Complete Montessori Curriculum

2017 – 2018

Development of Sensorial education

The sensorial materials comprise of a series of objects, grouped together according to some physical quality, which they have, such as color, size, sound, texture and taste.


  • To develop the five senses of a child
  • Sense of sight
  • Sense of hearing
  • Seriognostic senses
  • Sense of touch
  • Sense of teats
  • Exercises
  • By these five senses a child can develop self confidence
  • Hand and eye coordination
  • Oder in mind
  • Composed movements
  • Recognition
  • To develop the ability of differentiate the things


  • An introduction to the Montessori sensorial education
  • Introduces the work cycle
  • Outline in detail the exercise to work with the Montessori sensorial materials, namely
  • Red rods
  • Pink tower
  • Color tablets
  • Mystic bag
  • Geometrical solids.
  • Touch boards
  • Sound boxes
  • Grain try
  • bells

Exercises of Practical Life


  • A child will be able to do his work independently
  • A child will be able to his rotten work normally
  • A child will be more social
  • A child will be disciplined
  • A child will take care of the nature.


  • Area 1 – Elementary Movements and Preliminary Activities(holding )
  • Area 2 – Montessori Practical Life Exercises for Self Care

(Washing hands, brushing teeth, dressing frames, shoo polishing)

  • Area 3 – Montessori Practical Life Exercises for Environment Care in door activities

(Use of broom, washing a cloth, dusting a table and washing a car) outdooractivities (watering plants, weeding)

  • Area 4 – Montessori Practical Life Exercises for the Development of Social Skills, Grace & Courtesy(greeting guest, use of thank you, sorry and excuse me)

Montessori Cultural Science & Geography

Objectives of the curriculum for culture

  • Through culture a child will learn number of things
  • Geography
  • Historical places
  • Art
  • Music
  • Some art work
  • Religions
  • Places
  • Countries and flags



  • Introduction
  • Leaf Cabinet
  • Pairing Cards
  • Classification Folders
  • Terminology/Nomenclature Cards
  • Life Cycles


  • Introduction
  • Air, Land and Water Boxes
  • Land and Water Forms
  • Sandpaper Globe – Land and Water
  • Continent Globe
  • Transition to Flat Maps
  • Puzzle Map to the World
  • Puzzle Map of Individual Continents

Montessori Language


  • To develop the reading skills
  • To develop the writing skills
  • To develop the speaking and listening skills
  • To enrich the vocabulary
  • A child will be able to speak with correct pronunciation
  • To be able make word bank
  • Isolation among latter and its related objects
  • Correct use of sounds or phonics


  • Sandpaper letters
  • Objects and Pictures
  • Phonics through letter land world.
  • Phonics practice (vocal exercises)
  • Phonics ( Urdu )



  • A child’s mind will be in order
  • A child can do his own work related money
  • A child can count and collect
  • To develop the interest of math’s work


  • Introduces the work cycle
  • Outline in details the exercise to work with the Montessori math materials, namely;
  • Number Rods
  • Sandpaper Numerals
  • Spindle Bo
  • Zero Games
  • Introduction to sequin Board A
  • Short Bead Stair Unit, Beads & Boards
  • Introduction to Sequin Board B
  • Beads and Cards