"Finding Nemo"


1) In "Finding Nemo," Nemo and his dad could live within sea anemones but others would get stung if they touched the sea anemones; what type of symbiosis is explained by this interaction?

2) Marlin constantly tries to protect his son Nemo, what might be his evolutionary reason for protecting his son so much?

3) In the movie Marlin is the parent who takes the most care of Nemo, explain the role of each parent in relevance to clown fishes.

4) What is it that keeps the clown fish from being stung by the nematocysts in the tentacles of the sea anemones?

5) What zone are you most likely to find boats on in the ocean?

6) If you are doing research on animals, and find that all animal embryo’s had gills then you are studying what type of development?

7) What type of memory disorder does Dory have and give 2 symptoms.

8) What term explains the actions of the puffer fish enlarging itself in order to scare off predators?

9) At one point in the movie, Dory and Marlin find themselves in a deep and dark part of the ocean what is the name of that zone?

10) What type of water do clown fish live in?

11) Why couldn't the angular bioluminescent fish ever encounter Dory and Marlin in real life?

12) What are the advantages of being Bioluminescent?

13) How does traveling with a school of fish serve as a defense mechanism?

14) From the movie what does Dory say evolution has done for her?

15) Do turtles only hatch one egg or more than one, and what is the term for the type you choose?

16) What term describes why one of Nemo’s fins is smaller then the other?

17) How did Marlin and Dory end up getting out of the whale?

18) What is the scientific name of Nemo, or a "clown fish"?

19) what is the scientific name of Dory, the Regal Blue Tang?

20) Do fish really sleep, explain your answer?

21) What type of respiration do fish go through, is this why Marlin and Dory kept on jumping back into the water once they were at the top?

22) What are the hair on the inside oh the whales mouth called, which are in filtering out water, when the whale takes in a large amount of it to capture organisms?

23) How was Nemo able to go to the ocean when he was flushed down the toilet?

24) What familiar names of phylum's did Mr. Ray mention, when he was singing a song while taking the class at the drop off point?

25) Bloat, the puffer fish, blow up when he got nervous in the movie, or if something went wrong. What do puffer fish use this mechanism for in real life?

1) Mutualism

2) Gene transference to future generations.

3) The Female produces the eggs, the male guards the eggs until they hatch 4-5 days later. In some species of clown fish, the male cares for the young until they reach sexual maturity, at which time they leave to find their own host anemone.

4) The mucus that is produced by the sea anemones that the clown fish rub back and forth in.

5) Photic Zone

6) embryological development

8) Short Term memory loss, 1) forget recent activities. 2) Unable to transfer short term memory into that of Long term memory.

9) Defense mechanism

10) Aphotic Zone

11) They live around anemones and shallow coral lagoons. The Clown fish likes to live in warm Salt waters in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Red Sea.

12) Because they live in different pressure zones in the ocean Dory and Marlin could never swim that deep because of the pressure there.

13) When traveling in a school of fish there is less of a chance for you to get caught, dispersal gives the predator a harder time in catching prey.

14) Given her speed and agility.

15) More then one egg,

16) Mutation

17) When the whale exhales, its releases water through its blow hole that is located at the top of this head. So when the whale that trapped dory and Marlin went down with the water, they were blown out of the blow hole as well.

18) Amphiprion ocellaris

19) Paracanthurus hepatus

20) Fish don't technically sleep, they just rest. They only rest a part of their brain, while the other part stays alert.

21)They breath by moving in water, which in turn ends up making the water pass over something called the gills. These gills can then transfer oxygen into the blood stream of the fish by extracting it from the water.

22) Baleen

23) The water that is used by humans goes into mostly septic tanks, which then clean the water. This water is sent out into nearest streams, lakes and oceans.

24) Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, Gastropoda, arthropoda, and echinoderma.

25) They puff up by gulping water and inflating its body to around twice its normal size when threatened. This helps discourage attackers.