COURSE: Chemistry 535 Rm: 313 and INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Czyryca (Sir-i-ca)
EMAIL: Availability: Free pd 6 by appt. in the lab or after school. A regular review session will be held every Tuesday after school in Rm 313.
REQUIRED: 1. Texts- Holt Chemistry 2006, the Chemistry Study Guide Workbook 2004,
MATERIALS and on-line edition textbook.
2. Three-ring binder dedicated to chemistry only with five tabbed section dividers labeled 1) reference charts, 2) class notes, 3) homework assignments, 4) quizzes/tests, and 5) labs.
3. Scientific calculator (with scientific and logarithmic functions) NOT necessarily a graphic calculator. Please engrave your name on it.
4. Pencils, mini stapler, red pen or red pencil, and 3x5 note cards.
DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to cover general chemistry. Chemists study the structure and properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. Considering the advanced technology of today’s society and the pressing environmental problems facing us, it is increasingly important to have a working knowledge of chemistry. There will be numerous applications to everyday experiences and professions in order to make the study of chemistry relevant to your life. This may be done through classroom demonstrations, labs, discussions, and daily individual and/or group assignments.
TOPICS: The topics covered in this course are: classification of matter-elements, compounds, and mixtures, formulas, chemical reactions, atomic structure and bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, periodic table, solutions, and nuclear chemistry.
GRADES: Your grade will be based on the following:
1. TESTS- 40% Approximately 3 tests per quarter. There will be written review sheets and/or a list of objectives given before a test, but you must also study homework, notes, and quizzes. NEVER throw a test away. You must study it before the next test because most of the material is cumulative. All tests must be corrected on loose leaf paper. Refer to the Test Corrections handout.
2. HOMEWORK QUIZZES- 20% There will be approximately two quizzes for each chapter. The quiz problems will be taken exactly from designated homework that we have corrected.
3. HOMEWORK- 20% There will be homework assigned every day, due the following day. Spiral notebook paper will not be accepted. Use Edline to get assignments and frequently there will be web sites attached for additional assistance. You are responsible for showing me your homework before class not after we checked it. No hw will be accepted late. Solutions should be neatly written, and explanations should use accepted rules of style and grammar. Half answered questions will not get you any credit. Your name, class section, date, and assignment description should appear at the top of the homework paper. At the discretion of the teacher, papers which are sloppy or otherwise unintelligible may receive a reduced score. You should use red or colored pen or pencil in class to highlight the answers you have edited in class.
4. LABS- 10%- There will be approximately 1-2 labs per quarter. The grade will consist of typed lab reports, pre-lab handouts, lab effort, and/or behavior. Some labs will consist of graphs, fill-in-the blanks, or full lab reports. A pre-lab may be given before going into the lab in order to thoroughly prepare each student. Students will not do the lab if they haven’t done the preparation. There will be no make up labs if a student is absent or unprepared. A student with a legal absence will be exempt from doing the lab or may choose to get the data from me if they want the grade averaged in that quarter. An unexcused absence will be a zero.
5. PARTICIPATION-10%- Each day you will automatically earn 1 point unless you fail to bring required materials or you do not put effort forth to constructively answer question and contribute to the class in a positive way. Interrupting the flow of class in any way will cause you to lose your point. No more than 1 point can be lost per day.
ABSENTEEISM: Homework, classwork, and quizzes must be made up in the number of days you were absent. YOU are responsible for getting notes from a classmate the day you return. If a quiz was scheduled days in advance and you have all of the material, you are responsible for taking the quiz/test with the class. If you are on retreat you are responsible for seeing me after school for assignments and turning in the homework on time.
EXPECTATIONS: 1. Respect your teacher, classmates, and yourself.
2. Take responsibility for yourself.
3. Honesty. All of your work is expected to be your own. Not only will BOTH persons involved receive a zero on a copied assignment, but also both persons will be reported to the administration. So when “helping” someone out with a problem, NEVER let your paper leave your hands. Discussing test/quiz answers with someone who has taken my test, before you have taken the test, is cheating.
4. Students that have extended time testing must notify me in advance of
taking the test. You may be required to take the entire test after school since I am not allowed to let you miss your next class.