In 1272 Fürstenwalde is first mentioned.However, the city may have been founded in 1225-1250 in the wake of the German eastward expansion.The decisive factor for the choice of location was the location on the River Spree, which was only up here navigable.To continue to get the East, the goods in Fürstenwalde had to be resigned and turned over.The city grew rapidly to become one of the wealthiest in the Mark Brandenburg.Not least because of the Bishops of Lebus from 1385 participated for more than 200 years based here in.After an arson by the Hussites in 1446 began the rebuilding of St. Mary's Cathedral, the part with its 68 meter high tower of the most prominent landmark Duke Forest.From this period dates the Old Town Hall, the tower was completed, however, until the year 1624th
In the Middle Ages Fürstenwalde also enjoyed a good reputation as a college town.One reason why the plague years 1613, 1625 and 1656, the University "Viadrina" from the near Frankfurt (Oder) was relocated here.With the completion of the Friedrich-Wilhelm Canal in 1668, the importance Duke Forest declined as a commercial and trading center.With the commissioning of the Spree mills in 1837 and the resulting additional quantities of goods, the city experienced an economic boom again.That's why the city was connected to a 1842 the first German railway lines from Berlin to Frankfurt (Oder). /
In the 19thCentury flourished local crafts and was the cradle of the still existing industrial structures in a variety of industries.Finally an industrial city Fürstenwalde was when the Berlin company Pintsch moved much of their production here in 1872.During the 2ndWorld War II, the company expanded, among others to an arms company with about 12,000 employees / / Carl Friedrich Julius Pintsch
(born January 6, 1815 in Berlin, † 20 January 1884 in Prince woods) was a German master plumber and entrepreneur.According to him, the Pintsch gas system and the Pintsch buoy is named.After Julius Pintsch the Pintschstraße in Berlin-Friedrichshain and the Julius-Pintsch ring was named in Fürstenwalde.
Long-time imprinted military the city.While it used troops of the Elector of Brandenburg and Prussian kings, of which over 100 years, the firstBrandenburg Uhlans, so until 1994 the troops of the Western Group of the CIS armed forces stationed in and around Prince forest.Shortly before the end of the secondWorld War Prince forest was declared a fortress by bombing and laid in ruins.1946 was razed to the ground in the center 80 percent of the houses.The cathedral was badly damaged and the Town Hall were just the ground. /
1950 Prince forest was in the wake of the district reform for county seat.In the 50s and 60s of the last century, many buildings were destroyed in the war restored.Developed new residential areas and only in 1960 was the "Bridge of Thalmann Pioneers" (now simply called the Prince of forests Spreebrücke)
and inaugurated by then used the temporary wooden be reduced.In the following years, Prince forest developed into a major industrial center of the region with the Pneumant tire plant and the chemical tank and equipment manufacturing as the major companies.
The local government reform of 1993 and was incorporated Trebus Fürstenwalde part of the Oder-Spree district.New industrial and commercial areas with a focus on service and manufacturing industries have been developed and traditional long resident company remained the city received.Around the 1995 re-opened St. Mary's Cathedral became the new center of the town hall in 1996 and the Prince Gallery 2001, a vibrant downtown.National and European funding beginning of the new millennium brought further impetus for urban development.The newly renovated Domumfeld Culture Factory and Museum emerged, in the city center and North Fürstenwalde created new parks; early days quarters were renovated and modernized DDR typical slab-generational justice, the Old Town Hall and the Episcopal castle was completely restored. /
Today Fürstenwalde is a medium-sized town with about 31,000 inhabitants and is the largest city in the Oder-Spree district and the region@ see.

Julius Pintsch-Ring 13
15517 Fürstenwalde
Tel: 03361 340000 or 340130
Fax: 03361

Read more: Leisure Ceramic workshop Fürstenwalde


"Slosh" - swimming and water paradise


Swimming and Water Paradise "slosh"
Great time 1
Fürstenwalde 15517Phone: 03361 36370Fax: 03361

Read more: "slosh" - swimming and water paradise


Culture Factory Fürstenwalde


Cathedral Square 7
15517 FürstenwaldeTel: 03361 2288Fax: 03361 310288

Read more: Culture Factory Fürstenwalde


Museum Fürstenwalde


Cathedral Square 7
15517 Fürstenwalde

Tel. / Fax: 03361 2130

Read more: Museum Fürstenwalde


Artistic workshops


Artistic workshops
Duomo 7
15517 Fürstenwalde

Tel: 03361 2218
Fax: 03361 310890

Read more: Artistic workshops


City Library Fürstenwalde


in the Culture Factory, Cathedral Square 715517 Fürstenwalde

Tel: 03361 557212
Fax: 03361
Read more: City Library Fürstenwalde


St. Mary's Cathedral Fürstenwalde


Cathedral Square 10
15517 FürstenwaldeTel: 03361
Read more: St. Mary's Cathedral Fürstenwalde


Art Gallery "fish mill"


Mill Street 10
15517 Fürstenwalde / Spree
Telephone: 03361 368649

Read more: art gallery "fish mill"


Cinema UNION


Berliner Strasse 10
15517 Fürstenwalde

Phone: 03361 736440

info @ movie

Read more: Cinema UNION




Park Avenue 14
15517 Fürstenwalde

Tel: 03361 310952
Fax: 03361 310956

Read more: Brandenburg




/ Dr. Wilhelm-Straße 10 b Kulice
In City Park
15517 FürstenwaldeTel / Fax: 03361

Read more: Heimattiergarten Fürstenwalde


Outdoor stage and Park


Open-air grounds,
Doctor - William - Kulice - Road / City Park
15517 Fürstenwalde

Read more: outdoor stage and Park


Bowling Center Fürstenwalde


Fun & Leisure GmbH GF:
Joachim Thunack
Big Leisure 7
15517 Fürstenwalde

Read more: Bowling Center Fürstenwalde


Bowling Pub


MB Sports's bowl GmbH GF: