Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event

An activity to promote the organization

of new Catholic units


Master Planning Schedule

Item / Action
Date / Program / Days
Prior to
Event / Suggested Steps
1 / —90 / Meet with bishop of diocese to discuss plan, secure his cooperation and participation, and select event date.
2 / —80 / Recruit Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event chairman and share date with Scout executive.
3 / —75 / Conduct planning meeting. Attendance should include key members of the diocesan and council Catholic committees, area director, and Scout executives. Include the following items:
• Select potential organization to be contacted
• Estimated attendance
• Location and facilities needed
• Suggested sponsor(s) for event
• Plan of action for Catholic committees and councils involved
• Other items, i.e., order recognition items.
4 / —60 / Confirm commitment on location, facilities needed, etc.
5 / —55 / Secure event sponsor(s).
6 / —50 / Second meeting with bishop to brief him on progress to date and submit rough draft of bishop’s letter.
7 / —45 / Mail bishop’s letter of invitation to selected pastors, BSA council, and other organization heads.
8 / —45 / Recruit organizers.
9 / —40 / Train organizers by council.
10 / —35 / Send follow-up letter.
11 / -30 / Commence personal contacts with designated pastors and other organization heads relative to bishop’s letter.
Initiate publicity contacts.

Commitment Sheet

(Parish or Organization) (Community)

We would like to organize (check as many as apply):

Cub Scout pack Boy Scout troop Varsity Scout team Venturing crew

We now operate a BSA unit: ______

Our organizing committee will be:

Name / Address / Phone No.

We plan to hold our first organizational meeting on ______at ______

(Day and Date) (Time)

Our meeting place will be: ______

Please have a representative from the Scout council present at this time to detail the steps necessary to make Scouting a reality in our institution.



My BSA host and liaison for the event is: ______

Telephone: ______

Additional Remarks

Make two copies of this commitment sheet.

Send one copy to the organizer or liaison. Retain one

copy in the organization or parish office.


Suggested Duties of

Organizer or Liaison

In organizing units under one chartered organization, it is good to bear in mind that adequate and trained adults should be a primary concern in organizing units. It may be important to organize the units over a period of time as opposed to all at the same time.

1. Identify and select potential organization to be contacted.

2. Attend preliminary training conducted jointly by the local council and Catholic committee.

3. Visit, with others, your assigned potential chartered organization. Item 11, Master Planning Schedule (page 12).

4. Serve as host and organizer to your assigned pastor (or organization head) and his adult leaders at the Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event. Do the following:

a. Answer questions pertaining to chartering.

b. Explain in detail the purpose and function of the organizing committee.

c. Secure their commitment to organize a unit.

d. Guide them in filling out the commitment sheet.

e. Be their contact person until the unit is organized.

5. Follow up and participate in the unit’s organizing meeting in accordance with the schedule developed at the Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event.

Suggested Duties of an

Organizing Committee

1. Develop and survey a list of potential parents and others that could or should be involved in Scouting.

2. Notify these people by letter of a meeting to discuss the organization of Scouting within your parish (organization). Prepare notice for church bulletin, or announce at Masses that Scouting units are being formed for boys ages ______to ______and young women and men, ages ______to______.

3. Follow up by personal phone call to ensure adequate attendance.

4. Check on attendance by council representatives and unit contact person.

5. After the meeting, follow up on details to guarantee the selection of adequate leadership that meets the standards of your organization and the Boy Scouts of America. Use Foundations for Selecting Unit Leaders

6. This organizing committee may or may not become the pack, troop, team, or crew committee—depending on additional personnel and other circumstances.


Sample Program

Master of Ceremonies ______

Invocation Scout Chaplain

Opening Ceremony ______

Event (Dinner)

Welcome ______

Introductions ______

Why We Are Here ______

Chairman, Local Catholic Committee on Scouting


The Challenge*

Remarks (such as “Scouting—A Youth Ministry”) ______

BSA Commitment to Service Bishop of Diocese

Address (Endorsement) Professional Scouter

Group Discussions

Secure Commitments by Chartered Organizations

Thanks for your support Council Board Member or Professional Scouter

Benediction Scout Chaplain

*A twelve minute slide/cassette presentation, available from Relationships Division, S326.


(Photo or Graphic)

Catholic Mass is conducted at a national Boy Scout Jamboree for more than (insert #) participants of the Catholic faith.


Visitation Guide

Things to Do

The local council and its Catholic committee or task force have joint responsibility to contact each designated Catholic organization within the council as a follow-up to the bishop’s letter. Suggested details follow:

Organize visitation team consisting of:

I. A member of Catholic committee and a key Scouter (organizer)—could be the same individual.

2. District Scout executive or designated district committee representative.

3. Scout chaplain (in cases that would warrant his presence).

Make the appointment

I. Phone pastor/organization head for a definite appointment.

2. Explain your visit as a follow-up to the bishop’s letter.

During the visit cover the following as needed:

I. Amplify purpose of visit.

2. Explain diocesan Scouting program.

3. Discuss pastor’s/organization head’s support and cooperation to establish Scouting in the parish/organization.

4. Discuss the function and purpose of an organization committee.

5. Ask pastor/organization head to appoint an organizing committee and set a date for first meeting of this committee.

6. Stress importance of pastor/organization head attending this first meeting.

7. Offer guidance in the selection of this committee’s members.

8. Cover duties of the Scouting coordinator. See Job Description Sheet, No. 16-161J.

9. Tell exactly what will be the support from council volunteers and staff.

I 0. Explain that the church/organization will select and secure the leaders for the units. BSA will train those leaders.

Note: At the outset, be sure that the pastor/organization head understands that we are NOT asking him to personally organize Scouting units or even get involved with the “nuts and bolts” of the program but that we are just asking him for his full support and cooperation to get the program going and that we will be working with his own people whom he designates or approves.

Be familiar with the following “door-opening” resources:

Scouting as Youth Ministry No. 16-451

The Strong Link (K of C), No. 03-188

Religious Emblems for Catholics, No. 16-436

Quality Catholic Unit Recognition Award Material (Pope Paul VI), No. 16-169

The Chartered Organization Representative (see job description sheet), No. 16-161J

Light of Christ Record Book, No. 33074

Parvuli Dei Record Book, No. 33085

Ad Altare Dei Record Book, No. 33094

Light is Life Record Book, No. 16-3011

Pope Pius Xll Record Book, No. 33076

Scouting Forms Christian Leaders, No. 16-210

Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event, No. 16-134

Hispanic Outreach

Light of Christ (Bilingual) 3011A

Parvuli Dei (Bilingual), No. 3086A

For additional information on literature available in Spanish, please contact the ScoutReach Division at the Boy Scouts of America national office, 972-580-2449.


Sample Postcard to be enclosed

with Bishop’s Letter

(Reverse side to contain return address)

Sample Follow-up Letter

Dear Father ______

Just a reminder that the Bishop’s Recognition Event of Scouting will be held at ______

(Location & Address)

______on ______.

(Location & Address) (Day – Date – Time)

If you have not already returned the self-addressed postcard enclosed with the bishop’s letter indicating your intentions, please do so at your earliest convenience.

We have an excellent program planned for the evening, and your presence will support and encourage those lay leaders who seek greater involvement in, and commitment to, the church’s mission to serve youth.

Members of the Catholic committee on Scouting and a local Scout executive will contact you shortly regarding this matter and to discuss further aspects of the program for your consideration. Please give them your fullest cooperation.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Diocesan Scout Chaplain

(Note: Use appropriate substitute for other Catholic organizations.)


Sample Bishop’s Letter

Dear Father ______

I would like to share with you a way to enhance your youth ministry The enclosed brochure, “Scouting in Your Parish,” describes the program of the Boy Scouts of America and the ways it addresses church concerns: family unity, parish participation, youth ministry, and lay leadership development.

I am interested in the Scouting program as a current, viable, and useful means of serving our youth, and thus I feel that I should rightly lend my assistance in its greater development within selected parishes and other organizations of our diocese.

The ideals and values stressed in Scouting are the Christian foundations desperately needed by modern youth—responsibility to God, to family, to neighbor, and to the civic community. Its religious, vocational, and educational aspects, along with a strong commitment to form a Christian conscience in youth, are important elements of the program. It is also an effective force in developing sound adult Christian leadership through the Scouter Development program of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. Too often we leave Scouting to a neighborhood secular organization or another church. I urge you to establish Scouting. Our youth are too important to leave their spiritual development to others.

May I ask that you and a few of your key lay leaders carefully review this brochure and consider the feasibility of establishing Scouting in your parish? Lay members of the Catholic Committee on Scouting and a local Scout executive will contact you shortly regarding this matter and to discuss further aspects of the program for your consideration. Please give them your fullest cooperation.

On ______, I plan to host a Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event at ______. I would like you and two or three of your key parishioners to attend this affair to learn more about this worthwhile program and how it can be used by our Catholic organizations to serve our youth more effectively. Your role following the event will be to appoint a committee of leading parishioners to guide the organizational process and selection of leadership.

Please take the time to fill out the enclosed self-addressed postcard indicating your intention and list the names of those who will be with you at this affair. The card should be returned to me no later than ______.

I look forward to supporting your efforts to bring Scouting to our youth.

Fraternally yours in Christ,

Bishop of ______

Note: Use appropriate substitutes for other Catholic organizations.


Selecting Organizations

to be Contacted

Community / Parish/Organization / Available Youth / Now Operates / Good Prospect
Pack / Troop/Team / Crew
Alexandria / St. Charles / 444 / 444 / Troop
St. Luke / 578 / 578 / Crew
St. Michael / Pack
Our Lady of Lourdes / Pack & Troop
Central City / St. Mary’s Hospital / 456
Catholic High School / 276
K of C Council 1234 / 75 / Pack
Serra Club / Crew

1. From the diocesan director and other sources pre pare a list showing all parishes and other Catholic organizations in the diocese that are within the council area. Enter whether or not there is a pack, troop, team, or crew. This will indicate the opportunities for balanced growth.

2. In developing this list of potential chartered organizations do not overlook:

• Parochial schools

• Catholic hospitals

• Catholic War Veterans

• Parish Organizations (i.e., Holy Name Society, Women’s Guild, etc.)

3. From the quarterly computer statistical sheets furnished and current information from council personnel, record in the space provided the unit numbers of those chartered organizations that currently use the program.

4. Share this information with district executives and other key personnel in order to determine where the program is needed and can be supported. Use the right-hand column of this form to indicate type of unit(s) needed and order of priority for visitation, cultivation, and organization.

5. Use this list as the sample for selecting parishes and other Catholic organizations that should be contacted regarding the Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event.

(Photo or Graphic)

Through Scouting youth become aware of the dangers of drug abuse and other unacceptables of our society.


(Photo or Graphic)

Boy Scouts help with the BSA Scouting for Food National Good Turn that has helped collect more than 220 million cans of food.

Plan of Action

Diocesan Committee

1. Arrange for the bishop and key diocesan personnel to meet with council volunteers and professionals.

2. Give overall guidance and direction to this project. Arrange for and conduct the initial planning meeting. Secure a sponsor for the event. Arrange for location and facilities. (See Master Planning Schedule, page 12.)

3. See that the BSA council Catholic committee involved fully participates in the project.

4. Communication lines should be through the diocesan chaplain and lay chairman on the progress of the event.

5. Order desired program and promotional literature—see NCCS Publication Listing sheet, No. 16-101.

Arrange for publicity, e.g. diocesan newspaper, church bulletins, Catholic organization newsletter.

6. Prepare letter for bishop’s signature and follow-up letter by diocesan lay chairman or Scout chaplain (sample letter, pages 5—6.)

7. See that all concerned meet deadline date.

8. Develop program for event involving council staff and arrange for speakers, photographers, etc.

9. Conduct Bishop’s Recognition of Scouting Event.

10. Assist where needed in the individual unit organizing meetings to ensure their success.

11. Write appreciation letters where applicable.