Ms. Wright 2009 - 2010 Room 316

Description: Math 8 is a core curriculum course in which students are tested by the Standards

Of Learning (SOL). This course will explore the areas of number and number sense, computation and

estimation, measurement, simple geometry, probability and statistics, patterns, functions and algebra.

Materials Required: All students are provided with a Math textbook, one for home use and one for classroom

use. Calculators will be provided for class work and tests. A planner will also be supplied. Students will need

to provide a 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder, a spiral notebook, loose leaf notebook paper and # 2 pencils. The spiral notebook will be used for daily warm ups and the 3-ring binder we will turn into an Interactive Math Notebook

that will be an important part of this class. A four-function calculator to use at home would be helpful. All of

these materials, along with a desire to learn will be used daily in math class.

Goals and Objectives: The goal of Shenandoah County Public Schools, Peter Muhlenberg Middle School, and Ms.Wright is for every student to be successful and that every student will pass the Standards of Learning test.

Pacing Guide: We will spend approximately two to three weeks per chapter.






1 / Algebra: Integers / 8.1a, 8.3, 8.4
2 / Algebra: Rational Numbers / 8.1b, 8.1c, 8.3
3 / Algebra: Real Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem / 8.2, 8.5, 8.10a, 8.10b, 8.17
4 / Proportions, Algebra, and Geometry / 8.3, 8.17
5 / Percent / 8.1c, 8.3, 8.17
6 /


/ 8.6, 8.8
7 / Geometry: Measuring Area and Volume / 8.4, 8.7, 8.17
8 / Probability / 8.11
9 / Statistics and Matrices / 8.12, 8.13
10 / Algebra: More equations and Inequalities / 8.15
11 / Algebra: Linear Functions / 8.12, 8.14a, 8.14b, 8.16, 8.17, 8.18


·  Daily warm-up questions will be completed at the beginning of each class. Warm-ups are collected at

the end of each six weeks. Students are expected to show all work, check AND correct their work each

day. Corrected answers will receive full credit.

·  Assignments will be made on a daily basis. Assignments will be listed on the board and students will be required to write it in their planners. Planners are usually signed by the teacher. Time is usually given

to begin the assignment in class and unless otherwise instructed, will be due the next day. Assignments

will be graded based on completion and accuracy. Understanding key vocabulary words is an important

part of performing required math skills. Terms will be assigned at the beginning of each chapter and

will be reinforced on a daily basis. Students who do all of their assignments generally score better on tests

and quizzes. It is the expectation that homework assignments will be completed on time.

§  Quizzes will be used to assess student progress.

§  A chapter test will be given at the conclusion of each chapter. A study guide/practice test will be

provided prior to each test.

Assessment: As noted before assignments are assessed for a grade. Quizzes will be given at least once a week. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Six weeks grades will be based on an average of assignments,

warm up notebooks, quizzes, and tests.

Helpful Reminders: All math work needs to be completed in pencil and you will need to show your work.

For each concept you will receive notes with specific steps on the process to solve the problem to place in your

interactive notebook. When you get home, need to study for a quiz or test, or forget how to do something from another chapter, just turn back in your interactive notebook and review the process. Please do not clean out your interactive notebooks until you are instructed to do so. If you want additional help I am available before school

and most Wonderful Wednesdays.


§  Students will come to class prepared with all materials including the previous night’s assignment.

§  Students will enter the classroom quietly and begin working on the daily warm-up.

§  The warm-up spiral notebook and the interactive 3- ring notebook will be brought to class each day.

§  No food, drink, or gum will be brought into the classroom (bottled water is allowed).

§  Cheating will not be tolerated.

§  Students will be expected to do their best.


§  A progress report will be sent home with each student mid-way through each grading period.

Progress Reports are to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school.

§  Communication by email is encouraged:

§  Call the school at 459-2941 and leave a message for me and I will return your call.

§  Conferences may be scheduled by calling the school (459-2941)

§  Ms. Wright’s Math 8 website may be accessed through the school webpage. Look for chapter

vocabulary lists, online review games, practice quizzes and tests, etc.

Your First Homework Assignment: Ask your parent(s) to read this syllabus and you answer any questions

they may have. Bring the completed paper back to class tomorrow to receive your first 100-homework grade.

I have read and understand the requirements for Math 8.


Student Signature.

I have read and talked with my child about the requirements for Math 8.


Parent Signature

To be completed by a parent:

Parent Name(s) ______

Day time contact # ______

Evening contact # ______

If you have an email address that you check regularly and would like to share: ______