MINUTES of the meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at 7.45 pm on Thursday 21st May 2015 at All Saints Church, Hough on the Hill.
Present: Cllr R Kingscott (in the Chair), Cllrs. Milne, Morgan and Ramsden, Dist Cllr Bob Sampson and Marilyn Taylor.
1/15.There were no public requesting discussion at the public forum.
2/15.Apologies for absence from Cty Cllr Wood and Cllr P Miley.
3/15.There were no declarations of interest.
4/15.Minutes for the meeting held on 19th March 2015 had been read and approved, and it was resolved that they be signed.
S14/2961 – single storey extension, Manor Grange, Gelston. Not yet determined.
S15/1080 – extensions at 20 Carlton Road, Hough on the Hill. Not yet determined.
S15/0862 – wind turbines at Thackson Well Farm, Long Bennington – the application is still being considered by Councillors.
S15/1240 – Hawthorn Cottage, Hough Road, Frieston – no objections.
6/15.Playing field:
No action is required as a result of Cllr Ramsden’s playing field inspection.
Discussion took place regarding the difficulties with delivery to a playing field with nobody to accept delivery. Agreed that Clerk should order mulch and ask that it be dropped just inside the entrance gate and that we be informed of when delivery is taking place and someone will try and be there.
Clerk to send play area report form to next person.
It was agreed that Marilyn Taylor could speak to the meeting with an update on the possible purchase of a MUGA. To get any sort of funding it is important to have the weight of the community behind the project. A leaflet and questionnaire had been put forward for distribution to the public and for an online survey. It was resolved that these documents be circulated and a maximum cost of £150 be allowed for the purpose of associated costs. The leaflet should state that it is sent “by agreement with the Parish Council”.
7/15.Neighbourhood Plan
The Plan will go to referendum on 2nd July 2015 and notices will be put up in the next couple of weeks. Ballot cards will be issued by the District Council and Hough Church will be the polling station. Marilyn Taylor will co-ordinate a suitable leaflet for delivery and see whether a press release with Stubton can be arranged.
8/15.Road safety:
Highways say its policy hasn’t changed with regard to an Archer Survey on the C001. This matter to be put on hold until the September meeting.
Cllr Morgan had attended the recent Police meeting but the PCSO had had to go to an emergency meeting so she was unable to get a response for their help to an Archer survey -
Chairman will follow up.
Consent from Highways would be required before any gates, raised flowerbeds or any other structure is erected at the entrance to villages. However, grass can be mown and bulbs planted in the ground without consent.
Road warning signs: Cllr Ramsden reported that these need moving again now. Cllrs Ramsden, Milnes and Kingscott will organise; they have not been vandalised or stolen as yet.
Cllrs Morgan and Kingscott had met with Highways for a walkabout. The Parish Council needs to prioritise the works to be done and it was resolved that the most urgent matter is the edges of the road at Barkston’s level crossing and onwards towards Hough. Next most important is the speed signs on the entrance to Hough from Barkston – Highways had suggested combination signs showing the village name and speed limit. Clerk to enquire as to likely size and height – would we need two, one each side of the road?
Clerk to ask SKDC what its intention is regarding the streetlight in front of the Council houses at Brandon. Carolyn Baker or Paul Stokes at SKDC are the contacts.
Clerk advised that she had had a “nil” response from farmers regarding permissive footpaths. Councillors will chat to farmers as and when they see them (possibly at the village fete).
Response from Highways regarding Public Footpath 8 was not acceptable but it is the repetitive response – to be reviewed in one year.
11/15.Tree at 15 Carlton Road, Hough on the Hill
Clerk advised of a letter from the owner of this property and the response that she had sent after corresponding with Cllr Ramsden.
12/15.Phone kiosks
Clerk to enquire of Paul Miley whether the CHT secure the phone box by adoption (as they have at Brandon and Gelston) and then hand over to the Parish Council? Resolved that no further insurance cover is required, over and above our standing PC cover.
13/15.Defibrillators for Gelston and Brandon
Cllrs Miley and Milnes have secured a large portion of the cost by the Margaret Brown Trust but need to organise some fundraising for the shortfall.
14/15.Village land at Brandon: Cllr Miley had advised that there had been no further action.
There is no sponsorship. Resolved that a maximum spend of £500 would be made available for a noticeboard that takes 8 pages of A4 for the Parish Council and 4 for the public. One side for the PC should be locked but the other unlocked. It must have a glass front. Clerk to advise Cllr Miley accordingly.
16/15.Newsletter: No further progress at this time.
17/15.Frinkley Lane Crossing: Nil response from Network Rail – Clerk to chase.
18/15.Publication Practice and Complaints Procedure: Resolved to adopt both drafts that the Clerk had circulated. These will be put on the website.
19/15.Review of Standing Orders, Risk Assessment and Planning Group:
All these were considered and approved as satisfactory. The Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations were also considered and it was agreed that the Clerk will look at the Financial Regulations in line with recent changes; the Code of Conduct is fine. Chair will provide Clerk with a copy of the Planning Group Policy and Risk Policy.
20/15.Insurance renewal: The 3 year Agreement with Community Lincs has expired and Clerk looked at alternative like for like quotes. It was resolved to accept the Aon quote which was approximately £130 cheaper than the Community Lincs one.
21/15.CPRE membership: Resolved to renew this at £36 for the year.
22/15.SLCC membership: Clerk advised that she has been a member of this Society for many years but as she uses it for each of her Parish Councils it is only right that they each pay a share of the membership fee. Resolved to pay £22 towards the £88 total fee.
23/15.Financial matters:
The following payments were authorised and a cheque drawn and signed: Church Community Area Hire £10; BACS payment for Clerks expenses £39.94.
The Bank Mandate was signed and the Chairman will take it to Cllr Miley for his signature.
Clerk produced a bank reconciliation and receipts/payments schedule – resolved to accept and sign the same. Clerk advised of new arrangements with regard to Accounts for smaller Councils. These accounts will now be on the website.
Resolved to accept the Audit Return – Chair and Clerk signed.
24/15.Correspondence: Clerk advised of the Boundary Review consultation with Lincolnshire County Council – agreed no comments required.
25/15.There were no matters requiringurgent attention.
26/15.Presentations from invited speakers:
Cllr Sampson thanked Hough Parish Council electors for their support. A full meeting of SKDC had taken place today and there was a very different balance of members. Cllr Sampson is Chairman of Scrutiny. The Neighbourhood Plan referendum had been unanimously agreed to take place on 2nd July 2015. There is talk that Lincolnshire County Council will become a Unitary Authority which means that there would be no District Councils, only Parish Councils and Lincolnshire County. Unlikely to happen until the next election. There had been a number of planning applications to vary the times that Mid Uk Recycling in Caythorpe can operate – wanting to work all weekend and Bank Holidays. The Committee meeting to determine the outcome is set for 8th June. Cllr Sampson would like to make a contribution to the Newsletters when they are prepared. He will be holding two open surgeries for Hough on the Hill PC and also for Caythorpe, Stubton and Fulbeck. Dates and times to be confirmed but they are usually on Saturdays between 11.30 am and 2.30 pm.
27/15.Next meeting: 24th September 2015 at 7.30 pm in All Saints Church, Hough.