

Activity 3.2 - MagLev Fabrication Grading Rubric

Topics / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point
Drawings / Includes at least 4 brainstorming sketches as well as a clear final design that includes important details of the vehicle. / Missing 1-2 brainstorming sketches but still has a clear final design with necessary details included. / No brainstorming sketches present. Has a fair final design with some details missing. / Poor quality drawings showing little or no detail about the final design. Missing many important details.
Originality / Final product is well thought out and includes aspects that display original ideas. / Final product is creative butincludes aspects that are not advantageous for aerodynamics. / Final product is bland and does not display ideas of originality or creativity, but the vehicle still works. / Vehicle does not display any creative or original ideas.
Problem Solving / Vehicle works well and does not require human intervention. Vehicle problems are solved using critical thinking skills. / Vehicle usually works but does require some intervention at times. Vehicle problems are solved using critical thinking skills. / Vehicle is sporadic and often needs intervention. Vehicle problems are not completely solved and needs more testing. / Vehicle does not work at all. More time needs to be spent on construction and testing.
Tool/ Machine
Use / Always uses safe work habits.
Uses tools/machines safely and as instructed. / Uses safe work habits most of the time.
Uses tools/ machine safely and as instructed. / Uses safe work habits most of the time.
Uses tools/machine safely most of the time but requires some prompting as to safe and correct operation / Requires many reminders to work safely, as well as many reminders to use tools/machine safely and correctly.

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2007

GTT – Science of Technology Unit – Teacher Guidelines – Assessment – Lesson 3 – Activity 3.2 – MagLev Fabrication Grading Rubric - Page 1