January 19, 2001

Consumer/Disability Telecommunications Advisory Committee

Executive Director

Shirley L. Rooker, President, Call For Action (CFA)

Ms. Rooker has been fighting fraud and raising public awareness as an activist and consumer educator for CFA since 1976. She was elected president of CFA in 1989, and under her direction CFA has produced several award-winning consumer brochures. It also has provided free, confidential consumer hotline services for those who have no other recourse. CFA has been an accessibility advocate and has made its offices, phone lines and website accessible to people with disabilities. Ms. Rooker has worked closely with the White House, the FTC and the FCC on consumer issues. She has been cited as a consumer expert by the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, AP and CNBC. She serves on the Consumer Literary Consortium and the Alliance Against Fraud in Telemarketing, and has a BA in Psychology, with distinction, from George Washington University.


  1. Rayna Aylward

Executive Director

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation

  1. Brenda Battat

Acting Executive Director

Self Help for Hard of Hearing People

3.Daniel Brenner

Senior Vice President for Law and Regulatory Policy

National Cable Television Association

  1. Julie Carroll

Senior Policy Advisor

Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center

Georgia Institute of Technology

5.Robert E. Chrostowski

Senior Vice President

Iwatsu America, Inc.,

Telecommunication Industry Association

6.Michael F. DelCasino

Regulatory Division Manager


  1. Nanci Linke-Ellis

Executive Director

TRIPOD Captioned Films

  1. Richard T. Ellis

Director – Federal Affairs

Verizon Communications

  1. Maricela Gallegos

Disability Program Manager

Hewlett-Packard Company

  1. Joseph C. Gaskins


ConnectBid, LLC

  1. Larry Goldberg


Media Access Group

WGBH Educational Foundation

  1. Susan Grant

Vice President – Public Policy

National Consumers’ League

  1. Judith E. Harkins, Ph.D.


Gallaudet University

  1. Dahlia E. Hayles


Media and Telecommunications Project

Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Citizen Educational Fund

15Steve Jacobs


IDEAL at NCR, NCR Corporation

16.Vernon R. James

Executive Director

Health and Human Services

San Carlos Apache Tribe

17.Matt Kaltenbach

Product Manager, Regulatory Services,

Technical Standards and Customer Features

Ericsson, Inc.

18.Jeff Kramer

Legislative Representative for Telecommunications and Utilities

Federal Affairs Department


19.Andrew Lange

Special Assistant to the CEO

Communication Service for the Deaf

20.Lila Laux Ph.D.

Lead Engineer

Human Factors Engineering

Qwest Communications International, Inc.

21.Milton J. Little, Jr.

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

National Urban League

  1. Paul W. Ludwick

TRS Product Manager

Sprint Corporation

  1. Ken McEldowney

Executive Director

Consumer Action

  1. Belinda Nelson

General Manager

Gila River Telecommunications, Inc.

  1. Shelley Nixon

College Student

Cabrini College

26.Kathleen F. O'Reilly

Attorney at Law

27. Susan Palmer

Manager, Industry Affairs

Cingular Wireless, LLC

  1. David Poehlman

Technology Consultant

American Council of the Blind

  1. Dr. Refugio I. Rochin


Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives

Smithsonian Institution

  1. Laura Ruby

Regulatory Program Manager

Microsoft Corporation

  1. Paul Schroeder


Alliance for Public Technology

32.Bob Segalman, Ph.D.

California Department of Rehabilitation

33.Pam Stewart

TRS Contract Administrator

State of Maryland

34.Jim Tobias


Inclusive Technologies

35.Micaela Tucker

Team Leader, Accessibility Project

Nokia, Inc.

36.Judith Viera

Consumer Action Network

  1. Karen Walls

Senior Staff Associate

Telecommunications Research & Action Center

  1. Andrea Williams

Assistant General Counsel

Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association