Unit 9 - Summative Argumentative Writing Lesson Plan

Objective: The students will close read, analyze and take notes to write an argumentative piece that answers the argumentative prompt.

Day 1:

  1. The teacher will review the test materials with the students. It can be projected on the board.
  2. The teacher will explain the criteria for the final writing piece as well as expectations for taking notes, collaborating with small groups, whole group and partners. Focus ONLY on the Exceeds column to set the standards for expectations. Read and discuss “Strategies for Success.”
  3. The teacher will read and analyze the topic, introduction, prompt, and lead a think aloud activity to help the students understand what the prompt is asking.
  4. Review how to cite in MLA format with the students. (You may use this link or create your own lesson Teaching MLA Citations in Middle School

Day 2-3:

  1. Review the prompt and rubrics before viewing the documents.
  2. Close read and analyze the documents contained within the student packet. Close Reading Guide
  3. Ask guiding questions to lead the students. Help the students take notes of the important details using the note taking space in the right column of each document.
  4. Use “think aloud” strategies to discuss the importance of each document.
  5. Have students respond to all response questions for each document.

Day 4-5: Prewriting

  1. The teacher will go over the graphic organizer. Review the writing rubric and expectations for their writing. The students will plan their story. Students should use not use conversational speaking or dialogue in their writing, such as “I am going to tell you about…” or “I hope you like this essay…”
  2. Review guidelines on how to identify the proper “in-text” citations and “works-cited” references for each document.
  3. Remind students to properly cite documents being referenced (do not use “Document A”, etc. as this is not a proper citation).
  4. Review processes for appropriate argument writing do’s and dont’s.
  5. The students will write their first draft on regular notebook paper.

Day 6: Expository Peer Revision

  1. The teacher will explain peer editing by reviewing the Expository Peer Revision and Evaluation sheet with the students. You may use theEditing Poster to highlight important concepts to look for. Remind students to read objectively to help the writer improve.
  2. Students may upload or type their rough draft using the software for SAS Curriculum Pathways in order to identify and correct spelling errors, grammatical errors and conventions. SAS Curriculum Pathways

Day 7-8: Final Draft

  1. Students will write clearly and legibly the final draft on the attached final draft paper in pencil OR blue or black ink.
  2. Remind students the criteria for final draft:

●clear and legible write

●use pencil OR blue/black ink OR Type using a Word Processing Software

●complete on time