1-If you continue with ...... persistence ...... you have worked with up until now, you'll be finished in no time.

A) much/than B) the same/as C) so/that

D) too/for E) the most/like

2-Peru's history since it...... independent of Spain in 1821 ...... a story with few bright spots.

A) became/has been B) was becoming/was

C) had become/is D) would become/will be

E) has been/would be

3-The development of synthetic adhesives in the 2Oth century led to a wide variety of new types of adhesives, made for almost...... purpose.

A) all B) whole C) every

D) either E) some

4-...... modern philosophy ...... modern mathematics began with the work of Rene Descartes, whose analytic method of thinking focused attention on the problem of how we know.

A) Such/as B) Both/and C) Whether/or

D) No sooner/than E) Much/than

5-A fish, ...... is a cold-blooded animal with a backbone, breathes by means of gills.

A) how B) when C) where

D) which E) whose

6-When a child begins school, learning to read is a primary goal...... he has learnt to read, however, the objective changes, and reading becomes a means to attaining other goals.

A) Thus B) Until C) Once

D) While E) In case

7-Most societies have set standards, ...... by custom ...... by law, to enable those in a society to live together without disturbing each other.

A) barely/when B) the more/the more C) much/than

D) neither/and E) whether/or

8-The great inventor Thomas Edison worked 18 or 19 hours a day as a rule, and was ...... absorbed in his work ...... he seldom knew if it was night or day.

A) more/than B) as/as C) such/that

D) so/that E) enough/for

9-George Westinghouse patented the railway air brake ...... he was only 23 years old.

A) how B) which C) who

D) when E) that

10-...... the dramatic growth in both sugar and tobacco output between 1898 and 1930, Puerto Rico experienced increasing economic problems because of the drop in price of these commodities on the world market.

A) Despite B) As though C) So that

D) Whereas E) Owing to

11-The meat...... so long to cook that by the time dinner was ready, everybody

A) was taking/starved B) had taken/will have starved

C) has taken/will be starvingD) would be taking/has starved

E) took/was starving

12-Marriage requires a total commitment by both partners ...... for it to be a success.

A) in addition B) in order C) as though

D) in case E) despite

13-The resignation of the chairman of the board took everyone by surprise, ...... they knew that he had been ill for some time.

A) therefore B) as long as C) even though

D) as if E) no matter

14-In Qatar, ...... is primarily a windblown desert, with sand dunes and arid plains, distilled seawater provides most drinking water.

A) where B) what C) when

D) which E) how

15-If the captain ...... unusually attentive, the two ships ...... in the fog.

A) wasn't/were colliding

B) isn't/have collided

C) wouldn't be/could have collided

D) won't have been/can collide

E) hadn't been/might have collided

16-As soon as we ...... the first large town, we ...... our stories to our papers.

A) reached/have faxed B) are going to reach/will fax

C) had reached/were faxing D) reach/are going to fax

E) are reaching/should fax

17-Once I...... the photo I am looking for, I ...... it to the post office and mail it.

A) will have found/took B) am finding/take

C) have found/will takeD) will find/am taking

E) found/should take

18-If all of us ...... very hard, I expect we ...... this by this evening.

A) were working/will be finishing

B) work/will have finished

C) have been working/have finished

D) had worked/were going to finish

E) would be working/were finishing

19-According to the forecast, the weather ...... over the weekend.

A) is going to change B) changes C) would change

D) is changing E) has changed

20-I hope you don't think that I didn't like your new book; ...... I think it is one of the best I have ever read.

A) on the other hand B) as a consequence C) furthermore

D) on the contrary E) therefore

21-...... had I begun working there ...... I made an awful mistake and got the sack.

A) Not only/but also B) Barely/despite C) No sooner/than

D) Neither/nor E) Whether/or

22-I won't be able to give you a more considered opinion ...... we have visited the new factory site.

A) by the timeB) as a result C) until

D) while E) as long as

23-I should be in Chicago this time tomorrow ...... this snow doesn't close the ' airport.

A) on the contrary B) otherwise C) unless

D) whereas E) provided

24-Though he denied it, we knew that our son ...... cookies, because there were crumbs all over his mouth.

A) was eating B) has been eating

C) will have been eating D) had been eating

E) would have been eating

25-...... you finish your military service, ...... it will be for you to get a decent job.

A) The sooner/the easier B) Soon enough/the easiest

C) The soonest/easier than D) So soon/as easy

E) As soon as/much easier

26-My grandfather continued to drink heavily throughout his life, ...... repeated warnings from his doctor about its harmful effects.

A) because of B) in spite of C) provided

D) no matter E) as far as

27-I didn't actually see Jim at the party, but he ...... there somewhere because his coat was hanging on the wall.

A) was going to be B) should have been C) has been

D) was supposed to be E) must have been

28-When ...... to tropical countries, you should remember ...... a few basic medicines to treat tropical illnesses.

A) to travel/taking B) travelled/to be taking

C) having travelled/having taken D) to have travelled/taken

E) travelling/to take

29-Currently, our non-renewable energy resources ...... at such a rate that we will run out in less than a century.

A) will be consuming B) had been consumed

C) are being consumedD) have been consumed

E) are consuming

30-The friend ...... house I stayed in while I was in London is actually quite a well-known writer.

A) which B) whose C) that

D) where E) whom

31-There have been many applicants for the job, ...... qualifications need to be scrutinized carefully.

A) whose B) who C) whom

D) which E) where

32-The horn of Africa is a region ...... there have been many savage wars over the centuries.

A) which B) when C) that

D) whose E) where

33-...... we happen to be living in five years' time, I am sure we will still be friends.

A) WheneverB) Whichever C) However

D) Wherever E) Whoever

34-Though we can only rarely see each other any more, ...... we have the opportunity, we always have a good time together.

A) whatever B) whichever C) however

D) whomever E) whenever

35-Although ...... world is today connected through satellite communication systems, ...... of the old inequalities and problems remain.

A) most of/many B) the whole/most C) all/several

D) some of/a lot E) entire/any

36-His niece is very close to ...... son, so he knows all...... secrets.

A) ours/him B) mine/his C) our/her

D) us/hers E) me/our

37-Tour letter never reached ...... so how was I to know about ...... new job?

A) me/your B) my/you C) I/yourself

D) mine/yours E) myself/you

38-There has been ...... rain in- parts of Africa this year ...... officials are already worried about the harvest.

A) so little/that B) as much/as C) too little/that

D) too few/for E) such a few/as

39-His wife was already expecting that he wouldn't be able to get the job, ......

A) but I wasn't either B) and I was too C) but I would

D) and so would I E) and nor would I

40-The older of the boys strongly denied having been involved in the theft, and the younger one didn't admit the charge, ......

A) each B) too C) neither

D) either E) though

41-This house is such a wreck that ...... you spend thousands of dollars on it, it probably won't be livable.

A) however B) as though C) even if

D) in case E) provided that

42-That...... Jake that we saw at the market just now, as he ...... work until 7 o'clock.

A) mustn't be/won't leave

B) shouldn't have been/can't leave

C) wouldn't be/wouldn't have left

D) can't have been/doesn't leave

E) may not be/couldn't leave

43-Someone who ...... with lead, mercury or certain kind of dyes, ...... care, as they are harmful and can be absorbed through the skin.

A) has worked/must takeB) works/should take

C) is working/would takeD) may work/will have to take

E) worked/has to take

44-The only poisonous British snake, also found in many other parts of Europe, is the adder; however, this serpent...... unless it ......

A) didn't strike/was disturbed

B) won't strike/is disturbed

C) doesn't strike/has disturbed

D) can't strike/will be disturbed

E) isn't striking/is disturbing

45-Although the pop star ...... dark sunglasses and a wig, he ...... by the press within minutes of leaving his house.

A) would wear/has been spotted

B) had worn/would have spotted

C) has been wearing/will spot

D) is wearing/might have spotted

E) was wearing/was spotted

46-You don't really believe that she might have committed the crime, ...... ?

A) does she B) might you C) mightn't she

D) do you E) don't you

47-There weren't...... people at Mr Brown's funeral even though he had been ...... nice man all his life.

A) a few/much B) some/so C) many/such a

D) every/enough E) few/what a

48-There wouldn't be any objections if I excused myself from the meeting, ...... ?

A) would there B) would I C) didn't I

D) did there E) wouldn't there

49-I wouldn't advise anyone to travel by boat at the moment, just ...... they get caught in the storms that we have been warned about by the weather forecast.

A) as B) after C) while

D) in case E) whereas

50-The animal we know today ...... the horse is the result of centuries of selective breeding.

A) such as B) as C) just

D) much E) like

51-According to statistics, the nine ...... used English words are : and, be, it, of, the, will, I, have and you.

A) very common B) more commonly C) most commonly

D) too commonly E) such common

52-That actress ...... plastic surgery, because she looks about 35 but she ...... less than 50.

A) was having/couldn't have been

B) should have had/isn't

C) will be having/must not be

D) might have/hasn't been

E) must have had/can't be

53-Frisian is a West Germanic language,, which is spoken in northern Holland, and is considered ...... to English than any other language.

A) very closely B) so close C) closest

D) too closely E) closer

54-Because she is finding chemistry extremely difficult, Sarah wishes that she ...... languages as her major at university.

A) had chosen B) is choosing C) should have chosen

D) would be choosing E) was choosing

55-One of ...... urban areas in Mexico, Puebla is well connected with the rest of the country by railways, highways and airways.

A) so densely B) the densest C) as dense as

D) denser than E) too densely

56-Although ...... as ferocious animals, tigers rarely attack people, and are now in danger of ...... to extinction.

A) knowing/to have hunted B) being known/to be hunted

C) having known/to huntD) to know/having hunted

E) known/being hunted

57-It rained all night long, but now it looks ...... it is going to clear up.

A) even if B) as though C) provided that

D) in case E) such as

58-I can't understand ...... you waste your time reading such rubbish when there are so many good books.

A) when B) how C) why

D) that E) which

59-Diamonds ...... in the Orange Free State, a province in South Africa, in 1867.

A) were discovered B) have been discovered

C) had been discovering D) were discovering

E) might have discovered

60-Ken has decided to move to Norwich, ...... his sister lives in with her family.

A) that B) whose C) where

D) when E) which

61-...... the first wristwatches were introduced in Geneva in 1790, they were thought of solely as items of jewellery for women and were not used by men until 100 years later.

A) When B) Until C) Since

D) Providing that E) Despite

62-You ...... the doctor about that finger of yours — it looks as if it ...... infected.

A) ought to see/is going to get

B) will be seen/may have got

C) had seen/is getting

D) should be seen/has been getting

E) had to see/must have got

63-I don't think these scissors are ...... to cut this material with.

A) sharper than B) as sharp C) so sharp

D) sharp enough E) such sharp

64-When we ...... at the health clinic, there was a very long queue, so we ...... back early tomorrow.

A) had arrived/will have gone B) are arriving/would go

C) arrived/are going to go D) will arrive/went

E) arrive/are going

65-Emma says she won't have finished her essay by tomorrow, .... .

A) and nor has the rest of the class

B) but neither has anyone else

C) and Steven will, too

D) but nobody else will

E) and I don't think I will have either

66-When the mother watched her two sons from the doorway, she was happy ...... them ...... each other instead of arguing.

A) seeing/to be helping B) to see/helping C) to have seen/helped

D) having seen/help E) see/to have helped

67-As I didn't have the information I needed, I...... several phone calls.

A) must have made B) had to make C) ought to make

D) have been made E) should be making

68-There's a funny smell in the kitchen, but I'm not sure ...... it's coming from inside the house or outside.

A) that B) whereC) which

D) whether E) how

69-We ...... before we left because there was nothing to eat on the train, and we were hungry throughout the journey.

A) ought to be eating B) must have eaten C) have been eating

D) used to eat E) should have eaten

70-...... the horrible weather we had last year, this year, it's been absolutely beautiful so far.

A) Now that B) As long as C) In contrast to

D) More than E) Even though

71-You ...... an extension to your house unless the council...... you permission.

A) won't be added/has given

B) can't add/gives

C) shouldn't have added/was given

D) mustn't add/will give

E) don't add/is giving

72-Conditions ...... in the village, now that the hydroelectric power station.

A) will be improved/was completed

B) must have improved/completed

C) can improve/has completed

D) ought to improve/has been completed

E) are improving/is completing

73-Clare bad been taking French lessons in preparation for her trip to Prance, but when she got there, she found that people spoke ...... for her to be able to understand.

A) too quicklyB) the quickest C) as quick as

D) so quickly E) much quicker

74-If the documents ...... yet, I imagine you ...... them by the end of the week.

A) aren't arriving/will receive

B) didn't arrive/have received

C) won't have arrived/will be receiving

D) haven't arrived/will have received

E) don't arrive/can receive

75-John's had his hair cut recently,......

A) and so did his Mend, Mark

B) but Peter isn't

C) but his brother hadn't

D) and James and Dan have, too

E) and so are his brothers

76-The woman said that she was trying desperately hard ...... patient with her children, but that she couldn't help ...... cross sometimes.

A) having been/get B) being/to have got C) to be/getting D) be/to be getting E) to have been/to get

77-Campobasso is ...... rapidly growing town in ...... south-east of Italy and the capital of the Molise administrative region.

A) the/the B) —I— C) the/a

D) a/a E) a/the

78-Shall I buy the green dress or the brown suit? I can't decide, so I'll buy ...... one you like best.

A) whenever B) whichever C) whomever

D) whatever E) however

79-They ...... to Hawaii last year, and since then they ...... nothing but bad luck.

A) moved/have had B) were moved/are having

C) had moved/will have D) are moving/have

E) were moving/would have

80-I'm so sorry I didn't realise that was ...... umbrella...... looks just like it.

A) my/Itself B) yours/My C) your/Mine

D) you/It E) her/She

81-There is some evidence that palmistry, the practice of 'reading hands'...... gain knowledge about personality, past individual history and likely future events, may have begun in the Stone Age.

A) in addition to B) so as to C) with the aim of

D) in order that E) because of

82-Oh dear! I ...... my gloves. I ...... them on the bus.

A) am losing/will have left

B) lost/was leaving

C) have lost/must have left

D) may have lost/might be leaving

E) ought to lose/could have left

83-Diana's as qualified for the job as Jane is, but Jane works ......

A) careful enough B) too careful C) the most carefully

D) more carefully E) as carefully

84-Benjamin Franklin's brother ...... his newspaper in 1721, even though his friends ...... to discourage him saying one newspaper was enough for America.

A) would be launching/were tried

B) launched/had tried

C) had launched/would try

D) had been launched/were trying

E) was launched/have tried

85-Davina ...... by the BBC tomorrow, and I think the programme ...... on the 24th of this month.

A) is being interviewed/will be shown

B) will interview/is showing

C) will have interviewed/is going to be shown

D) is going to interview/shows

E) is interviewed/will have shown

86-It was kind of you ...... me and ask about Jane's health. I'm glad ...... that she is feeling a little better today.

A) to be calling/say B) calling/saying C) called/said

D) having called/been said E) to call/to say

87-Some people sleep little at night, but make up the loss by resting ...... the day.

A) while B) despite C) when

D) rather E) during

88-You can buy spare parts for your car ...... the same model is sold.

A) whenever B) whomever C) wherever

D) whatever E) however

89-The film Casablanca was a success when it ...... initially, and ...... in stature and popularity ever since.

A) had been released/grew

B) was releasing/is growing

C) released/has grown

D) was released/has been growing

E) had released/had grown

90-Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a famous German family ...... was to provide the world with musicians and composers for over two centuries.

A) which B) where C) whom

D) whose E) what

91-Alfred Nobel hated prizes; ...... because he did not wish to leave his fortune to relatives, he created the most prestigious prizes in history.

A) nevertheless B) in addition C) moreover

D) despite E) whereas

92-When Arthur realised that he couldn't move the refrigerator ...... he asked ...... flatmate for help.

A) him/it B) himself/his C) itself/him

D) his/itself E) its/its

93-After her fiance left her, Melanie's friends gave her some flowers to cheer het up, but they made her ...... more upset as they reminded her of him.

A) too B) already C) such

D) so E)even

94-When the Germans invaded Holland during World War II, the Dutch knew they couldn't defend themselves, unless they received some help from ...... country.