PROGRAMME NAME / Benefits Realisation Project (BRP) / REPORT DATE: / 19 Sept 2014
Reporting Period / September 2014
PROGRAMME OFFICERS / Simon McGrattan/Karen Cheyne
Overall Project Status Update / Benefits Realisation project has been mobilised. Detailed work packages are being identified and confirmed by the end of October, which will be included in a detailed Project Initiation Document (PID). In parallel, continued deployment is ongoing. /
Benefits Realisation : Summary / Previous /
Key Timelines/Milestones:
The Project Initiation Document (PID) for the BRP will be circulated to RIB members in September, and subsequently presented to the BSTP Programme Board. The follow actions have been taken to progress it’s production
  1. Benefits Management – KC & SMcG will visit Trusts to gather information on current operating model/model at 2009 and retained v transferred/transferring posts for benefits baseline; and
  2. Emails sent to Trust ADs cc’d to Directors on initial approach on 5 September 2014.
  1. A meeting outlining the BRP process was held with Finance ADs on 17/09/14;
  2. A workshop for Shared Services and PaLS will be held on 23/09/14;
  3. A workshop for Abacus will be held on 26/09/14; and
  4. A follow-up meeting with Finance ADs is being arranged for early October to discuss their initiatives.
/ G
HRPTS Deliverables
  1. Licence Management –Need to complete the allocation of user licenses to each HSC Organisation
  2. Work is ongoing on outstanding deliverables requiring approval, sign off or testing:
  • Pensions interface;
  • Professional Registration role;
  • Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM);
  • Sick pay calculation; and
  • eRec user roles.
/ G
HRPTS Deployment
  1. Recruitment – Transition to SSC & E-Rec Deployment – deployment to SHSCT (28/11/14); Role assignment scoping has begun;
  2. ESS/MSS – Revised monitoring and reporting from Trusts to include blockers and actions plans against these; PC refresh business case (6 years) round 7 (final year); Trust business case (template) for devices/mobile working plus revenue bridge from ICT Programme for up to 2 years – benefits reporting to inform basis for additional revenue post 2 years; BSTP risk: no standardisation required
  3. TSR – Trusts advised of requirement for individual business case to be presented at RIB (HSC Action with input by KC)
  4. Single Pay Frequency – HSC Organisations will confirm plans/transfer dates at or before RIB on 30/09/14
/ G
FPL Deliverables
Work continues on interfaces:
  1. JAC – AP live. Awaiting JAC to restore data to enable GL to be tested by Trusts;
  2. Direct Debits – eFin end- to end has been tested. SHSCT to test links to Abacus; and
  3. Abacus – workshop organised for 26 September 2014.
Other approved CRs are currently at the planning stage:
  • Cheque printing/BACS remittance ;
  • SEHSCT Estates;
  • Saffron Interface; and
  • Bank Reconciliation.
/ G
FPL Deliverables
Deployment completed with the signing of CPP in August 2014 / C
Risks & Issues / A Risks and Issues logs will be completed as part of the development of the work packages for the PID / G