Automated Data Exchange Documentation


Safety & Discipline Indicator Collection

File Layout and Edit Specifications

File Layout for File A - Incidents by Action Taken

File Layout for File A - Gun Free Data

File Layout for File B - Actions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

Preliminary Edits Performed on Files A & File B

First Level Edits Performed on Files A & B Data

Second Level Edits Performed on File A after First Level Edits have been Passed

Second Level Edits Performed on File B after First Level Edits have been Passed

Second Level Edits Performed Comparing File A and B Cross-footed Total Values

File Layout for File A-Incidents by Action Taken
File A - Incidents by Action Taken :
Format "A"
File Name: sdi####.nna
Record Type: ASCII text
Record Size: 535 bytes
Field Name / No. of / Field / Start / End / Requirements
Bytes / Type / Position / Position
School District/BOCES Code / 4 / Num / 1 / 4 / 4-digit district code.
School Code / 4 / Num / 5 / 8 / 4-digit school code.
No School Safety Data to Report Flag / 1 / Alpha / 9 / 9 / 'Y' or 'N'.
Drug Violations: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 10 / 13 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 14 / 17 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 18 / 21 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 22 / 25 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 26 / 29 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 30 / 33 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Drug Violations: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 34 / 37 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 38 / 41 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 42 / 45 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 46 / 49 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 50 / 53 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 54 / 57 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 58 / 61 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Alcohol Violations: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 62 / 65 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 66 / 69 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 70 / 73 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 74 / 77 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 78 / 81 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 82 / 85 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 86 / 89 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Tobacco Violations: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 90 / 93 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 94 / 97 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 98 / 101 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 102 / 105 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 106 / 109 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:Expulsion / 4 / Num / 110 / 113 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 114 / 117 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
1st, 2ndDegree or Vehicular Assault:Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 118 / 121 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 122 / 125 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 126 / 129 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 130 / 133 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 134 / 137 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 138 / 141 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 142 / 145 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
3rd Degree Assaults/Disorderly Conduct: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 146 / 149 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 150 / 153 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 154 / 157 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 158 / 161 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 162 / 165 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 166 / 169 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 170 / 173 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Dangerous Weapons: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 174 / 177 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 178 / 181 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 182 / 185 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 186 / 189 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 190 / 193 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 194 / 197 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 198 / 201 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Robbery: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 202 / 205 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 206 / 209 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 210 / 213 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 214 / 217 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 218 / 221 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 222 / 225 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 226 / 229 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Felonies: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 230 / 233 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 234 / 237 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 238 / 241 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 242 / 245 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 246 / 249 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 250 / 253 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 254 / 257 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 258 / 261 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 262 / 265 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 266 / 269 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 270 / 273 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 274 / 277 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 278 / 281 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 282 / 285 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Detrimental Behavior: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 286 / 289 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 290 / 293 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 294 / 297 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 298 / 301 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 302 / 305 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 306 / 309 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 310 / 313 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Destruction of School Property: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 314 / 317 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Number of Incidents Reported / 4 / Num / 318 / 321 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 4 / Num / 322 / 325 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: In School Suspension / 4 / Num / 326 / 329 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Out of School Suspension / 4 / Num / 330 / 333 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Expulsion / 4 / Num / 334 / 337 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Referred to Law Enforcement / 4 / Num / 338 / 341 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Other Violations of Code of Conduct: Other Action Taken / 4 / Num / 342 / 345 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Number of Incidents Reported / 6 / Num / 346 / 351 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal / 6 / Num / 352 / 357 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: In School Suspension / 6 / Num / 358 / 363 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Out of School Suspension / 6 / Num / 364 / 369 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Expulsion / 6 / Num / 370 / 375 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Referred to Law Enforcement / 6 / Num / 376 / 381 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Total: Other Action Taken / 6 / Num / 382 / 387 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA Students
Non-IDEA GFSA None to Report Flag / 1 / Alpha / 388 / 388 / 'Y' or 'N'.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 389 / 390 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 391 / 392 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 393 / 394 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 395 / 396 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for less than Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 397 / 398 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 399 / 400 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 401 / 402 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 403 / 404 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Handgun: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 405 / 406 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 407 / 408 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 409 / 410 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for Less than Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 411 / 412 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 413 / 414 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for less than the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 415 / 416 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 417 / 418 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 419 / 420 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 421 / 422 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 423 / 424 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 425 / 426 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 427 / 428 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 429 / 430 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 431 / 432 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for less than the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 433 / 434 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 435 / 436 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 437 / 438 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 439 / 440 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 441 / 442 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Firearms Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 443 / 444 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 445 / 446 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for Less than Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 447 / 448 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 449 / 450 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for less than Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 451 / 452 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 453 / 454 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 455 / 456 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 457 / 458 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
Non-IDEA GFSA Total: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 461 / 462 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA Students (Special Ed) / 459 / 459
IDEA GFSA None to Report Flag / 1 / Alpha / 463 / 463 / 'Y' or 'N'.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 464 / 465 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 466 / 467 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 468 / 469 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 470 / 471 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for less than Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 472 / 473 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 474 / 475 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 476 / 477 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 478 / 479 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Handgun: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 480 / 481 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 482 / 483 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 484 / 485 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for Less than Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 486 / 487 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 488 / 489 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for less than the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 490 / 491 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 492 / 493 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 494 / 495 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 496 / 497 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Rifle/Shotgun: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 498 / 499 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 500 / 501 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 502 / 503 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 504 / 505 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 506 / 507 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for less than the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 508 / 509 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 510 / 511 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 512 / 513 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 514 / 515 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Other Firearms: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 516 / 517 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Firearms Brought or Possessed at School / 2 / Num / 518 / 519 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Student Expulsions / 2 / Num / 520 / 521 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for Less than Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 522 / 523 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year / 2 / Num / 524 / 525 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for less than Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 526 / 527 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Students Expelled for the Mandatory One Year Who were Referred to an Alternative School or Program / 2 / Num / 528 / 529 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Other Disciplinary Action (suspensions, etc.) / 2 / Num / 530 / 531 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: Remove Other (death, incarcerated, etc) / 2 / Num / 532 / 533 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.
IDEA GFSA Total: No Action Taken / 2 / Num / 534 / 535 / Right justified, zero filled, no decimal point.

File Layout for File B-Actions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender