Try, Test and Learn Fund Grant Opportunities
The Try, Test and Learn Fund is an initial response to the Australian Priority Investment Approach to Welfare that develops and funds new or innovative policy responses aimed at improving workforce participation or capacity to work for groups at risk of long-term welfare dependence.
Grants offered through the Fund will support small trial projects to test and gather evidence on approaches to supporting these groups. These projects will generate new insights and empirical evidence into ‘what works’ to reduce long-term welfare dependence. This evidence will allow the Government to transform our investment in existing programs or make the case for new investments.
Grants will be offered through the Try, Test and Learn Fund as described in the published Grant Opportunity Guidelines. Organisations that are eligible to apply for each of the grants should complete this template as part of their applications.
Please complete this template to tell us about your project design to deliver the project outline in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, what it will do and what you expect to achieve. Please note: Your Attachment is limited to 2mb.
Name of Organisation:
Title of the project:
The Try, Test and Learn Fund: Tranche 2
Planned start date:
Planned completion date:
Describe your project (max. 3000 words).
Your response should include, but is not limited to:
· outlining key activities, the parties responsible and timeframes for completing them
· providing details on your eligible project costs over the life of the project[1]
· outlining your approach to monitoring and evaluation
· providing a high level outline of your approach to dealing with risks associated with the project, in particular ensuring the participants are not disadvantaged as a result of their participation.
[1] When calculating the total project cost, you should include the GST inclusive amount, less any GST credits that you can claim in relation to that expenditure.