Swansea UniversityResearch Scholarships
Outline Proposal
AY 2017/2018
Project TitleProject Number / RS17/18XX (this will be allocated upon receipt)
Project Team / Name / Organisation/College / Email / No. doctoral candidates completed since 2008/09
Primary Supervisor
Additional Supervisor
Additional Supervisor
Proposal Details
Please indicate the area you are applying to: / Strategic Partnerships:
Strategic Initiatives:
Number of 50% scholarships being requested:
Colleges can request a maximum of three 50% scholarships through a maximum of three proposals / Number requested:
Name your source (s) of matched funding: / Source and % contribution:
Source and %contribution:
Append supporting documentation and confirmation of funding details from the matched funder.
Proposals will only be considered with proof of matched funding / Confirmation attached: Y/N
Funding is offered for three years, pending satisfactory progress of the student. Do you wish to request and alternative funding pattern? / Alternative funding pattern requested:
Communauté Universités Grenoble Alpes Joint PhD only
a)Do you wish this application to be considered byCommunauté Universités Grenoble Alpes in the next funding round in 2017? Yes / No
b)Name of your intended Co-applicant who will submit the proposal to the Communauté Universités Grenoble Alpesfunding call:
c)Which Doctoral College of Communauté Universités Grenoble Alpes,will the collaboration be with?
Doctoral School Languages, Literature and Human Sciences (LLSH)
Doctoral School of Philosophy: History, Arts, Languages (Philosophie)
Doctoral School of Economics (Sc.Economiques)
Doctoral School of Management (Sc de Gestion)
Doctoral School of Law (Sc Juridiques)
Doctoral School Humanities, Political and Territorial Sciences (SHPT)
Doctoral School Chemistry and Life Science (CSV)
Doctoral School Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automatic Control, Signal Processing (EEATS)
Doctoral School Industrial, Material, Mechanical and Process Engineering (I-MEP2)
Doctoral School Health. Cognition and Environmental Engineering (ISCE)
Doctoral School of Informatics and Mathematics (MSTII)
Doctoral School of Physics(Physique)
Doctoral School Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences (TUE)
Swansea College / School Evaluation
Unique rank for this proposal / Total number of proposal submitted by College / School:
Unique rank:
Please provide a brief supporting statement to illustrate the strategic importance of the research for the College and your order of prioritisation
Case for Support
Please justify and evidence your proposal using the following headings:
- Alignment and Significance to Strategic Partnership or Strategic Initiative
- Research Excellence
- Training Environment and Excellence
The Case for Support section must NOT exceed 2 sides of A4
Research Excellence:
Training Excellence:
Alignment and Significance to Strategic Partnership or Strategic Initiative:
Student Recruitment and Advertising
It is a condition of this application, to advertise all College/School ranked applications (funded or unfunded) via Swansea University Student Recruitment Office
Project start date / October 2017
January 2018
Provide summary details of the project (description, aims, supervisors, facilities etc)
Qualification required?
(Supervisors of Joint and Dual degree are reminded to check entry requirements of the partner institution)
Subject backgrounds considered?
Experience / other skills and qualities required (if any)
All applicants to complete University Scholarship application form. / Please indicate if College/ School requires a CV and covering letter, in addition to scholarship application form YES / NO
Contact Details for Enquiries / Name:
WEB LINK for further info (where relevant)
The Terms & Conditions for University Research Scholarships entry AY 2017/18 have changed. Please indicate, by ticking the box that you have read and understood the new parameters.
Submission deadline
5pm, Wednesday 14thDecember 2016