2579 email:

Geoff Ruggeri-Stevens: Office M166, Direct phone (64)2178 email:

Stephanos Avakian: Office M144, Direct phone (64)2181 email:

Ozlem Bak: Office M131, Direct phone (64)2344 email:

Colin Harris Office 129 Direct Direct phone (64) 2027 email:

Veronique Boloucher Office M131, Direct phone (64)2344 email:

STUDENTCENTRAL: Documents and communications related to this module are located on studentcentral under the module code ML210.


Dates / Rooms / Notes
Mon 1/10
5-7 / MG8 / Introduction to environmental sustainability, strategic decision making assignment, group formation.
Tue 2/10
6-8 / MG8
Mon 8/10
5-7 / M116, M117, MG32, MG8 / Business Research Methods
Complete group formation
Tue 910
6-8 / M116, M117
Mon 15/10 / M116, M117, MG32, MG8 / Deadline to form assignment group
Mon 15/10
5-7 / M116, M117, MG32, MG8 / Group Processes
Business Presentations
Literature Review
Tue 16/10
6-8 / M116, M117
01/11 / Independent study
6/11 / Reading week
16th Nov / 16th Nov at 10.00am hand-in 2 page progress summary (see assignment brief)
26/11 / Groups must arrange progress meeting with supervisors to discuss summary
03/12- 10/12 / Independent study
14th December to 4th January Winter break
07/01-25/01 / Peer review (arrange rooms for your own groups) / Groups to arrange peer review of progress presentations and/or independent study
28 Jan.12 / Completion of Peer Review of Progress Presentation Evaluation documents.
By the 4th Feb.12 / Groups must arrange progress report meeting with supervisors
22nd Mar / 22nd 10.00am hand-in date for sustainability/evaluation of group work processes reports


The latest editions of:

Bryman A and Bell E Business Research Methods,Oxford

Fisher C Researching and Writing a Dissertation, Prentice Hall

Gore. A, Earth in Balance: Forging a common purpose, Earthscan

Guirdham M, Interpersonal Skills at Work, Prentice Hall

Hair J.F. et al. Research Methods for Business, Wiley

Henry A, Understanding Strategic Management, Oxford

Huczynski, A. A, & Buchanan, D. A, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall

Johnson, G and Scholes, K Exploring corporate strategy, Pearson

Lynch, R. Corporate Strategy, Pearson

Harrison A, Business Environment in a Global Context, Oxford

Needle D, Business in Context, Cengage

Wetherly P & Otter D, the Business Environment, Oxford

Kurlansky,M, A Biography of the fish that changed the world, cod, Vintage Publishers

Saunders M Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson

Werther, B. W. and Chandler, Jr. D. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. London: Sage

Financial Times, The Economist


Group coursework portfolio comprising of:

Task 1: Two Page Progress Summary (towards 10% of Sustainability Report) (400-600 Words)

  • Develop your OWN definition of environmental sustainability.
  • Use at least three different businesses/organisations to illustrate usefulness/shortcomings of your definition
  • Choose one of the three businesses you have identified and create a brief summary of the business’ operations with regards to sustainability supported with academic references.
  • Create a two page summary which includes the above points
  • Please keep a copy to be included in the final sustainability report.

Task 2: Evidence of peer evaluation of presentation

  • Each group is required to present their interim finding/progress towards developing the sustainability report to another group.
  • Each group will complete an evaluation of the other group’s presentation (1) and give this to the group for inclusion in their sustainability report. Retaining a copy for submission.
  • Each group is required to collect evidence from another group of the evaluation of their presentation (2).
  • A brief outline of your company and its business environment
  • Your presentation should include, a mapping exercise illustrating and identifying the main environmental impacts of a business
  • Initial application of useful strategic models, illustrating the overall operations of the company.
  • A brief discussion of your research progress and how you intend to complete your task
  • The brief (1 page) critical feedback report written by the Observer group, should identify the key weaknesses and strengths of the contents of the presentation and the research carried out.
  • You will need to include a copy of your presentation and evaluation with your final sustainability report when submitted. BOTH presentation and evaluation documents will be handed as part of the final report. You will be required to hand in both to be discussed with you your tutor.

Task 3: Sustainability Report (85% Total 3000 words)

  • Include your definition of environmental sustainability.
  • Introduce the chosen business, setting out its mission, the operational context and how it goes about its business.
  • Carry out a mapping exercise identifying the main environmental impact of your business.
  • Develop the aims and objectives of your project
  • Create an appropriate methodology for your research.
  • Set out the major ways in which its operations are affecting the natural environment, considering both positive and negative effects.
  • Set out the main ways in which the operation of your chosen business is affected by the issues of environmental sustainability.
  • Introduce and apply strategic tools, such as PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s Five forces.
  • Use qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate and back the points you are making
  • Devise and recommend a strategy and specific measures, which your business /organisation can undertake in order to make its activities more sustainable over the five years. NOTE sustainability here refers to our natural environment and the impact of the business operations on it.

Task 4: Evaluation of group work processes (15 % Total 400-600 words)

  • The sustainability report is developed over a 7-month timeframe as a group work project.
  • The evaluation should compare and apply theoretical material by critically analysing the processes within your group. Hence, you should analyse the group’s dynamic workings using a minimum of three academic theories.
  • A number of these theories will be introduced in detail in HR280.

Marks will normally be divided equally between group members

Presentation Guidelines:

  • Two copies of the assignment are to be submitted in accordance with standard practices by the hand-in date. In keeping with the course requirements (specified in the Blue Pages and course handbook) one of these must be a printed copy and one a digital copy. (You are also required to retain a digital or printed copy in case you are asked to present this at some time in the future.)
  • The cover pages should include the following information: a) you full names (include all group members), b) the student number of all members, c) the group number, d) the module code (ML210) d) module name (Research Methods and Business Case Study), e) your tutor’s name.
  • All pages should be numbered (including appendices),
  • The printed copies should be firmly bound (no ring binders or lever files).
  • The digital copies should be submitted to Studentcentral in their entirety, including the cover page and appendices (which may be scanned if they are hand written or not word processed)

General assessment criteria:


  • Correctly and securely bound
  • Title pages contains full details specified in the presentation guidelines
  • Table of contents presented at the front of the report.
  • Strict adherence to word limit
  • Appropriateness of materials selected for inclusion in appendices
  • References in text with page numbers; Harvard referencing of bibliography
  • Diagrams used correctly and labelled, citing full bibliographical details
  • Neat, clear, logical presentation, clearly labelled and easy to follow

Submitted on time

  • Reports submitted past the hand-in date will receive a mark of 0


  • All that was asked for; fulfils the task; clearly follows guidelines


  • Own work, relevant; unique and original
  • Authentic reflection, including that of group work in the context of the module

Application of theory

  • Demonstrates reading and correct use of concepts from the course

Summary of Deadlines

Date / Task / Weighting / Submission
Mon 15/10 / Deadline to form assignment group / N/A / Complete the electronic copy from Studentcentral and forward it to
16th Nov 10.00am hand-in / 2 page progress summary (see assignment brief) / 10% of Sustainability Report / Undergraduate Office (Hard Copy)
26th Nov / Progress meeting with supervisors to discuss summary / N/A
28th Jan. / Peer review (arrange rooms for your own groups) / Part of Project Portfolio / Groups to arrange peer review of progress presentations and/or independent study
4th Feb. / Peer Review, Presentation ,Work in Progress submission for supervision / Part of Project Portfolio / Submission to individual Supervisors via email (Electronic copy)
22nd Mar
10.00am hand-in / Sustainability Report and Evaluation of Groupwork / 85%
15% / Undergraduate Office (Hard Copy)