(Including former members of staffwith emeritus status and those with honorary status utilising University facilities)

  1. Introduction

The University has the same responsibility to Visiting Scholars (including former members of staff and honorary appointees using University facilities) as it does to current staff and students using theUniversity’s facilities on campus and remotely (e.g. IT). The Group Risk Officer has confirmed that it is important that induction processes are undertaken which demonstrate compliance with all relevant UK legal and regulatory requirements, in particular, for example, health and safety requirements. All Visiting Scholars must be advised of relevant University policies and procedures to be followed during their presence on any of the University Campuses; this document applies to all of the University Campuses.

The University’s insurance policies require the University to have controls in place to manage and mitigate against any risks associated with the activities undertaken by all individuals accessing the facilities of any School or service area of the University. Compliance with this guidance will ensure that the University’s insurers will meet the costs of any claims which might arise in the event of an incident or accident involving an individual accorded Visiting Scholar status. It is important to note that this includes former staff withemeritus statusorthose with honorarystatus who wish to access University facilities.

  1. Definition of Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar status is primarily intended to facilitate the pursuit of research or scholarship through access to the University’s facilities. The status enables the following categories of individuals to be recorded on Banner (the student administration system) and to access the Library and IT facilities, the definition includes:

a)Those engaged in academic and research work who are not members of the University staff but who are visiting the Campus for a short period of time and who require access to the University’s systems for the conduct of their work;

b)Non-standard categories of student who require access to University facilities but who do not receive credit or a formal qualification from the University (e.g. students enrolled with the International Study Centre, students on non credit bearing work placements). See Section 3 below for details of students in these categories;

c)Former members of staff (including emeritus professors)who require access to the University’s facilities and systems for the conduct of their academic or research work;

d)Honorary appointees who require access to the University’s facilities and systems for the conduct of their academic or research work.

For the purposes of the arrangements set out below the designation of Visiting Scholar shall refer to all the categories above.

  1. Arrangements for Accepting a Visiting Scholar

The following arrangements apply only to Visiting Scholars (whether academic staff or students).

A member of staff wishing to host a Visiting Scholar must discuss the merits of the case with his or her Head of School or nominee (hereinafter referred to as the Head of School) and seek approval from the Head of School prior to any arrangements being made. Benefitsto the School could include: the general advancement of research/scholarship such as to yield joint publications; contribution to the School’s REF returns; advancement of the research effort; enhancementof the teaching provision.

The following should be agreed and documented by the host School and the Visiting Scholar prior to approval and acceptance:

a)Purpose and objectives of the visit and benefits to the School;

b)Duration of the visit including start and end dates;

c)Member of staff responsible for the Visiting Scholar. This member of staff will be responsible for ensuring that arrangements have been put in place and that the correct procedures for application, induction and supervision are applied;

d)Status to be given to the Visiting Scholar (e.g. academic staff, former member of staff including emeritus professor; honorary appointees);

e)Any programme or course fee to be charged;

f)Financial arrangements other than the payment of any programme or course fee and the Visiting Scholar facilitation fee (e.g. bench fees). The Head of School may choose to waive any School fees. The facilitation fee is mandatory (see Section 4 for further details).

g)Confirmation and amount of any support provided by the Visiting Scholar’s home institution;

h)The immigration status of the Visiting Scholar, including compliance with UKBA rules for studying or working at the University for the purpose stated (advice, if required, should be sought from the appropriate service section);

i)Any reciprocal arrangements on similar terms offered to students or staff from the University by the other institution;

j)Any other conditions to be met by the Visiting Scholar.

In some instances the Head of School may wish to discuss the application with the Deputy Principal (Research and Knowledge Transfer) or the Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching) before approval is given.

  1. Facilitation Fee

A Visiting Scholar facilitation fee of £70.00 (subject to annual review) is payable to the Academic Registry on enrolment for administration with respect to processing the application, arranging an ID card and access to facilities (including Library and IT).The fee is payable for each period of twelve months for which a Visiting Scholar is enrolled. Itis payable unless the Visiting Scholar is undertaking a formal programme of study through the University, in which case the relevant tuition fee will apply.For the following the facilitation fee has been waived:

a)Students and staff ofthe International Study Centre;

b)Students/Tutors: Mathematics for Engineering Programme;

c)Students/Tutors: Engineers of the Future Programme;

d)French placement students from French Institut Universitaires de Technologie;

e)German placement students from German Universities/Universities of Applied Science.

It should be noted that exemptions from the facilitation fee are kept under review and may change in the future.

  1. Procedures for Enrolment and Provision of Access to Facilities

a)If the Head of School agrees to accept a Visiting Scholarit is the responsibility of the School to inform the Visiting Scholar of acceptance and to make all further arrangements for the visit;

b)The Head of School should arrangefor completion of Part 1 and Part 2 of the Visiting Scholar Enrolment Form(Appendix 1). The Form is available at

c)Part 1 of the form should be completed by the Visiting Scholar, in consultation with the relevant member of staff. It should be noted that when the Visiting Scholar signs Part 1 of the form s/he agrees to abide by the University’s Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Policies and Procedures;

d)Part 2 of the form should be completed by the Head of School;

e)Once completed, Part 1 and Part 2 of the form should, if possible, be presented in person by the Visiting Scholar at the Student Service Centre.

Visiting Scholars may not be given access to any facilities prior to enrolment taking place.

Following completion of Part 1 and Part 2 of the Form procedures for enrolment may vary for Visiting Scholars in the categories in Section 4 (a) to (e). The Student Service Centre will be able to provide advice and information on procedures to be followed.

The Student Service Centre will record the details on Banner (to allow access to IT/Library facilities etc) and retain a hard copy of the form. The Visiting Scholar will be issued with an ID card which will enable access to Library and IT facilities.

Schools should maintain a file for each Visiting Scholar containing all relevant documentation including a copy of the Visiting Scholar Enrolment Form. The University’s Data Protection Officer has stated that every file should be retained in accordance with the University’s Records Management Policy (the Policy is available at

If, following enrolment,any of the Visiting Scholar’s personal details change or if the arrangements for the visit change, then Student ServiceCentre should be informed as soon as possible.

  1. Local Induction

The Head of School or the member of staff responsible for the Visiting Scholar should provide the Visiting Scholar with a local induction programme relating to the University’s health and safety policy and all other applicable policies and procedures. A proforma provided by the Group Risk Officer can be found in Appendix 2 to assist with this process; The Group Risk Officer has indicated that working through the checklist will provide reassurance that Visiting Scholars have received appropriate induction. This should commence on day one of the appointment and be completed, where relevant, within the first week.

Stewart Smith/Lorraine Loy/Kathy Patterson

13 February 2012


Visiting Scholar Enrolment Form: Part 1(Appendix 1)

Part 1 and Part 2 of this form should be submitted together to:

The Student Service Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS

To be completed by Visiting Scholar in consultation with responsible member of staff in Capital Letters
Family name / Other names
Title / Gender
Date of Birth
Day Month Year / Nationality / Ethnicity
Permanent home address
Email / Local address
(you must advise us if this changes)
Hosting School / Department within School(if applicable)
Member of staff responsible for Visiting Scholar (e.g. for application, induction, enrolment and supervision)
Email / Duration of Visit(both dates must be given)
Start Date End Date
Purpose and objectives of the visit and benefits to the School
Status given to Visiting Scholar(e.g. academic staff, former member of staff including emeritus Professor, honorary appointee)
Financial arrangements other than the payment of programme or course fee and the Visiting Scholar facilitation fee (e.g. bench fees) / Confirmation of the amount of financial support provided by the Visiting Scholar’s home institution
Does the Visiting Scholar have any disabilities or medical conditions that the School needs to be aware of? (If yes, please refer to Occupational Health, University Medical Centre for guidance) / Immigration status and visa type of the Visiting Scholar, including compliance with UKBA rules for studying or working at the University for the purpose stated (advice, if required, should be sought from the appropriate service section)
Any reciprocal arrangements or similar terms offered to students or staff of HWU by the other institution / Any other conditions to be met by Visiting Scholar

I certify that the information given above is correct and I understand and accept that the information contained in this application will be entered onto the University’s computer database, may be passed to relevant third parties for the purposes of processing and considering my enrolment, and will be used only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

I agree to abide by the University’s Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Policies and Procedures (please refer to for further information).

Signature of Visiting Scholar / Date

Visiting Scholar Enrolment Form: Part 2

Part 2 of this form should be submitted with Part 1 of the form to:

The Student Service Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS

To be completed by Head of School or Nominee in Capital Letters
Name of Visiting Scholar
Signature of Head of School ( or nominee)
I agree to accept this Visiting Scholar into the School for the purpose and period specified in Part 1 of the Enrolment Form / Date
Fees to be Charged
Visiting Scholar Facilitation Fee(to be paid at the Student Service Centre to Cost Centre 2401 Nominal 0527. The fee is mandatory, except for categories referred to below*)
Please specify any special payment arrangements:
School account to be charged.
Individuals paying their own fee may do so at the Student Service Centre. If this is the case please indicate in the space above / Programme or Course Fee(if applicable, please state sum)
School account to be charged
Cost Centre / Nominal / Activity / Job Code / Project Code / Cost Centre / Nominal / Activity / Job Code / Project Code
*Visiting Scholar Facilitation Fee has been waived for the following categories:
f)Students studying with the International Study Centre;
g)Students/Tutors: Mathematics for Engineering Programme;
h)Students/Tutors: Engineers of the Future Programme;
i)French placement students studying from French Institut Universitaires de Technologie;
j)German placement students studying from German Universities/Universities of Applied Science.


(Appendix 2)

Induction for Visiting Scholars (including Former Members of Staff with Emeritus or Honorary Status

The following information has been compiled by the Group Risk Officer.

The list below provides guidance on what Visiting Scholars (including former members of staff and including those with emeritus status and honorary appointees) need to know about the School. Not all items may be applicable; similarly, there may be other activities or information that may need to be added. Please tick off and date each item when the activity has been completed, or when you have the required information. When completed, a copy of the induction process should be stored securely in the Visiting Scholar’s file held by the School Administration Office and a copy given to the Visiting Scholar. Note that this applies equally to any former members of staff (including those with emeritus status) using campus facilities or systems; former staff may not be provided with unlimited access to University property/assets.

Note that all keys and/or swipe cards must be returned to the School Administration Office at the end date. Electronic access must also be removed by the School.

For assistance or guidance regarding this process please contact the Group Risk Office.

Name of Person receiving induction (please write in block capitals)
Name of member of staff undertaking the induction (block capitals)
Details of the duties/role the Visiting Scholar will be undertaking (please add more lines as required) / 1.
Start Date
End Date
Details of hours of access (if access is required outwith normal working hours)
Details of access arrangements to School buildings (for example, access to keys or electronic access being provided)
Details of facilities required for example office space, PC, telephone, fax, use of laboratory
Details of IT access to be provided (e.g. library and IT systems)

Please Note:

  • All keys and swipe cards must be returned at the end date. Electronic access must also be removed

People / Completed / Date
Introduction to your line manager/supervisor
Introduction to your induction colleague (if different from above)
Introduction to the Head of School and administrator
Introduction to School colleagues & co-workers
Introduction to mentor (if relevant)
Premises / Completed / Date
Entrances and exits to the buildings – acquisition of key cards & codes, office keys
Location of work area(s) and equipment
Location of common room/tea & coffee area
Location of cloakrooms
Car parking areas & bike sheds
Health, Safety & Security / Completed / Date
Introduction to Safety Officer and First Aiders
Introduction to Fire Officer
Fire Drill procedure
All relevant University health and safety policies and procedures including accident reporting, fire evacuation, first aid, emergency procedures, lone working, out of hours procedures, no smoking policy, work station assessment
School Operations / Completed / Date
School objectives and function
School organisational chart/ staff lists
School calendar of events/ committee meetings etc.
Applicable Policies and IT and administrative systems (e.g. access and authorisation to IT systems and applicable regulations, information security, data protection, intellectual property, and other processes which may be relevant)
Lunch breaks & cover arrangements
Annual leave and booking procedure
Sick leave procedure and other absences
Equipment and materials use e.g. photocopier
Access to secretarial/ technical support
Social activities & networks
Equal Opportunities/Diversity / Completed / Date
EO & Diversity policies
University Values and the Spirit of Heriot-Watt
Confidentiality Agreement / Completed / Date
Confidentiality Agreement has been completed, signed and submitted
Form available at:
to be retained in School file on Visiting Scholar)
Conflict of Interest / Completed / Date
Conflict of Interest Policy
Policy available at:

Further Information – Add any specific information relating to the School
Signed on behalf of the School by the Responsible Member of Academic Staff
Job Title
Signed by Visiting Scholar/Emeritus Staff
I can confirm that I have been provided with all of the relevant induction information and agree to comply with all local and University policies and procedures as noted above