Gilbert Softball Little League
10/07/12 BOD Minutes
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Attendance: JR, Dan, Tim, Gail, Steve, Barry, Melissa, Ray, Ryan, Kimberly P.
3:13pm Called to Order
Financial Update:
Division Updates:
Ponytail: Brooke not present.
Minors: EZ not present. Melissa brought to light that there was no OOD on Thursday, October 4 at 530p for OM4 Minors game. After game Coach Hidalgo-Brown mentioned to Melissa they have not had an OOD at four of their games and do not have rule books. Rule books were provided right then.
Majors: No update from Tim.
Juniors: No update from Barry.
Town Meeting Update:
-Dan had an impromptu meeting with the Town of Gilbert. The meeting was to discuss ways that we can better our relationship. Suggestions were made by the Town for field maintenance which would then provide field credits for us.
-i.e. dugout roofs, pitching mounds in between OM fields, leaving back stop padding up during rec ball, set of new bases for rec ball to use, purchase second remote for rec ball to use
- Town stated that a temporary fence can be placed at Crossroads.
MOTION: Tim motioned to buy 2nd scoreboard remote, Gail 2nd, 10 yes, 0 no. - Approved
*Action: Dan to send email to BOD regarding meeting details.
*Action: Steve to assist Dan in pricing out material to cover dugouts.
*Action: Dan to speak with Harold about pricing on material for back stops for pitching warm up areas.
Concession Update:
- Suggested letting ICEE machine to run out and then remove, costs $125/mo
-Need Corporation documentation to get line of credit for Restaurant Depot and Sam’s Club
-Concession Contract up at the end of Spring 2013
-MOTION: Kimberly motioned to remove ICEE machine once empty, Gail 2nd; 10 yes, 0 No = Approved
*Action: Kimberly to call Pepsi Rep to obtain Pepsi contract information.
*Action: Melissa to provide Kimberly Corporation documentation.
Current Team Sponsors Update and the Future:
-16 of 20 teams have sponsors handed in, Gail working with the remaining teams
-Future: Discussion of either
-maintaining current procedure,
-raising registration by $10 per player per division,
-establishing League Sponsors (i.e. Land-O-Frost sponsors 8 teams in Spring), or
-scheduling League Fundraisers where we designate teams a specific fundraising method on a certain day TABLED TO BE DISCUSSES AT NEXT MEETING
*Action: Gail to resend Land-O-Frost link.
*Action: Dan to send out a “survey monkey” regarding sponsorship possibilities to the parents.
Gilbert Days Parade:
-November 17th, 2012, Gail requested of GDP Coordinator to not put us behind Santa this time.
*Action: Gail to send email to BOD for help putting float together.
OPEN Forum:
Recover Championship Banners from: Al Vega, Tim Martinez, Sunshine Woffinden, Joe Gonzalez
-need to have banners returned in a timely fashion or will incur cost of replacement banner.
*Action: Melissa to send email to the above to retrieve championship banners.
California Pizza Kitchen:
-Barry knows the Manager and discussed possibly having a “League Night” as a fundraiser
*Action: Barry to gather information from CPK regarding what kind of schedule we can set up with them for fundraising. (i.e. 1 full day, multiple nights)
Open Arms:
-collection boxes for food and clothing during tournament
*Action: Tim and Art to call Open Arms to gather information regarding the items they need most and when we can donate items.
OOD Issues:
-Minors team stating they have had no OOD for 4 games
-Lack of visibility for OOD’s that are not BOD members
-VOTE: Neon Vests for non-BOD members to wear while OODing; 10 yes, 0 no – Approved
- vests will be located in concession stand
*Action: Tim to resend email to BOD members and coaches about their OOD responsibility.
*Action: Melissa to purchase 2 neon vests from Harbor Freight.
*Action: Ray to place padlock on Scoreboard On/Off switch.
Adjourned: 4:45 pm