The Rectory, Birmingham Road, Kidderminster DY10 2BY (01562 822839)
OUR LADY & ST PIUS X, Canterbury Road, Kidderminster DY11 6DR (01562 748474)
SACRED HEART & OUR LADY, Berrington Road, Tenbury Wells
Parish Clergy: Fr Douglas Lamb
In Retirement: Revd Thomas Ashcroft & Revd Dr Peter Mason
In Formation: Charles Duncombe, Adam Nicholls & Richard Tovey E-mail:

Fourteenth Sunday Year C Psalter Week 2 CTS Sunday Missal p1016 Week ending 6th/7th July 2013

Feast Days this Week: Thursday: St Benedict, Patron of Europe



Monday 8.30 am Joe and Joan Whitfield RIP

Tuesday 8.30 am Maureen Cleary RIP

Wednesday 9.15 am Intentions of Breda and Tony Pilarczyk

Thursday 11.30 am Intentions of Joan and Ann Aylott

7.30 pm Adoration until 10:00 pm (Compline 9:45 pm)

Friday 7.10 pm Rosary 7:30 pm Holy Communion

Saturday 9.00 am (Old Rite) Intentions of Elsie Barr

5.45 pm John and Rita Kerrigan RIP

Sunday 9.30 am The People of the Parish


Monday 10.00 am Holy Communion (Prayer Group)

Friday 9.00 – 9.45 am Adoration

10.00 am Julie Keane RIP

Sunday 5.00 pm Intentions of Noel Healy


Sunday 11.30 am Carol Dolan RIP

CONFESSIONS: St Ambrose’s: Saturday 11.45 am–12.45 pm; 6.30 pm–7.00 pm and by request

Sacred Heart: By request


Altar Servers for the morning Mass: Lawrence Park, Gianluca Swain

Eucharistic Ministers Readers

St Ambrose’s: Saturday 5.45 pm T Alexander, A McDermott, R Quinn G Reeves

Sunday 9.30 am M Bradley, D Duncombe, C Geraghty, M Holmes, J Villa J Turner

Our Lady’s: Sunday 5.00 pm M Bowdler, P Bowdler, A Harris A Wright, J Walker

Sacred Heart: Sunday 11.30 am T Cole, A Stanley W Moore

Church Cleaners (St Ambrose’s): Team B Offertory Counters: Group 5

Please pray for our parishioners who are sick, and for all who have need of our prayers, especially: Pope Benedict XVI, Dorothy Atwell, Albert and Elsie Barr, Peggy Baynton, Christina Bickley, Frank Bourke, Linda Button, Jackie Cainey, Nora Collins, David Connolly, Peter Conway, Rob Conway, Kitty Cooper, Elsie Corti, Rob Cotgrave, Jane Cox, Eamonn Dalton, Joni Dunlea, Joe Egan, Vera Farley, Sr Maureen Fay, Victoria Fleming, Anthony Georgieff, Frances Graves, Shirley Hale, May Hampsey, Claire Hampton, Margaret Harley, Mary Harris, Jim Heffernan, Christine & Tom Hopkins, Vicki Houghton, Philip Hunt, Keeley John, Jan Joyce, John Joyce, Ben Kelly, Marie Lane, Lynda Law, Felicity Librie, Audrey Little, Eleanor Lloyd, Bridget Locke, Arwen Lockley, Peter McQuillan, Fernanda and Michael Maffei, Marjorie Male, Lynne Marshall, Lee Maund, Sheila Mikulicz, Peter Mullard, Jean Mulligan, Kitty Murray, John Nangle, Mary Nangle, Andrew Neale, Delia Nepi, Margaret Norris, Pat Norris, Beatrice ‘Myrtle’ O’Mahoney, Katherine O’Sullivan, Daniel Oxenham, Gill Pardoe, Joyce Parker, Chris Price, Pat Quinn, Janet Richards, Nancy Ruffinato, George and Sheila Rywacki, Harold Salter, Rita Simmonds, Jonathan Slater, Cecil Smith, Pearl Stanley, Marie Stokes, Carmen Thomas, Jim Thomas, Vera Toman, Frances Tovey, Peter Towers, Patricia Virr, George Watkins, Eric Whittaker, Edith Wilkes, May Williams, Julie Wright and Rene Yates.

Entrance Antiphon: Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with saving justice.

Response to the Psalm: Cry out with joy to God all the earth.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my father. Alleluia!

Preface VI of Sunday: p571 Eucharistic Prayer: II p605 Mystery of Faith: I

Communion Antiphon: Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who seeks refuge in Him.

This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered as a Charity BRCDTR 234216

Baptism: Today, in the Sacrament of Baptism, we welcome Dylan James Harrington. Congratulations to his family.

Lately Dead: After a long and brave struggle against illness Sheila Freeman died peacefully in Russells Hall Hospital in the early hours of Thursday morning. Her funeral arrangements will be announced when available

Anniversary: Next Thursday is the anniversary of the death in 2003 of Fr Anthony Maguire who served at Our Lady’s 1983 – 1986. May they rest in peace.

Teas and Coffees: Coffees and teas will be provided in the Borromeo Hall after 9.30 am Mass today by the UCM (as part of the Summer Fete) and next Sunday by the Parent & Toddler Group and Craft Group.

Summer Fete: Please support the school by visiting the Summer Fete, and the various stalls and games. Refreshments will be available, and the school grounds will be open after Mass. The Adams Lounge will also be available. Everyone welcome for an enjoyable way to raise funds for our school.

Old Rite: Mass in the Old Rite this afternoon at 3:00 pm here at St Ambrose’s. Volunteers to augment the singing of one of the Plainsong settings of the Mass will be especially welcome.

Society of St Vincent de Paul: The next meeting takes place on Monday, 8 July at 10:00 am in the Hall (Montini Room). New members welcome.

Greenhill PACT: The next meeting will be in the Adams Lounge on Monday, 8 July at 7:00 pm, to discuss matters of concern to Greenhill residents.

Union of Catholic Mothers: Will meet on Monday, 8 July at 7:30 pm in the Borromeo Hall.

Catechists Meeting: It is an appropriate time to review the way in which our children are prepared for the Sacrament of Holy Communion and Confirmation. A group of parishioners provide excellent support for the parents, families and school teachers. This could well be extended and any parishioner interested in helping and supporting this very important work in the parish is invited to attend a meeting in the School on Wednesday at 6:30 pm.

Spectacular Hog Roast: On Sunday, 14 July in the Rectory garden from 2:00 pm, bar open. Children free, tickets only £6.50 each. A great summer event. Disco into the evening. Tickets are available from the Rectory, Aidan Tagg or the Adams Lounge.

Ordination to the Diaconate of Adam Nicholls: Adam will be ordained as a Permanent Deacon in St Chad’s Cathedral at 3:00 pm on 21 July. Those people who will be attending are asked to travel together by coach, leaving St Ambrose’s at 1:15 pm (or as soon as I return from Tenbury). Please do not travel by private car because there will be difficulties in parking as there is a large number of Ordinands, each with over 50 guests. The coach fare will be £6.50. There is a party in the Borromeo Hall and Adams Lounge on our return (about 6:00 pm).

Day of Pilgrimage in Honour of Blessed Dominic Barberi: Saturday, 31 August. This pilgrimage has been organised by the Diocese to mark the Year of Faith of which, in this Diocese, Blessed Dominic Barberi has been the patron. There is a full day’s programme but the major part will be Mass in Our Lady’s and St Dominic’s Church in Stone. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop William Kenney. After a picnic lunch there will be a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to Aston Hall (about one-and-a-half miles). Benediction will be at 4:00 pm followed by a celebration meal. If there is sufficient interest we will book a coach to depart from here at about 10:30 am, returning about 5:30 – 6:00 pm. Please sign the lists within the next two weeks so that plans can be made before we all set off on holiday.

Requests: i) I would like to arrange for a series of House Masses during the autumn, so that we can deepen our knowledge of the Mass through catechesis. If you would be prepared to offer your home, and would be prepared to invite a few neighbours to join with you, please notify Fr Lamb (preferably by a brief note) during the next two or three weeks. ii) Talks on the Faith, October 2013 – Easter 2014. It has been suggested that we look again at Mass and the Sacraments. If there are other suggestions please indicate. iii) I hope we can arrange a Retreat Week during Lent 2014. Please notify Fr Lamb of any preferred themes


i.  Thank you for last week’s Offertory of £926.75 (Loose £576.49, Envelope scheme £350.26).

ii.  Donations to CAFOD were £2.

iii.  Subscribers to the Clergy Training Fun have added a further £40.

iv.  I regret that we omitted the Peter’s Pence Collection at one of our Masses last weekend. Please excuse a second attempt.

v.  Next weekend is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. The Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is the official maritime agency of the Catholic Church in Great Britain. AoS reaches out to seafarers visiting our ports, offering pastoral and practical support and care. AoS is wholly dependent upon voluntary donations to continue its work of bringing the love of Christ to seafarers in the name of the Church; recognising them as our brothers and sisters in need. Sea Sunday is your chance to help AoS make a real difference to the lives of seafarers. Everything AoS does is on behalf of Britain’s Catholic community. The parish will take up a second collection on Sea Sunday for the work of AoS, so please give generously. Its mission cannot continue without your support. For more information on the work of AoS please visit their website at

Borromeo Hall/Adams Lounge: Available for functions of all kinds: parties, receptions, etc. Please contact Mary Preston (07513 295817) or Margaret Blizard (07742 730680).

Every Friday: Folk Music in the Adams Lounge with visiting musicians/singers and instrumentalists. Free admission 8.00pm – late.