English 10
Course Outline

Ms. Lisa LeBouthillier 2013-14

Course Description

English 10 is a required course and is a prerequisite for grade eleven English. This full-year course explores the English language and emphasizes speaking and listening, reading and viewing, and writing and representing.

Essential Learning Targets ELA 10

Speaking and Listening

1.1. Construct ideas about issues by asking relevant questions and responding thoughtfully to questions posed

1.2. Present a personal viewpoint to a group of listeners, interpret their responses, and take others’ ideas into account when explaining their positions

1.3. Listen critically to analyze and evaluate ideas and information in order to formulate and refine opinions and ideas

2.1. Recognize that communication involves an exchange of ideas (experiences, information, views) and an awareness of connections between the speaker and the listener; use this awareness to adapt the message, language and delivery to the context

3.1. Analyze the position of others

3.2. Articulate how spoken language influences and manipulates, and reveals ideas, values and attitudes

3.3. Recognize the social contexts of different speech events

Reading and Viewing

4.1. Read from a wide variety of print texts which include drama, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction from contemporary, pre-twentieth century, Canadian and world writing

4.2. View a wide a variety of media and visual texts, such as broadcast journalism, film, TV, advertising, CR-ROM, Internet and music videos

4.3. Identify meaning in reading, using a variety of strategies such as cueing systems, utilizing prior knowledge, analyzing, inferring, predicting, synthesis, and evaluating

4.4. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of media techniques have on shaping the understanding of a text

5.1. Research, in systematic ways, specific information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate the chosen information; integrate the chosen information in a way that effectively meets the requirements of a learning task and/ or solves personally defined problems

6.1. Respond to the texts they are reading and viewing by evaluating and extending

6.2. Make thematic connections among print texts, public discourse and media

6.3. Demonstrate a willingness to consider more than one interpretation of a text

7.1. Examine the different aspects of texts (language, style, graphics, tone, etc.) that contribute to meaning and effect

7.2. Make inferences, draw conclusions and make supported responses to content, form and structure

7.3. Recognize the impact of specific literary and media devices (e.g. figurative language, dialogue, flashback, symbolism)

7.4. Respond critically to a variety of media and print texts

7.5. Demonstrate an awareness that texts reveal and produce ideologies, identities and positions

7.6. Evaluate ways in which both genders and various cultures and socio-economic groups are portrayed in media texts

Writing and Other Ways of Representing

8.1. Use writing and other ways of representing to extend ideas and experiences; reflect on their feelings, values and attitudes; describe and evaluate their learning processes and strategies

8.2. Use note-making, illustrations and other ways of representing to reconstruct knowledge

8.3. Choose language that creates interesting and imaginative effects

9.1. Demonstrate skills in constructing a range of texts for a variety of audiences and purposes

9.2. Create an organizing structure appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of texts

9.3. Select an appropriate form, style and contents for specific audiences and purposes

9.4. Analyze and reflect on others’ responses to writing and audiovisual productions and consider these responses in creating new pieces

10. 1. Demonstrate awareness of what writing/representation processes and presentation strategies work for them in relation to audience and purpose

10.2. Consistently use the proper conventions of written language in final products

10.3. Use technology in communication for a range of purposes

10.4. Use a range of materials and ideas which clarify writing and other ways of representing for a specific audience (e.g. graphs, illustrations and tables)


Portfolios help teachers and students assess literacy growth and are instrumental in identifying student strengths and weaknesses. By compiling portfolios, students grow to understand that reading and viewing, writing and representing, and speaking and listening are inextricably linked. Because students are responsible for producing finished pieces for evaluation, they more willingly put forth their best efforts. Throughout the year, students will file their literacy pieces together in a literacy portfolio that will be kept in the classroom. At various times during the year, they will review all of their pieces and decide which ones they would like to include in their portfolio.

This portfolio will follow students throughout their high school years. This continuation will allow grade ten teachers to build upon what has been achieved in grade nine, and demonstrate student progress over the years.

Assessment 70% Exam Mark Breakdown 30%

Speaking and Listening 20% Speaking and Listening* 30%

Reading and Viewing 25% Reading and Viewing 40%

Writing and Representing 20% Writing and Representing* 30%

Portfolio 5%

*During the year, final assessments will be completed for these categories, leaving the final exam assessing only reading and viewing.

Policies (Plagiarism and Late policy) Page 7-8 of Student Handbook

Each student is expected to read, sign and follow the school policies regarding late assignments, technology and plagiarism. These policies are school wide and must be followed by every student.

Required Materials:

·  memory stick and ear buds

·  Binder and dividers and some loose leaf

·  post-it style sticky notes

·  a 200-page composition notebook ($1.00 at DollarStore)

·  highlighters

·  different coloured pen package for editing and of course blue and black pens for everyday

·  Novels for independent reading (may be borrowed from the library, brought from home, borrowed from friends, or my classroom library etc.)

·  Language Arts Fee: $2.00

Printing: Due to time and budget restraints, it is impossible for teachers to assume the responsibility of printing student work. Students must look after the printing of assignments on their own. Alternatively, students can present assignments hand written in blue or black ink.


Reading – Students are required to read each week night for at least 25 minutes. There will never be a night that your student doesn’t have English homework in lue of this. Students will be required to complete two Independent Book Assignments for this self-selected reading each semester and to log their reading rate each week. Students will set a goal for the number of pages they will read each semester. Students in my class get 50 minutes each week to read in class as well, in what I refer to as Reading Zone. Please encourage your student by offering them quality time and a space to read without distractions. Modeling reading for your student also is a great tool to encourage reading in your home. Ask them questions about what they are reading and why not have them read aloud to you from time to time as well. Talking about books helps a lot with comprehension.

My e-mail address at work is Messages sent via email are often received faster than the many phone messages our school processes in the run of a day, but a message can be left at the office: 457-6898

I also have a wiki which I update nearly daily for you. Please use it to see what you student is learning and for deadlines:

Cut here and return bottom portion ASAP


Parents/Guardians and students are asked to sign below to verify they have read the course outline for English 10 and understand the expectations for their child. Please include an e-mail address and phone number to help ensure strong communication. Please specify preferred method of communication.

Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Print Parents Names: ______Print Student Name: ______

E-mail address:______Phone ______