A Resource Book for Athletes and Parents
The Hanover High School Athletic Handbook has been written to serve as a guide to those seeking information concerning our athletic rules and regulations. It is the purpose of this handbook is to share with coaches, students, and parents important operating procedures for the athletic programs at HanoverHigh School. It is hoped that this handbook will provide the foundation for the efficient organization and operation of our athletic department.
HanoverHigh School has an outstanding program that is committed to excellence in academics and athletics. The Hanover Staff seeks to provide each athlete the ability to develop their individual talents to the fullest within the framework of the TEAM. The welfare of each student athlete and the rules of good sportsmanship are of prime concern in the daily conduct of our program.
The specific rules and regulations governing our athletic department are consistent with the policies of the Virginia High School League, the Hanover County School Board, and Hanover High School.
Academics play a major role in the HanoverHigh School athletic program. All coaches monitor their students-athletes throughout the school year. Students wanting to participate in college athletics are encouraged to take core courses that will count toward NCAA academic eligibility. The NCAA has a central clearinghouse that will certify athletic eligibility for Division I and II athletics. Student-Athletes seeking the opportunity to play NCAA Division I or II athletics must register with the NCAA Clearing house at the following website:
Athletes cannot wait until their senior year to register; this must be done during their junior year at the latest to ensure that all NCAA requirements are met. If you have any questions, please call the athletic department or your child’s guidance counselor.
Websites for scheduling information:
(scheduling site)
Web Pages)
Virginia High School League
Eligibility Rules
In order to represent Hanover High School in any VHSL interscholastic contest, a student shall meet the following VHSL requirements:
Bona Fide Student Rule—The student must be a regular bono fide student in good standing at Hanover High School. Any student under penalty of suspension, or whose character or conduct is such as to reflect discredit upon Hanover High School, is not considered in good standing.
Grade Rule—The student must be enrolled in the last four years of high school.
Semester Rule—The student is eligible for eight consecutive semesters from the date that he/she entered the ninth grade for the first time. The eight semesters count whether the student is enrolled in school or not.
Age Rule—The student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before the first day of August of the School year that he/she wishes to compete.
Scholarship Rule—Each student shall have passed five subjects offered for credit, which may be used towards graduation for the immediately preceding semester, and shall be enrolled in five credit subjects for the current semester. If the student is currently enrolled in five classes and decides to drop one class anytime during the semester, the student becomes ineligible immediately after he/she drops the one class because he/she is no longer enrolled in five classes.
--Multiple credit classes count as multiple subjects. (ie. Voc. Tech.)
--Classes taken over that the student has previously passed, may not be used as a credit subject.
Athletic Participation/Parent Consent/Physical Examination Rule—Prior to trying out for or beginning practice with any team, the student must turn in a completely filled in and properly signed VHSL Parental Consent/Physical Form. The form must attest that the student has been examined by a physician and found physically fit to participate. The student must have a new physical (dated after May 1) for each school year. The VHSL physical form may be found at the VHSL and the Hanover High School websites.
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Transfer Rule—The student shall not have enrolled in one high school and subsequently transferred to and enrolled in another high school without a corresponding move on the part of their parent(s) or guardian.
Amateur Rule—The student shall be an amateur.
Awards Rule—The student shall not have accepted any awards other than those such as letters, plaques, trophies, etc., presented or approved by the school.
All Star Participation Rule—The student shall not have participated in any all-star contests.
Sportsmanship Rule—The student shall conduct himself/herself in a manner than exemplifies good sportsmanship at all times. Any student, who in protest lays hands or attempts to lay hands on an official, may be declared ineligible for up to one year. Any student who strikes an opponent, coach or spectator during or following an athletic contest may be declared ineligible for a specified period of time, up to one year, depending on the seriousness of the act.
Ejection of a Player—Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for a minimum of one contest following the contest in which the ejection occurred. A player ejected for fighting shall be ineligible for a minimum of two contests following the contest in which the ejection occurred. Subsequent ejections shall carry a longer period of ineligibility and possible dismissal from the team. The school may elect to increase the length of the suspension depending on the circumstances of the ejection. School consequences may also occur if student behavior is in violation of the “Student Code of Conduct”.
Penalty for giving False Information—Any student, parent, or guardian who provides false information, either written or verbal, that affects his/her eligibility, shall become ineligible at any VHSL school for a period of one year.
Questions concerning VHSL rules and eligibility should be directed to
Bob Bollander, Director of Student Activities. (Office—723-3750)
(Taken from Hanover County Schools Secondary Parent-Student handbook)
- Students may not participate in extracurricular activities if they are under suspension for violations of Hanover County School Board policies pertaining to student discipline. Students on short-term suspensions (less than 11 days) are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities during the specified period of the suspension, and they may not attend extracurricular activities during that period.
- The principal, the coach, and/or the sponsor shall have the discretion to determine if a student is permitted to participate in the next scrimmage/game/activity following the completion of a suspension. Students on long term suspensions (more than 10 days) for such violations as the use and/or possession of alcohol and/or illegal drugs are not allowed to participate nor attend extracurricular activities for the period of the suspension and for a period of 45 days from the time of the infraction (including the period of suspension). Suspensions for longer periods of time such as 30 and 90 days cause the student to lose participation privileges during that period as well.
- Each coach/sponsor will establish team/club rules which will be distributed and discussed with participants prior to the beginning of the activity. Students are expected to comply with team/club rules and could forfeit their eligibility through noncompliance.
- Students must attend all scheduled classes or an approved school activity on the day of competition/activity to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities on that day. The principal or his designee may make exceptions to this standard for students with extenuating and/or unusual circumstances.
- Students assigned detention by teachers and/or administrators must report the detention to the coach or sponsor. The coach or sponsor will determine if any additional action is to be taken concerning the student’s participation in the scheduled activity.
- Students assigned to the In-School Suspension and/or Saturday School Programs may lose the right to participate in the next scrimmage/game/activity following the assignment to the program. The student must report the disciplinary action to the coach/sponsor. The administration and the coach/sponsor will make a determination as to participation.
- Students and parents need to be aware of the section in the Student Code of Conduct relating to “Eligibility Relative to Court Disciplinary Action(s)”, “Consequences for Violating Code of Student Conduct for Extracurricular Activities”, “Administrative Procedures”, and “Disciplinary Authority of School Board”.
Hanover High School Athletic Department
Regulations and Policies
Athletic participation is a privilege and, as such, requires that you adhere to certain rules that may not apply to all students. In addition to VHSL rules, the following rules apply to all athletes and activity members.
School Attendance
Athletes must be in attendance for all classes in order to practice or compete in a contest. Family emergencies and medical appointments must be excused by the Director of Student Activities if an absence comes into question.
Transportation is provided by the school and must be used both to and from the contest. When approved by the head coach, students may be released to their immediate parents only, in order to ride home from a contest with that parent. All parents must sign-out their child, with their team’s coach.
School Team/Outside Team
You are expected to attend all practices, games and meetings of your team unlessa prior excuse is arranged with your coach. If there is a conflict between practice or games of an outside team and your school team’s practice or game, you shall attend the school teams practice or game unless otherwise approved by the head coach.
Team Rules
Athletes are expected to follow team rules that have been handed out by the head coach.
Use of a Controlled Substance
The use of tobacco (any form), alcohol, or other illegal drugs is prohibited.Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct booklet for more information.
Each athlete is responsible for all school equipment/uniforms that havebeen issued to him/her. No athletic awards or letters will be given to anyathlete who has not turned in his/her equipment/uniform. Also, any athlete who has not turned in equipment/uniform will not be allowed to participate on any other team until this situation has been resolved. Athletes will be charged the replacement cost of any equipment not returned.
Medical Procedures and Warning
The Hanover Athletic department attempts to make participation in our athletic/conditioning programs as safe as possible. However, injuries do occur in athletics. Athletes and parents are cautioned that injury, sometimes serious, may result from participation in our athletic/conditioning programs. In the event of an injury to an athlete, the following procedures will be used:
- First aid will be administered to the injured athlete.
- If the injury is of a serious nature, the parents and if necessary, the rescue squad will be called.
- Athletes under a doctor’s care must be released by the doctor before returning to practice.
***** Please complete the consent forms in the on-line registration to help us treat your child if injury occurs.
State law mandates that school divisions provide information to parents and students concerning the risk of concussion, its consequences, and procedures for returning to participation after an incident. The goals of the “Student-Athlete Protection Act (SB 652)” are to ensure that student-athletes who sustain concussions are properly diagnosed, given adequate time to heal, and are comprehensively supported until they are symptom free.
- Definition of Concussion
A brain injury that is characterized by an onset of impairment of cognitive and /or physical functioning, and is caused by a blow to the head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that causes a sudden jarring of the head. A concussion can occur with or without a loss of consciousness, and proper management is essential to the immediate safety and long-term future of the injured individual.
- Signs and Symptoms
Signs observed by parents or guardians
+ appears dazed or stunned+ is confused about assignment or position
+ forgets an instruction+ is unsure of game, score, or opponent
+ moves clumsily+ answers questions slowly
+ loses consciousness (even briefly)+ shows behavior or personality changes
+ can’t recall events prior to hit or fall
+ can’t recall events after hit or fall
Symptoms reported by athlete
+ headache or “pressure” in head+ nausea or vomiting
+ balance problems or dizziness+ double or blurry vision
+ sensitivity to light+ sensitivity to noise
+ confusion+ feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
+ does not “feel right”+ concentration or memory problems
- Return to Play Progression
If an athlete is suspected of having incurred a concussion during practice or play, this policy will be followed:
- removal from activity
- notification of parent/guardian regarding the incident
- doctor’s release on the “HCPS Concussion Medical Evaluation Form”
- begin a 7 stage return to play progression per school’s licensed athletic trainer / coach / nurse
- return to full participation after completing steps 1-4 above
Hanover High School requires that all participants in our athletic program must be covered by a private medical-accident insurance policy or purchase the student accident insurance that is offered through the school. Adequate insurance coverage for each athlete is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
School accident insurance is offered to the students during the first week of school and is handled by Merkel Insurance Company. If you need to purchase the insurance for fall sports (prior to the opening of school), please see the coach of the team or the director of student activities for the insurance enrollment application and explanation of benefits. School accident insurance will cover athletes in all sports and activities except varsity football. A separate policy for varsity football is available for purchase.
All students participating in interscholastic sports and activities under the jurisdiction of the VHSL are covered by the Lifetime Catastrophic Accident Insurance Plan. This plan does not cover normal injuries but is a supplemental plan that begins benefits only when the expenses for a major covered injury have exceeded $25,000. For additional information on this plan or to file a claim, please see the director of student activities. This is for “in-season” sports only.
Coverage for “out-of-season” conditioning and skill sessions is available by purchasing additional insurance through the county’s student insurance provider.
Please complete the insurance/information forms in the Registration Packet at hanoverhawks.org. The on-line registration takes the place of the insurance form at the end of this packet.
Out of Season Rule Activity Guidelines
- 27-8-1 Out-of-Season Practice Rule - Effective August 1, all athletic teams are restricted from any organized activities during designated "dead periods." Out-of-season dead periods begin with the first permissible practice date of a sports season as published in the VHSL Calendar and conclude 10 calendar days after that first practice date. A summer "dead period" for all athletic teams shall be week 1 of the NFHS standardized calendar. During dead periods, no coaching, observing or contact between a coach(es) and player(s) may occur in the sport involved. There may be no practice, open facilities, weight training/conditioning, out of season league(s) or member school sponsored clinics/camps. Outside of dead periods, activities may occur on any day except Sundays. Schools, districts and /or regions may impose more restrictive guidelines. VHSL catastrophic insurance is notapplicable to any out-of-season activities. All fall sports, not beginning practice on August 1, will be restricted to only weightlifting and conditioning from August 1 until they begin practice.
- 27-12-1 SUNDAY RULE – No member school may schedule or play an athletic contest or engage in practice on Sunday.
- No contests during out of season activity may occur against alumni teams, faculty teams, or any out of school groups including teams from other public or private schools. Football is prohibited from contact (tackling, blocking). Football may not use helmets, shoulder pads, hip pads, thigh pads, knee pads or football pants during on campus activities. Helmets may be used for non-school, off campus 7 on 7 leagues or camps run by a separate entity that requires helmets. No football helmets or pads are allowed during out of season sessions. May only include students currently enrolled in that school or 8th grade students currently enrolled in one of that school’s feeder schools.
- In order to create a safe environment, certain equipment will be allowed to be used during the individual skill development sessions. All normal headgear which is required for contest may be used – batting helmets, pitching faceguards and field hockey eyewear, lacrosse helmets, wrestling headgear, etc. Footballhelmets are not allowed.
- While coaches should be attempting to improve the skill level of the participants during the individual skill sessions, coaches are reminded that these skill/weight training sessionscannot be mandatory,must be open to all students from the high school, and cannot be considered tryouts. All students in good standing, regardless of participation in out of season activities, must be allowed a fair, valid tryout at the start of the sport’s designated season. All participants are required to have a current VHSL physical on file with the school in order to participate. Only school coaches that are on the school’s VHSL approved coaches list may work with students.
- A current VHSL physical is required in order to participate in weight training/conditioning sessions as well as for skill sessions.
NOTE: All out of season activities will be voluntary in nature for student athletes and coaches. No out of season activities will be mandatory for student athletes or coaches. Any participation in out of season activities will be because the individual makes a personal choice to do so.