Syllabus for CLST 721, Ovid's Fasti
Monuments: routinely hit the entries in Lexicon Topographicum Urbiu Romae, Nsh Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Richardson New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Quick online, Platner Asby now is webbed.
Date / Topic / Primary readings / Secondary ReadingsFasti / Related / Class / Individual Book report
1-16 J / Introduction / None / Handout / None / None
1-23 J / Organization of Time and Space / All in English / Met. in English / Wallace-Hadrill, "Time for Augustus"; Beard, "Sheep"; Feeney, "Mea Tempora" / Claude Nicolet, "Space, Geography, and Politics in the Early Roman Empire"
(Sarah Kupperberg)
1-30 / The Roman Year
Surveying Rome / 1.1–294 / Met. 1.1–31
Met 2.1f, Court of the Sun; Met, the “fasti” Hall of the Fates, 15.745f / Hardie, "Janus"
Galinsky Golden Age essay, Scott Fasti Arch (JRA 2000) / A. K. Michels, "The Calendar of the Roman Republic" (Andy Gallia)
1 Januum,
2 Fasti Arch,
3 Palatine Sibyl Books
1-31 / Elaine Fantham, "Ovid, Numa, And the Fasti" 5:00 Logan 203; read Fasti 3.259–392, 4.629–676
2-6 / Aetia / Origines
Woodland Rome / 1.295–586
Kuttner MOVE / Vergil,
Aen. 8
Bits: Vergil Hall Latinus; Ecl. 4 & 6
Met, Picus’ “tomb”, Vertumnus & Pomona; Varro’s marshy Rome; Prop. Vertumnus; Pliny trees; Strabo grove / Fantham, "Evander"
Miller, "Didactic"
Excerpts: Torelli on Marysas &
Lupercal; Bergmann on pastoral; Kellum Ara Pacis
AK handout / John Miller, "Ovid's Elegiac Festivals" (Karl Shaw)
Augustus’ “primordial” Rome monuments -
1 Ara Pacis woodland panels; 2 Mausoleum & “old” grove; 3 the Roman Muses and the Fasti garden shrine, T. Hercules and Muses
J / Fasti Praenestini / 1.587–724 / Suetonius, Life of VF;
Ovid Met, monumentum close; Vergil Georgics 3.1 / Herbert-Brown
pp. 1–31
LOOK Grimani Reliefs and Praeneste forum foundations:
Coarelli in Deinde Revixit Ars, AK in Garden Rooms / Geraldine Herbert-Brown, "Ovid and the Fasti" (Open)
Mon. Vedius Flaccus at Praeneste & author monuments
2-20 / Astronomy
Lucky Stars, Happy Times - private & public / 2.1–864 / Aratus
Germanicus / Harries, "Fabii"
Gee pp. 1–20
Skim Kais Aug, Zanker, Weinstock to star Divus Julius / Emma Gee, "Ovid, Aratus, and Augustus" (Josiah Davis)
1 Berthouville Skyphos (Aratus and Lycophron silver cup)
2 Gemma Augustea cameo
3 Deified Caesar in his temples
2-27 / Genre I
“Love Stories” and the Founding of Rome / 3.1–884
Romulus across the Fasti / Dido & Aeneas, Vergil
Suet. Life Vergil, tree omen / Hinds pp. 81–112
Look, Hommel “pediments”; / Stephen Hinds, "Arma in Ovid's Fasti (1 and 2)" (Justin Norwood)
1 Augustus’ Romulus Temples: The Rape of Rhea Silvia [and the Rhea sarcophagi]
2 The Story of Rhea Silvia & her sons, T. of the Satilii Frescoes
J / Dynasty / 4.1–954 / Lucretius 1.1–61
Horace 4.1, T. Venus
Aug. RG, Suet. Aug. to Venus / Galinsky, "Ara Pacis"
Kuttner, TAPA, and Cvups excerpts;
La Rocca, Caesar’s estate T Venus / Karl Galinsky, "Aeneas, Sicily, and Rome" (Trevor Luke)
The Julian Venus Shrines:
Victrix, Genetrix, Pantheon
3-13 / Spring Break
3-20 / Genre II
Advent of the Gods / 4.393–620 (review);
Cybele and Claudia (Livia); / Met. 5.250–678
Met, Aeculapius, Ino; Catullus’ Attis / Hinds pp. 99–114
Gruen, on Cybele cult
Palatine topography / Stephen Hinds, "The Metamorphosis of Persephone" (Meredith )
T. Cybele and the portrait of Claudia Quinta
The Sorrento Base: Cybele and Vesta
J / Ideology I
Divine Spectators / 5.1–734 / Vergil G 3.1; Met, Venus & Jup. at the Hall of the Fates; Met Giant songs?
Suet. on the summi viri / Hardie, "Gigantomachy"; Fantham, "Sexual Humor"; Newlands pp. 87–123 / Carole Newlands, "Playing with Time" (Bryce Walker)
Forum Augustum
J / Ideology II / 6.1–812 / Ovid Tristia to “poet college”; Close of the Met / Barchiesi, "Endgames" / Alessandro Barchiesi, "The Poet and the Prince"
(Jen Faulkner)
Augustus’ Poet Colleges
4-10 / Student Reports
4-17 / Student Reports
4-24 / Student Reports
J denotes joint meeting with ARTH 721
Galinsky, Karl, 1942-
Aeneas, Sicily, and Rome, by G. Karl Galinsky
Publish info
Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1969
Galinsky, Karl, 1942-
Augustan culture : an interpretive introduction / Karl Galinsky
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1996
R. Scott in JRA 2000
Januum: in Richardson, Nash, LTUR
Sibylline Books
Zanker, Paul.
The power of images in the Age of Augustus / Paul Zanker ; translated by Alan Shapiro.
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 22:18:16 -0500 (EST)
Dear all, I have just caught emails signaling that I did not, alas, post what I meant to give you. I will regroup because there is not much time. We can make it up to ourselves with more time to read, differently laid out, for the two weeks following. (Feb 9 at 9, remember, not Feb 6).
You've looked over book 1: look again! esp. at the beginning.
All read in Journal of Roman Archaeology 2000, R. Scott's article on the Fasti arch, his conclusions - think about this place! and Hardie's Janus.
about an hour:
In Richardson New Topo. Dictionary, Nash Pictorial Dictionary, and Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae (pick one or more) look up Januum, and Arch of Augustus. The first two are kept in Furness reference behind the computers.
If you can now (or do it later:)
On reserve here is Paul Zanker, The power of images in the Age of Augustus: riffle it for an hour for the Januum and Golden Age
Riffle in Augustan culture: an interpretive introduction / Karl Galinsky : Princeton University Press, c1996, (I have a copy, signal me if it is out)
first seeing how it is reviewed in - this will signal to you some of his thoughts on the "golden age".
Marsyas and Lupercal statues: Mario Torelli , Typology & Structure of Roman Historical Reliefs (1982) 89-118 at 98-107
General "idyllic" imaginaire
B. Kellum "The Construction of Landscape in Augustan Rome: The Garden Room at the Villa ad Gallinas" ArtBull 76 (1994) 211-24
B.Bergmann, "Exploring the Grove: Pastoral Space on Roman Walls" 21-46 in The Pastoral Landscape ed. John Dixon Hunt (Studies in the History of Art 36) (1992) 21-48
and its state patronage,
A. Kuttner “Looking outside inside: ancient Roman garden rooms”, Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 1 (1999) [formerly Journal of Garden History], special issue: " The Immediate Garden and the Larger Landscape, ed. J. Dixon Hunt, 7-35 at 7-11
Ara Pacis panels: (ill. well, E. Simon, Augustus, dito Grimani reliefs, and cf. Simon, Ara Pacis Augustae; ideological program of "sons" and Iulus in the sacrifice relied, Brian Rose, "Princes & Barbarians on the Ara Pacis Augustae" in Roman Art, An Anthology E. d'Ambra ed.)
Mausoleum & its groves: cf. Strabo 5.3:
T Herc. Musarum: Lloyd, John. "Three Monumental Gardens..." American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) 91-106; skim A. Kuttner “Culture and History at Pompey’s Museum”, Transactions of the American Philological Association 129 (1999), 343-373 (note Maro fountain)
Dionysiac "ideology", Republic and Augustus:
"Hellenistic Images of Spectacle, from Alexander to Augustus", The Art of Ancient Spectacle, ed. B. Bergman and C. Kondoleon. Studies in the History of Art vol. 56 (National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the History of Art, Symposium Papers 34), 97-122 at 107-110, 115-16
"Republican Rome Looks at Pergamon", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Special issue: Greece in Rome. Influence, Integration, Resistance, ed. C.P. Jones, R. Thomas 157-78 at 168ff on Dionysiac ideology and art on Roman Italy
T Herc. Musarum: Lloyd, John. "Three Monumental Gardens..." American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) 91-106. Pompnius Musa coinage, see JPC Kent Roman Coins, and M. Crawford RRC (Roman Republican Coinage); Arretine ware Muses, see L'Art decoratif a Rome (1981) p. 106-7 fig. 4-5
Primordial Romes:
Propertius, 4.1, 2, 4, 9
Vergil, Ecl. 4 and 6; Aen. 7.1f, 1148-213, 8.81f, 265-368
Ovid Met., 14 305-320, 623--90, 760-72
Varro, De lingua Latina, 5.7
Pliny, HN 12.1-5 at .3