I woke up one morning in the winter of 2006 and stepped on the scale we received as a Christmas present and it hovered around 200 pounds, more than I have ever weighed before. At that moment I decided that I had to do something. At the same time we had been discussing implementing a health awareness program at work. We contacted the folks at BLI and explained what we were trying to do and accomplish and we began their weight loss program within one month. As the President of the company I felt that if this program was going to be a success I had to take the lead in its promotion and had to personally commit myself to this program. We kicked off the program and I went at it with a determination/obsession like I have never had before (I had never been on any type of diet program or tried to lose weight before).

Concurrent to the BLI program I began to work out at an exercise facility (never worked out before this). Throughout the entire BLI program I was never hungry. I followed the program to a tee, never cheated and the weight just came off by the pounds. I began to feel more alert at work and at home. Simple tasks became easier, I had more energy and I began to feel good about myself and the changes my body was making. I looked forward each week to our “weigh ins” as I wanted to lose weight each and every week of the program, which I did. At the end of the program I was down to 172 pounds, lost 4 inches in my waist and shed about 25 pounds.

It has now been exactly one year since the end of the BLI program and I weight around 176 pounds and feel great. What did I learn during the BLI program: 1. Eating is all about portions. 2. Exercise is important. 3. Fast food is bad for you. (I haven’t eaten at a fast food restaurant in 15 months, whereas before this program I was eating at fast food restaurants about 3-4 times a week) 4. Eat healthier foods. 5. You can eat the occasional brownie, cookie, ice cream or even have a beer but the key is occasional and in smaller portions. 6. Weight loss is easy as long as you are committed and have encouragement. 7. Healthy foods taste good and in fact taste better than unhealthy foods. 8. You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. 9. Watching your weight is important, if you see yourself gaining a few pounds then use the lessons learned during the program for a few days, maybe one week and the pounds will go off and you will return to the weight you feel comfortable with. 10. The program was easy and fun.

The BLI program and all the folks associated with it are wonderful to work with. Their encouragement and enthusiasm is second to none and they take great joy in seeing each and everyone in the program succeed.


Grand Rapids, Michigan