BOARDElliot Abrams, Chair

Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair

Jeff Luck, Supervisor

Josh Troxell, Supervisor

Walt Wise, Supervisor

STAFFDoug Erickson, Township Manager

Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer

Kim Wyatt, Finance Director

Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor

Joe Price, Senior Planner

ABSENTJohn Petrick, Chief of Police

AUDIENCESusanna Paul, Housing Transitions/Centre Co Affordable Housing Coalation

Larry Orkus, Resident

Nancy Ring, Resident

Dan Ring, President

Kevin Murray, Resident

R.J. Woodhead, CRPR

Jim Steff, CRPR

Jim Carpenter, CRPR

Mike Hawbaker, Resident

Phil Park, Resident

Paul Silvis, Resident

John O’Neil, Planning Commission

Susan Lamey, Resident

Sam Hawbaker, Resident

Cory Miller, UAJA


The September 12, 2012 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the Township Municipal Building was called to order at 7:03 PM by Mr. Abrams, Chair.


Mr. Troxellmoved to approve the August 15, 2012 meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


a.General Comments

Ms. Paul invited the Board and residents to the 5th Annual Affordable Housing Summit.

b. Regional Cooperation

Mr. Abrams noted that Township Resident Dan Hawbaker has requested the opportunity to address the Board of Supervisors regarding the recent Council of Government’s denial of sewer service to the Calvary Baptist Church in Harris Township. He also noted that members of the Board have also indicated they would like an opportunity to discuss issues of regional cooperation.


b. Regional Cooperation (Continued)

Mr. Erickson stated that the COG Executive Director, as recommended by the COG Chair and Public Services and Environmental Committee, has proposed a review of the Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) process. Please see the attached memo from the Executive Director and the Implementation Agreement that created the DRI process. Resident Gary Vratarich and property owner/businessman Lance Shaner provided letters

Township residents Dan Hawbaker, Phil Park, Paul Silvis, Larry Orkus, Nancy Ring, Kevin Murray, Mike Hawbaker, BradKarsch addressed the Board stating they believe the Council of Government’s denial of public sewer service to the Calvary Baptist Church was not in the best interest of the community. Resident Gary Vratarich and property owner/businessman Lance Shaner provided letters urging action to provide relief to Calvary Baptist Church. The letters are included at the end of the minutes.

Several options for moving forward were offered, including withdrawal from the DRI process, adoption of individual municipal 537 plans, or changing the DRI process to majority rule.

The Board members also provided comments on the recent DRI process.

Mr. Abrams noted that this was the first time in his 29 years that the COG could not find a solution to an issue. He recommended the formation of an ad hoc committee to review the DRI process to move away from unanimous approval.

Mr. Luck stated “we make the rules” so we (the COG) should be able to change the DRI process to permit public sewer to the Church.

Mr. Boyer noted that every request for mitigation or condition from Ferguson Township were offered, but it the end they drew a line in the sand. He was in favor of changing the DRI process to permit public sewer to the Church.

Mr. Wise stated “we need to fix this.” He stated he would not like to see Patton residents treated as badly as the Church and Harris Township residents were by this action. He noted that this was a very small request for extension of sewer and should be determined solely by the host municipalities. There seems to have been a change in the rules since an extension was approved for the proposed Whitehall Road Park in Ferguson Township.

Mr. Troxell thanked the residents who spoke or provided written comments. He stated he would like to see Ferguson ask for the issue to be re-considered. He said we definitely need to change the DRI process. He continued by noting there have been repeated instances of one township drawing “a line in the sand” and making demands on the others.

Mr. Abrams suggested the Board approve a motion to urge the General Forum change the DRI process or structure of the organization to eliminate the unanimous approval requirement. He noted the Church did all they could do to address the Ferguson Township conditions but they still were denied.

Mr. Wise moved that the Patton Board of Supervisors urge the Executive Committee to form an ad hoc committee to review how to change the DRI process. He further noted that the submittal requirements for small requests (in number of EDUs) and advisory changes be greatly reduced.

He also recommended eliminating the two year wait.


b. Regional Cooperation (Continued)

The motion was seconded by Mr. Troxell.

Mr. Abrams urged that a timeframe for action be included in the recommendation to the COG and that some positive action be taken in the short term.

Mr. Troxell suggested that the committee recommendation be returned by the end of November. Mr. Abrams suggested the deadline be the end of October.

Mr. Park urged the Board to try to get relief for the Church at the September General Forum meeting and the other issues regarding the DRI process can be handled at a later time.

Mr. Hawbaker stated he does not want to see elected officials from other townships making decisions for Patton Township. These matters should be decided locally.

On a 5-0 vote the Board approved a motion to urge the General Forum discuss this matter at the September meeting and a ad hoc committee be formed immediately to review the DRI process and noting that time is critical..


a.Project Updates

Mr. Erickson stated that the Bernel Road Park construction is completed and staff is now just monitoring landscaping. He also wanted to inform the Board that the Township is looking at doing aCNG Pickup Retrofit to convert a 2006 Chevy to bi-fuel.

b.Design Contract for Road Crew Building

Mr. Erickson stated that the Capital Improvement Plan includes a project to provide an expanded area for the Road Crew to meet and take breaks. After investigating the option of expanding and remodeling the existing building, the Public Works Director recommends a separate 24 ft by 24 ft building for the Crew break area. The existing break area would be re-purposed as a locker room and storage area.

A proposal for design has been solicited through the Pennsylvania Co-Stars procurement program. The Public Works Director recommends approving the design contract with Lobar Associates Construction of Dillsburg, PA, for a fixed sum of $13,524.66.

Mr. Boyer moved to approve the Design Contract for Road Crew Building as noted. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0.


a.Planning Commission Report

Mr. O’Neill stated that at the September 10, 2012 meeting the draft of the Halfmoon Patton Area Plan, a Zoning request of RM District Zoning Amendment for Building Coverage and Reorganization of Zoning Regulations were discussed. He stated that the Halfmoon Patton Area Plan shows some changes of parcels to help with density. He stated that RM District Zoning Amendment proposes to change the building coverage from 25% coverage of the lot to 35%.

b.Planning Commission Recommendations

The Planning Commission held their September meeting on Monday, September 10, 2012.

The following items wereapproved andforwarded to the Board for discussion:

 Halfmoon Patton Area Plan

 RM District Zoning Amendment for Building Coverage

Mr. Luck moved to schedule a public hearing on October 24, 2012 for the RM District Zoning Amendment for Building Coverage. Seconded by Mr. Wise, the motion passed 5-0.

Mr.Vorwald stated that the Halfmoon Patton Area Plan is a more detailed planning study of the area around the boundary line between Patton Township and Halfmoon Township. He stated that a traffic analysis was done basedon this future land use plan to explore compatibility with the road network. He stated that CRPR is in the process of updating the comprehensive plan and is looking at the Area Plan future land uses as a starting point for discussion.

Mr. Luck stated that he is concerned that the traffic analysis showing the overuse of Circleville Road.

Mr. Abrams suggested that the Halfmoon Patton Area Plan be discussed further at the next meeting.


a. Council of Governments (COG) Parks Maintenance Facility

Mr. Erickson stated that at the August 27, 2012 meeting of the General Forum the following motion was approved:

“That the General Forum receive the Centre Region Parks and Recreation – Central Facility Site Evaluation and Feasibility Study and refer it to the participating municipalities for review; and furthermore, that municipal comments be forwarded to the COG Executive Director by October 3, 2012 for distribution to the Parks Capital Committee and the Centre Regional Recreation Authority for consideration at a joint meeting scheduled for October 11, 2012.”

Possible questions related to this matter are included in the attached correspondence from the COG.

Mr. Woodhead stated that the 2013 COG budget is going to propose a construction of a new parks maintenance facility and COG wants to make sure all local municipalities are all on the same page.


Mr. Erickson stated that the items included below are routine in nature and it is not anticipated that any will generate discussion or questions. The actual Consent Agenda with a brief description of each item is included with the agenda packet materials distributed to the Board and will also be available to the public at the sign-in table. At the request of a Board member any single item or all items on the Consent Agenda can be discussed and voted on separately. If no items are “pulled,” the Board should consider a motion for “approval of the Consent Agenda items as shown on the agenda.”

1)Voucher Report

A copy of the August 2011 Voucher Report is enclosed. Board members having questions should contact the Township office prior to the meeting so the necessary information can be obtained.

It is recommended that the Board approve the August 2012 Voucher Report.

2)Employee Handbook Adoption

The Finance Director, who also handles the Human Resource duties for the Township, has completed an update of the Township Employee Handbook. The handbook is a compilation of policies, procedures and practices related to employment and work practices for non-uniform Township employees. A draft copy of the Handbook and a summary of the changes were provided to the Board for review in July. The last update occurred in 2007.

A digital copy of the handbook is attached; hard copy will be provided on request.

It is recommended that the Board approve Resolution 2012-009 adopting the 2012 update of the Employee Handbook.

Mr. Luck moved to approve the Consent Agenda including Resolution 2012-009. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0.


Mr. Erickson asked for the Board’s approval of Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County Membership of $160 annual dues plus $40 application fee and a contribution of $2500 towards a Together We Are One Campaign.

Mr. Luck moved to approve to pay the Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County Membership of $160 annual dues plus $40 application fee and a contribution of $2500 towards a Together We Are One Campaign. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


Ms. Wyatt stated that at the Finance Committee meeting Chris Gibbons informed the committee that he received 9 responsesto the RFP for the refinance of the pool loan and that the lowest bid was from Jersey Shore State Bank at 2.49% which is a savings of $600,000 over the life of the loan.


There was no other business.


There being no further business, by Mr. Luck’s motion and Mr. Boyer’s second, the meeting was adjourned at8:41PM.

Douglas J. Erickson, Township Secretary